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- NotSoNewb82
- Date posted
- 1y ago
Pick pick pick…
Anybody else pick their fingernails then put the nails in their pocket? I’m going through a not littering phase.
Anybody else pick their fingernails then put the nails in their pocket? I’m going through a not littering phase.
Yes I bought a nail clipper the other day to put in my keys because I pick at my nails so much!!! Ah
Yep. To the Point of bleeding.
I'm not much of a nail picker. But sort of relating...I do constantly find insects of different types on the floor in my house..some alive. Many dead or barely hanging on. I always have to stop what I'm doing and pick them up, bring them outside and put them in the ground. They need placed on their feet. Not in their backs. That way they have a chance. Yes I want the lil fellas to live...but it's also a nuisance ..always happens when it's cold, Ive just locked the doors for the next night and getting comfortable. Huge inconvenience. Have to stop Everything I'm doing at the moment. If I don't help them out, I feel I'm being judged by God. And I'm a bad person. Relating to my OCD. .I think this has more to do with a compulsion. .need feel the relief of setting them free outside. Otherwise the bad ruminations/obsessions come. Crazy stuff
yes! ive been doing this for years and im just now ealizing that its probably an ocd thing 🥴 I have pretty naturally weak nails so they split or break on the sides a lot if I'm not taking vitamins or painting them with anything, especially bc I tend to pick at my fingers and nails in general so it makes them a lil weaker. so if I find a break in one and I'm unable to get to a nail clip or file I will just rip the whole nail off plus usually my other nails bc I hate when I have just one short one. Sometimes I'll hide them in my pocket or find a bathroom and dispose of them there. I've been getting in the habit of doing my best to leave them alone until I can fix them with clippers or a file, i enjoy having my nails a lil long and pretty so it's worth it! 💅🏻
@lil' pound cake I seem to be winning the battle with picking my nails too. I don’t let it bother me and quite often I have nails now.
Been doing amazing the last few days…then today boom…my ocd tried to pick a theme ..it will pass though…so I’m just gonna ride it out ..
Does anybody else get the indescribable urge to cut yourself, you don’t want to but you feel like you have too.
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