- Username
- Wolfram
- Date posted
- 18d ago
Name one thing in your life you want to improve
Just one thing you wish for, specifically a good wish for goodness sake
Just one thing you wish for, specifically a good wish for goodness sake
Reconciliation with adult child that have not been on speaking terms with for the past 4 years.
Do you know what caused it, egos aside? Think about it for a bit. Not looking for blame on any side, just cause. You should be able to pinpoint a feeling I'm guessing. Where does the feeling come from?
@Wolfram Specific verbal disagreements over a period of months and the mutual resentment generated by it that followed . I have attempted to make peace, but my phone number is blocked by this person. So they will not take my calls , texts or emails. Hopefully can remedy before death catches up with me , due to I now have some older age under my belt , no spring chicken 🐓 here , LOL !
It's simple, but my sleep schedule. It's always been irregular, but anytime I try to fix it, it usually doesn't last very long.
OK, for you, name three things that you think might be effecting the sleep issues
@Wolfram Well, for one, I'm on my phone right before bed. I've had trouble sleeping since I was little, mostly just feeling restless or uncomfortable if the temperature in the room isn't perfect. But, my OCD is also a factor. I think the reason I go on my phone so often is to find things other than my thoughts to focus on or think about. Whenever I'm alone with nothing to busy myself with, my mind immediately goes to everything I've been worrying about.
@nae nae You're looking for answers in the wrong places because you're scared. Whatever you look at on your phone, maybe look at some close to the opposite and you'll find your form of erp. Another form of erp is to be OK being bored. There's a person called a wall starer in some cultures. Sit and stare at a blank wall, focus on how your body feels and what you physically feeling as you do it and allow it all to come out. You may feel the need to cry. Cry it all out, your body wants you to. Open your palms and place them on whatever you're sitting on or anything near you. Once you feel agitated just sit there until the emotion is over and you feel satisfied. Breath with it and then go do whatever your body tells you to do
@Wolfram Thank you!! I'll try that!!
I want my anemia to go away in hopes that it will allow me to be normal, maybe free from extreme GAD, MDD, and OCD. Everything else that’s wrong with me too, I’d even take mild versions of everything. Maybe it’s my vitamin D deficiency or some other thing but okay: I wish I was in perfectly good physical health so that anything contributing to my miserable mental state would be gone. Life would feel more possible.
Can you tell me if its not too personal, what do you find discomfort with physically? I'm guessing some stomach issues In what ways do your ocd manifest, and what does it latch onto?
@Wolfram It’s dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue, insomnia, breathlessness, racing heart, heart palpitations, headaches, and some muscle cramping. OCD is mostly harm, pocd, ROCD, and morality.
OK so the racing heart thing is something I had. I'm guessing when you've exercised you've had your lungs give out, feel dizzy or faint and if you did too much you'd lose hearing , sight and have numbness? In what ways do you give into your compulsions? What do you do when they come up? You don't have to share it regarding all themes if you do not wish to. Have you felt the need to eat dark greens, high fibre and high protein food recently? Maybe red, yellow/white food. Possibly high in sugar or fructose? Maybe even getting cramps in the lower half of your body?
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