- Date posted
- 5y ago
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Yes they do know but they seem to not understand all the subtypes and intricacies of ocd . I recommend having your reason and symptoms ready to explain so she doesn’t misdiagnose you . Try not to get frustrated or feel alone if the therapist doesn’t understand something ocd is a very complex disorder .
- Date posted
- 5y ago
They usually don't know enough about it to help someone with OCD. I would tread lightly
- Date posted
- 5y ago
My therapist is a ‘casual’ therapist and I know how you feel. She hasn’t yet diagnosed me with OCD, but I feel like she’s trying be-little my thoughts in attempt to banish them (which I don’t really like). But she said she’ll do an assessment soon, which is good, but I’d rather have her talk to me enough to realise if I do or don’t have it, ya know? We did a depression assessment last session so maybe I’ve mislead her a bit too
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I think OCD treatment flies in the face of a lot of what talk therapy teaches and is founded upon: analysis, meaning-making, reflection, etc. It’s tempting for any psychotherapist to want to help you make meaning and grow. And a talk therapist in an effort to connect with patients will also seek to help you feel grounded and safe, which can quickly take the form of reassurance. Unfortunately, when it comes to OCD, those tendencies can be really harmful / counter to progress. There are undoubtedly some psychoanalytical therapists who have expertise around OCD, but I would be very picky in making sure you’re choosing the right person.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
@OCDdragons i just wrote 'trigger' because some people have ocd about that
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Ahhhh I get it I thought there was something called "trigger schizophrenia" x
- Date posted
- 5y ago
ohh interesting. Well i will hope for the best. Also you people are so nice and caring, it makes me feel so loved lol!
- Date posted
- 5y ago
What's trigger schizophrenia x
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- Date posted
- 25w ago
I dont know if I have ocd really but I think I do because I have the intrusive thoughts and I always try and do things to soothe the anxiety. I've been dealing with this for a few months and this is a debilitating cycle and I wish I wad normal. when I first spoke to my therapist about it, she said that people with ocd like to clean and count a certain amount of tiles and stuff like that. I really want to get tested because I want help but im scared that if they say I don't have ocd then that means my intrusive thoughts are true and that I'm the person that my mind makes me think I am and it scares me. I mostly deal with symptoms of pocd so I try my best to avoid kids and sometimes I won't even want to go in public because of it and I count in my head a lot and try and see if my body is reacting any kind of way. I also try and just push the thoughts a way and do research and sometimes it makes me feel better but in reality it's just a cycle and it's terrifying so can someone please comfort me or give me advice and tips to help me feel better because I really need it. I just want to get help and stop this cycle because it's slowly killing me. I don't want to be the person my head thinks I am but in my head it's just constant fear anxiety and uncertainty.
- Date posted
- 22w ago
TW. Also long post ahead . I’ve been dealing with OCD for the past 10 years. I’m 32 years old . I didn’t get diagnosed with OCD until this year. I was always diagnosed with GAD, panic disorder, and depression. I don’t have your typical compulsions. Mine are mostly all mental. Reassurance seeking, avoidance , repeating a prayer , etc . I have three main themes . Schizophrenia OCD, sexual orientation OCD, and HIV. Sometimes i deal with harm OCD and POCD but my main big three are the ones I listed first . I feel like the schizophrenic OCD is the most debilitating for me. For the last ten years I’ve been thinking I’m losing my mind . I thought once I got to a certain age the fear would go away but it hasn’t and is in full force . I’m constantly checking my surroundings, what I’m hearing, how I’m acting , questioning if things are real and so on . Now I do have times where this theme doesn’t bother me . It’s put on the back burner . I go through cycles . But when I’m focusing on this theme I feel like I’m hearing stuff . Most of the time I can’t make it out but recently I feel like I’ve been hearing a whisper saying “hey” . It mainly happens at night . It sends me into a complete panic and I feel like “this is it “ I’m seeing an OCD therapist and she recommended me to go to this psychiatric place in town to get meds to help my anxiety from the OCD. My last psychiatrist always pushed the newest medicine and was constantly changing up my regimen. I thought I would give it a try. WORST IDEA EVER . Keep in mind my therapist gave me a letter to give to her explaining I have been diagnosed with OCD and explaining it . She doesn't think I have OCD at all. She wanted to put me on an antipsychotic so me with my OCD brain . I asked her if she thought I was psychotic . She said I was nearing psychosis . She called me interesting . She feels like I have major depressive disorder . I'm just at a loss for words. It was honestly the strangest meeting I have had with a psychiatrist. It was very unprofessional. She has no idea the damage she has done nor do I think she cares. I just don't know what to Believe in anymore ... We met for approximately 45 minutes . First time ever meeting. I just want to cry and I’m freaking out 😢
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