- Username
- Mozzie
- Date posted
- 45w ago
Spiraling thoughts
Recently I’ve been having these spiraling thoughts that my intrusive thoughts aren’t bad enough anymore, so I am therefore faking OCD. Does anyone ever get this?
Recently I’ve been having these spiraling thoughts that my intrusive thoughts aren’t bad enough anymore, so I am therefore faking OCD. Does anyone ever get this?
I feel this too, recently been feeling like my thoughts are more "realistic" therefore not really OCD...especially if I have a less anxious day I think it really must just be me ! Then I go downhill again ! It's exhausting x
YES Low key you just made me feel waaay less alone. in general in my life I felt like my worth came from how much pain I was in so getting better scared me But I do have this one life lesson (that I still struggle with lol) Every human has intrinsic value that never goes up or down. The reason working hard matters is so society can work together to survive but the point is not to be productive, it is to survive so we can just be. Even people with CRAZY views that think we should kill others for the greater good, only do that cause they care about lives in the first place. we miss THE answer that is right in front of us: We’re intrinsically worthy. Yes our actions have value in the sense they have a cause and effect, But being in pain or not being in pain does not change your intrinsic worth. We shouldn’t do things to earn worth we should do things to help each-other and enjoy life. I truly think that PRIDE and SHAME are NOT opposites but the fuel of each other Humbleness is the cure. Which is UN-CONDITIONAL love for others and yourself Basically regardless of anything don’t love yourself more or less just focus on helping others💗 and when you make a moral mistake have “good-guilt” (which is empathy for the person you hurt that motivates you to change) ANYWAY LOL if you can somehow apply/embody that logic with your feeling unworthy for “not struggling” enough I think it will help A LOT
MORE PRACTICAL TIPS: You cannot think your way out of rumination. Here is a technique that helps me: (warning it sounds more complicated then it is) Breath in through nose for 5 seconds Then HOLD breath for 5 (trust me the HOLD makes ALL the difference) Breath out through mouth for 5 seconds this is called Diaphramic Breathing Ok so now here is the actual thing: Find and name out loud: 5 things you can see 4 things you can hear 3 things you can touch 2 things you can smell 1 thing you can taste (Do Diaphramic breathing in between EACH step👍) TIP look around both sides of the room or just utilize stuff as far apart as possible This will be like “bilateral stimulation” which will get your logical side of the brain working This is important cause OCD is emotionally motivated. (Side note maybe look into getting meditation that gives you more happiness cause that made a turning point for me actually feeling ok with getting better)🤟💔
hey, i totally get how confusing and tough it can feel when your mind starts questioning your own experiences with ocd. it's like your brain is playing tricks on you, but remember, questioning the validity of your thoughts is actually a common part of ocd itself. you're not alone in this. 🌀 i'm dealing with a different theme of ocd, so i might not fully grasp what you're going through, but i've found some resources that really help me out. one is the "unstuck ocd therapy tools" app. my local ocd support group recommended it, and it's been a game-changer. it offers ai-personalized guidance and exercises right when you need them. also, the ocd reddit has been a solid place for me to feel less isolated and to read about others' experiences and strategies. hope this helps a bit! 🌟
recently my intrusive thoughts haven’t been bothering me much, unless i’m busy doing nothing. i suffer from SO-OCD. whenever i think yes, these thoughts don’t bother me anymore, i’m doing great, i then work myself up like ‘well your thoughts are obviously true then otherwise they would make you upset and uncomfortable’. when i get the thoughts they do still make me feel this way but also not as strong. I do then panic and think i’m something i’m not, despite knowing the truth. also anyone know why they get worse when i’m bored or not doing anything? 😢
Hi all, my ocd has been flaring up lately and I’m not sure why. I think it may be due to stress and anxiety involving school and the hurricanes (I live in Florida) anyways I keep having random intrusive thoughts involving my real event and a lot of false memories are popping up, they feel so real it’s like I can feel everything in them even though I haven’t actually felt them. It’s so weird, like sometimes I will watch a movie and be able to feel the texture of snow or a piece of clothing even though I’ve never felt it before. I have noticed when I get those “phantom” ? touch feelings that they cause a lot of false memory intrusive thoughts. I’ve also been having intrusive thoughts that because no one interacts with my posts on here that everyone hates me and knows about me and thinks I’m horrible and disgusting or that someone is talking about me behind my back and telling people to stay away from me and then I’m a horrible person. I hate OCD so much, I hate that I ruminate constantly on little things and mistakes I’ve made and things I can’t let go. I just hate it so much. Does anyone else struggle with these thoughts or even the “phantom feelings/touches” I’m not sure what to call them sometimes I also get them with certain foods or smells even if I hadn’t had them before or smelt them before. It’s so weird
I've gotten diagnosed with OCD and I'm in therapy. But I'm worried that I don't have OCD/that I got misdiagnosed. And recently I'm worried that I've just gotten myself into a habit of thinking of dirty minded or just plain old terrible things after I see/hear certain things because I feel like I need to prove I have OCD or else I'm faking(sometimes this goes away). Or that I'm just mimicking symptoms of ocd to cope with real problems I may have and that im just really deep into denial. I don't know...I'm just so tired. I mean, what if I really am what I think I am and this is my brains only way of coping? I don't even really feel anything towards most of the thoughts anymore either I just know they go against my values and I don't want them. I don't know if that's because I'm so mentally exhausted, I just don't care, or that the thoughts are true and I'm comfortable with them.
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