- Username
- Anonymous80000
- Date posted
- 36w ago
is it normal to hear stomach noises after every time i drink water - can hearing these noises be avoided
is it normal to hear stomach noises after every time i drink water - can hearing these noises be avoided
According to google: "Succession splash Also known as a gastric splash, this is a sloshing sound that can be heard when you move your stomach quickly while drinking water on an empty stomach. It's caused by the presence of gas and fluid in your stomach, and you can hear it without a stethoscope. When you push your stomach out, it sounds like something is filling with fluid, and when you let your breath out, it gurgles."
I listen way too closely to everything my body does, because of OCD. I have been exactly here before and I’ll tell you this is something you should try accepting. Sit with the uncertainty as best you can. Reach out if you need anything
@redbud it’s super hard- how do i stop listening to bodily sounds and critiquing my compulsions as “wrong” if i hear one of those noises
@redbud i know this is weird but if i feel something in my butt i assume i farted even when i didn’t and then i have to restart
@Anonymous7779 Don’t try and stop listening. Let yourself listen and try to stop resisting the thoughts that come up. Listening is the obsession. You need to stop the compulsions that come after you notice your stomach make a sound. Do you know what some are?
@redbud some of what?
@Anonymous7779 Your compulsions that come up when you notice the stomach sounds
@redbud it’s with drinking water- if i hear sounds in my throat/stomach while drinking water or after it, or if i hear a burp go down my throat/stomach if that makes sense, then i have to start all over again and drink the water again.
@Anonymous7779 That makes sense. Maybe try drinking water until you hear the sound and then see how long you can resist drinking more
@redbud the issue is if i hear the sound i need to start again. the compulsion is so hard and elaborate that when i try to fix it it takes hours. i had to stop for the night because i don’t feel like going insane tonight.
Our bodies make all kind of noises if we’re really listening. Sometimes we listen too closely if we’re anxious.
@CJL81 but everytime i drink water ?
Yehhh everytimeI drink water and I sit it goes gloop, it’s normal don’t worry
@Zahra991 no i mean after i drink like the minutes after it, my stomach makes noises
a few months back (i can’t remember exactly) i had just started the pill and i think the day after i started me and my bf at the time did it no protection. now i’m worried i might be pregnant because i keep feeling weird kicks in my guts. i already had taken like three different tests and they were all negative but i’m worried i did them wrong. please help. i looked it up on google and it said it was phantom kicks but even then i’m just not sure.
Do y’all ever forget basic needs sometimes? I have been going through a phase where I don’t drink water all day until night time and I drink so much that I hold my pee throughout the night until morning. I notice sometimes I even hold my breathe and get light headed or a headache and think something is medically wrong with me 😭or is this my ocd?
I'm having awful stomach pain and nausea and it's really worrying me and scaring me
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