- Date posted
- 7w ago
Skin picking
I think I might have dermatillomania. I am not self diagnosing. I get skin picking so bad that my whole back is covered in sores, there's at least 40 of them. I also pick at my head horribly I seriously cannot stop either. I have open sores all over my head and pick and pick and just can never stop. Sometimes I don't notice, and I'm always looking for a spot to pick at. I looked at all the symptoms and ik it runs with ocd. Whenever I get anxious my skin picking becomes very severe. Whenever I wake up I pick at my head too. I seriously don't know how to stop picking and I'm trying to get a diagnostic for dermillomania. I also have started to pick at my nose horribly. I have these blackhesd removers and I keep using them constantly on my face, everytime I'm home from school I use them on my nose and pick at everything on my face.