- Username
- ruminating_redhead
- Date posted
- 2y ago
Hey I’m a ruminating red head too! Actually I’m recovery now 🙃 I would say 75% of my recovery was getting on the right medicine. I have never had any side effects with meds. And I have never heard of anyone “ snapping“ On meds. If you have any negative side effects your doctor can have you wean off the medicine. This sounds like an intrusive thought and I would just do some by practicing excepting it as a possibility even though it’s extremely unlikely. I’m on 40mg of Prozac for reference.
You’re entirely right, it is an intrusive thought, I just can’t help but fear it. Your response was helpful. Thank you!
I felt the same way because of my harm ocd. I believed that the medicine would make me do something I didn’t want to do. My doc told me they can’t do that and if you reading something about it that there is more to the story. He also told me there are some websites out there that all they try to do is disapprove psychiatry. I finally got the courage and so far so good. Been on Lexapro a week. Was on Zoloft before but didn’t like the side effects.
I’m sitting here, looking at the meds. Wanting to take them, but also scared I’m going to act out when it’s just me and my mother in law her. Thanks for your post. There are so many people on them without such reactions. Why do I think I’ll be the rare case?
@ruminating_redhead I totally understand I felt the same way. I finally got to a place where I was like I have to do this for my family if not for myself.
@ruminating_redhead Because you have OCD!
So your worst fear actually happened to me and I'm here to tell you....I got through it! *TW* I was given Paxil. The first week, my anxiety got worse but I was told that might be normal at first. By the second week, I wasn't sleeping, didn't need sleep, wasn't eating, uncontrollable muscle twitches, was dizzy, hyped up, totally manic. I lost 11 lbs that second week. It was literally what I was afraid of happening, and it happened. BUT...I tell you all this because I want you to know that within a couple weeks, I was fine! The reality is, the odds of this happening to you are so slim. (I have a genetic defect that caused my reaction, which we found out later). BUT IF it were to happen, you WILL get through it. If you truly feel like you absolutely need to try meds, don't let your anxiety keep you from it. You won't go from normal one day to manic the next, IF it were to happen, it would take time, and you could simply confer with your doctor and cease the med.
Did you continue on with the medication or did you discontinue it and start a different one? This is what I keep trying to tell myself, if something like that happens, I will get through it. Did you have to go to the ER? Or did you just stop taking it?? My big fear really is having paranoia and acting out on any delusions I may have if I start taking them
@ruminating_redhead I immediately stopped taking the medication as soon as my muscles started twitching. I think prior to that, my doctor just thought it was my OCD (my obsession is symptoms unfortunately). I didn't have to go to the ER. It was mild serotonin syndrome, so I would've had to if I had kept taking it. But don't let that scare you...the reality is, if you were, on the rare chance, to begin feeling those symptoms, you would also know something was wrong. Also, start low and work your way up. That way if you do have any side effects, they'll be mild and you can assess how you feel about them.
@ruminating_redhead Oh, and I'm not currently on any meds. My doctor wants me to take Lexapro and l-methylfolate vitamin b9(for genetic mutation) and I've started only with the l-methylfolate so far. Of course, it's giving me side effects, so I haven't started the med yet until I work this one out.
So you have a condition that makes you prone to seretonin syndrome and that’s what happened? I just hear people say how bad the side effects are.. I don’t want to just keep taking them thinking extreme side effects are normal lol
It's a genetic variant that makes me metabolize Paxil and a couple other drugs insufficiently so it builds up in my system. According to the test, I should be able to normally process other SSRIs fine, though I haven't tried yet. I keep bouncing back and forth between not wanting to try and wanting to lol
The test is pharmacogenetic testing, I got mine done through Genesight if it's something you want to ask your doc for. Might give you some peace of mind.
I am always worried about medication/drugs and I am so anxious about whether I might be under the influence of something or not. has experienced anything similar? I have derealization and panic attacks and I am so so tired of worrying about whether or not I am “feeling” real or if something I ate had drugs in it. I am so sick of doing compulsions and living in constant fear!!! I tell myself that it’s fine and that derealization is just my body’s natural coping mechanism and even though I always fear for the worst nothing bad ever happens but I just can’t get it through my head!!! It’s so frustrating!!
My mind keeps telling me “something is wrong with you. the weird feeling you are feeling or the weird tingling you are feeling or there is a weird mark on your body. Those are actually a severe symptom and by ignoring it you could die!” Or especially the constant, “go to the emergency room because this impending doom you are feeling, yeah that’s because your gonna die shortly” It doesn’t help whenever people say “well if something was wrong your body would tell you” because my mind keeps telling me that what I’m feeling is proof something is wrong and I need to get it checked out. That I actually am severely sick and that I need to get it checked out as soon as possible, that if I get one more test than I’ll be okay because it will prove nothing is wrong. How do I tell my mind that it’s just anxiety whenever my mind keeps telling me “well if you keep saying that you could be ignoring something more serious.” Or “the doctors are just brushing you off..something is wrong with you” It’s hard to live with my thoughts whenever they are constantly coming up with ways to challenge me and challenge logic. New reasons on why I need to get this checked out because “I’m just being ignored” or “no one is listening to me so I’ll just end up dying” My symptoms range from weak and shaking legs and body to dizzy and unbalanced and dissociated. Recently I’ve been getting this tingling feeling inside my head and on the back of my neck. And my temples have pressure on them. My body keeps coming up with new symptoms I need to worry about, whenever most of them are probably caused by severe and constant anxiety. So severe I can’t even leave the house because I constantly worry about whether this is severe and something will happen if I leave the house. I need immediate ways to start fixing this because it’s especially horrible whenever my period comes around and my anxiety/depression is already higher than usual. I’ve even started considering taking medication (Zoloft, 25mg) which is another trigger for me, I worry about the symptoms I might get from taking it. That’s how you know it’s gotten pretty bad whenever I’ve come to taking something that I’ve been actively avoiding. What are your thoughts? Do I take the medication? What are ways I can deal with my symptoms that seem so severe in the moment but pass by once I’m not anxious? What are ways my thoughts can ease and I stop taking every symptom as something serious, because at the end of the day my anxiety is most likely the reason I have these horrible symptoms. I’ve always been extremely healthy and everytime I go to the doctors they express how healthy I am with all the tests I’ve had.
I recently started medication as I have struggled with harm ocd. The thing is is that it’s not actually stopping the thoughts which I know is a given and it’s scaring me more without the anxiety (ruminating) and making me belive it’s possible. And I told this to my friend and she suggested anti psychotics This made me spiral because it made me think that I’m schizophrenia and no hate or judgment to people with schizophrenia it just scared me. I started worrying that I shouldn’t be around people and a horrible person ect I know reassurance is bad but I just need some advice bc I really don’t know what to do and I’m panicking
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