- Date posted
- 5y ago
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I’m sorry it takes so long to get help. It might still be good to get on the waitlist, even if you end up finding a private therapist in the meantime. I found this directory too, though not sure it’s any different from the first: https://iocdf.org/ocd-finding-help/find-help/ Best of luck to you in your search! Some self help may also be good in the immediate future: https://ocdla.com/ocdreadings
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Thanks pureolife really appreciate you taking the time to find these things to help me it means alot to me! I'm still on the waiting list either way but definitely want to find some private therapy whilst waiting. Thank you for that I shall check that out now. It really is very kind of you to share this with me and take the time to help. I'm so greatful for this app and people like you. I'd be lost without it ? I've tried a little bit of self help. Read a book on harm ocd by Jon hershfield, it was a brilliant book already finished it. It was very overwhelming. But anything else I can do to help myself I will try. Thanks again ☺️
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I know I just have councelling with a lady but she’s not an ocd specialist But what you could do is find someone who does Skype or FaceTime sessions ?? I know it’s a bit weird but you don’t know until you try And it strikes me your not in a position to feel picky
- Date posted
- 5y ago
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I did find someone hun she has a bit of experience in ocd but not as much as I would like. I really wanted someone who specialises in ocd. The lady I found has abit of experience with ocd and said she had one client before with harm ocd. And she does online and face to face. I just really wanted someone with more experience in worried it won't work for me. Thinking of having a couple of sessions with her and if she's not for me I can cancel
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Thanks pureolife I'll have a look at that. ? Been online all day searching for someone
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I’m not in the UK but I notice some great websites about OCD coming from there. Sorry you’re struggling to find someone! Sometimes people have to find therapists in different countries just to get the right treatment. It’s so sad.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
If you have a physical problem like a broken leg something you can actually see, it's easy to find treatment. But with mental health its to difficult. I've called different helplines they tell me to go to the emergency department at the hospital. If I were to do that I could end up getting sectioned in a mental health hospital I don't want it too come to that but it makes me think least I'd maybe get the help I need. ?
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Really difficult here in Ireland too- and so expensive :( best of luck to everyone finding their specialist
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I'm sorry to hear that ? looks like it's difficult all over the world. I think it has alot to do with people not being able to talk about it and come foward. The other side of ocd is so unknown.! Because so few people talk about it. Almost no one I've spoke too mental health specialists knew what harm ocd was it's a term they don't use. So I just have to say ocd and then explain what my obsessive thoughts are. Good luck to you too!
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Hiya! I've not got a therapist yet but I believe the most reliable way to find a certified CBT specialist in the UK is to search through the BACBP website... That's how you can find out who is qualified to do that sort of therapy, and from there you might be better able to find a real OCD specialist. I hope that helps a bit... It's true that OCD is often misunderstood, so you should always do your research and be aware that you might end up trying a few therapists before you find the right one for you. Good luck!
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Hey, thanks for your reply ☺️ I have searched that website so many times and emailed lots of different therapists all with cbt experience and after I've explained my situation to them non of them can help me they don't have the experience of working with my particular theme of ocd (harm ocd) it makes me feel even worse, it's so frustrating. I can't wait for the NHS therapy I'm on a year waiting list. They said because my case is so complex it takes longer to get the help I need. So basically the worse you are the longer it takes. I'm in such a dark place right now can't see a light feel so depressed and disconnected from myself, my life and those I love most. Despite my parents knowing and being very supportive ? aswell as using that site to try and find help I've used another one too and just can't find anyone. I've had so many replies from therapists apologising and saying they can't help me and each time I feel worse and worse. Found two last night who I thought could help so I emailed. I woke up to replies from them saying they can't help me. So I felt even worse ? just don't know how much longer I can cope.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I'm not looking forward to it at all despite knowing I need to go, but getting out of the house is such a scary thing right now. I'm suffering severe depression and anxiety which is inevitable with ocd. I'm sorry to hear that ? it's just become that much of a habit now it's hard to break out of. It scares me so much Aha that is so true! ? It seems to me some of them take advantage of the fact they know they're aren't many specialists in the UK and think this means they can charge more and sometimes people are so desperate they pay it. I would if I had the money cos it does seem like a great clinic. Thank you I appreciate that hun. I wish you the best of luck too ☺️❤️
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Are you from the UK too pureolife?
- Date posted
- 5y ago
There's a link to a counselling directory I've already used, it's where I found this therapist I mentioned above. I can't seem to find anyone else. I really appreciate you sharing that link though there's some useful information about what to look for in a therapist and questions to ask them so thanks for that ❤️
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Thank you for doing that I really appreciate it it's very kind of you ☺️❤️ Yes it is, it's a crisis that needs sorting out. Years ago when I had cbt through the NHS just for general depression and anxiety I waited about 2 months maybe not even that long, but because my case is so 'complex' as they put it. It's taking even longer. The worse you are the longer you wait it really annoys me that does!
