- Date posted
- 1y ago
My boyfriend
Broke up with me today. I’m so sad… I just keep obsessing about what I did wrong, why he broke up with me. It’s horrible.. does anyone have any tips how to deal with this?
Broke up with me today. I’m so sad… I just keep obsessing about what I did wrong, why he broke up with me. It’s horrible.. does anyone have any tips how to deal with this?
I lost my boyfriend because of ocd, I obsessed and obsessed over what I could’ve done to fix it, your just hurting yourself by doing that you’re going to get through this and I won’t lie it’s going to be difficult at first but your strong and you can make it through this stay strong and remember you have a wonderful community of people here for you! If you need someone to talk to I’ll Listen!
Go no contact first. It doesnt have to be forever, but its a must so that you can heal properly. When you do no contact and let yourself feel emotions, you slowly come to terms with what you both could have done differently and learn from the relationship. Its okay to take time just to cry and feel your feelings, but also take breaks and yes, distract yourself with something fun to get your mind off it sometimes. I made a music playlist also all about self love, that helped a lot. sending hugs 💜
o also exercise. Any anger or hurt I had sometimes was all taken out on a treadmill lol
Sorry to hear that you both have gone through with this. :( Try not to ruminate on this because it could make things worse. I'm really sorry that happened
I broke up with a guy about three years ago and it was really hard, the heartbreak, the ocd all of it - It took about four months of me coping in unhealthy ways to realize that I wasn’t doing myself any favors - I decided to do something every day physically so that I could look back on the day and know I did something good for myself. I went on a walk. It made me get up and get outside and eventually I started wanting and doing other things for myself again like cooking and cleaning….. I kept people in my life that helped me and supported my journey and any guy I was talking to that I couldn’t see anything real with I let go - Something that really could have helped me quicker was finding a healthy way to cope and allowing myself to feel my emotions because I thought that if I had emotions towards him then I still wanted him or would do something awful….. Remember to feel and you’ll have days you won’t want to do anything at all for yourself but make sure you do something at least write down five things your body can do for you to give yourself some love and attention during this hard time…..
Hi everyone this is my first post on here but I need advice relationship ocd and ocd in general has taken such a toll on my life as of recently my boyfriend and I decided to not be together we still communicate we’re on good terms and he’ll be visiting soon( long distance) recently a friend I went to school w dad passed and it got me thinking of another friend (male) I used to have feelings for him LONG ago my boyfriend knows of that and I searched his name on Instagram recently and now I feel extremely guilty for this and feel like I need to confess this to my partner did I do something wrong? is this a normal feeling with ocd? someone please give advice.
Having a really bad day with my ocd. Just had a massive meltdown. I’ve had 3 sessions with an ocd therapist and I feel worse. This is very confusing to me. I’ve read online that it’s normal to feel worse at the start of therapy, but i don’t know. I’m asking for a lot of reassurance from people, way more than I have ever done. My doubts and thoughts seem to be getting worse. My mum said if the relationship is making you so unhappy why are you doing it? This was sooo triggering for me but maybe she’s right? She said if I didn’t have the relationship in my life, I wouldn’t be having meltdowns or have an ocd spike, so she thinks I should consider whether to be in the relationship or not! Omg it’s so awful to hear those words. But maybe she is kind of right? If somethings making you anxious or unhappy, you stop don’t you? So why haven’t I broken up with him? That would be the logical step. Im so worried to make myself even more ill so im very scared to carry on with the relationship, because right now, my mind is telling me its the cause of my unhappiness and i would be better without it. But is that my ocd speaking? How do I know?! My life without him would be so bleak, or is it my life without the idea of someone in it? I have so many questions, it’s overwhelming. What if I’m not listening to my gut? Maybe I’m not. That makes me feel sick if I’m ignoring myself again. This is torture. What can I do to stop all these doubts and feel better about things!!! I would love some advice 🙏🏻🙏🏻 (this is my ocd talking, but comments that agree with my ocd are very triggering like ‘yes if you feel like that that is a major red flag’. Just comments that maybe give some hope, thank you 🙏🏻)
You know when you have weird thoughts about a coworker and because you have OCD these thoughts really stick and you panic and feel sick? Yeah that’s me and I’ve struggled with having intrusive thoughts about my coworker and now he just got in a relationship with my coworker and my intrusive thoughts are WORSE I thought they would be better? And initially they were because I was relieved that he couldn’t be weird with me now because he has a girlfriend. But this is the thought that i cannot get over- my OCD is like you’re jealous that he doesn’t like you and he’s not with you instead and i envy this girl he is with. Why the fuck am I having these thoughts while I’m in a healthy relationship and love my boyfriend to DEATH- like I know he is my forever. I couldn’t look at him today because I’ve been obsessing over this thought I’ve had in work and now I have to find a new job I hope no one will judge me for these thoughts or maybe someone has had this weird thought before? :(
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