- Date posted
- 5y ago
When you say ocd people just assume it's about cleaning and germs, which obviously yes some ocd is probably a huge part of it and that is a problem but there are so many themes of ocd that no one knows about, until I found out about harm ocd i didn't know about all the other themes and it absolutely blew my mind when I realised just how many themes there were it really opened my eyes to it. I think more sufferers need to open up about it although it's very difficult, maybe then mental health professionals would have better training and a better understanding of it. When I'm feeling better it's something I want to be a part of, helping others who suffer the way I and so many others do.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Oh crikey that sounds like a real nightmare!! Are there any therapists you could find online who might do skype or similar? You'd have to be careful with that though. I've not got a therapist either, because of how aware I am of the crisis in mental health services in the UK... It really puts me off, and it's awful for people in situations like yours where it all seems really difficult. Do you have a counsellor or some support person who could help you to look?
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Hi spiral.. ☺️ It really is a nightmare. I've just been left to get worse and worse and the NHS don't see me as a priority. Luckily I've found a couple of private therapists who say they have experience working with people who suffer the same as me (harm ocd) I also found a specialist clinic but it was too expensive. I'm sorry to hear that ? I'm not surprised it puts you off but you still should seek help.! I have family around that want to support me and show me alot of love but unfortunately my stupid harm ocd is thoughts around hurting them. So I did the worse thing possible and isolated myself from them? I live with my dad so I do see and speak to him often but everyone else I've just shut out. I've got a free 30 minute consultation with a therapist soon to discuss my situation and how she might be able to help me. And I'm also seeing a psychiatrist on Tuesday but that's more to discuss meds. I'm absolutely dreading it I can't even leave the house now I've gotta travel to see him ?
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Aw dear... I really hope your consultation will go well. It'll be good for you to get out of the house too! And do your best to ease yourself out of isolation. I isolated myself from my family too at first, but I did manage to get past it somehow. And yep, it's annoying that specialists charge such high prices. We can't help having OCD, why should we bankrupt ourselves for it? ? I wish you so much good luck..! Fingers crossed things will start getting better for you in a while ❤
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- Date posted
- 22w ago
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- Date posted
- 22w ago
TW. Also long post ahead . I’ve been dealing with OCD for the past 10 years. I’m 32 years old . I didn’t get diagnosed with OCD until this year. I was always diagnosed with GAD, panic disorder, and depression. I don’t have your typical compulsions. Mine are mostly all mental. Reassurance seeking, avoidance , repeating a prayer , etc . I have three main themes . Schizophrenia OCD, sexual orientation OCD, and HIV. Sometimes i deal with harm OCD and POCD but my main big three are the ones I listed first . I feel like the schizophrenic OCD is the most debilitating for me. For the last ten years I’ve been thinking I’m losing my mind . I thought once I got to a certain age the fear would go away but it hasn’t and is in full force . I’m constantly checking my surroundings, what I’m hearing, how I’m acting , questioning if things are real and so on . Now I do have times where this theme doesn’t bother me . It’s put on the back burner . I go through cycles . But when I’m focusing on this theme I feel like I’m hearing stuff . Most of the time I can’t make it out but recently I feel like I’ve been hearing a whisper saying “hey” . It mainly happens at night . It sends me into a complete panic and I feel like “this is it “ I’m seeing an OCD therapist and she recommended me to go to this psychiatric place in town to get meds to help my anxiety from the OCD. My last psychiatrist always pushed the newest medicine and was constantly changing up my regimen. I thought I would give it a try. WORST IDEA EVER . Keep in mind my therapist gave me a letter to give to her explaining I have been diagnosed with OCD and explaining it . She doesn't think I have OCD at all. She wanted to put me on an antipsychotic so me with my OCD brain . I asked her if she thought I was psychotic . She said I was nearing psychosis . She called me interesting . She feels like I have major depressive disorder . I'm just at a loss for words. It was honestly the strangest meeting I have had with a psychiatrist. It was very unprofessional. She has no idea the damage she has done nor do I think she cares. I just don't know what to Believe in anymore ... We met for approximately 45 minutes . First time ever meeting. I just want to cry and I’m freaking out 😢
- Date posted
- 19w ago
Hi everybody! I started with a therapist who’s super pricey outside of NOCD, when I had mentioned that I’m struggling with OCD she didn’t seem too well versed she said oh so you’re struggling with intrusive thoughts? Lady you don’t know the half of it!! But I’m afraid of continuing because I don’t want to waste $180 a week for what is sold as someone who can treat and help with OCD then turns out to just be talking about stuff I’ve already talked about with past therapists! Anyway onto the question at hand! If I join NOCD and they don’t cover my insurance but I pay out of pocket fora real OCD/ERP specialist because I really need the help! Is NOCD going to help me? Or am I going to waste my time and should I keep trying my hardest to find ERP specialists on Google. I’m exhausted I just want to know I’m going to get help and relief from this before I put more money into therapy Any advice or honesty would help greatly! ❤️👈🏼
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