- Username
- mtvick
- Date posted
- 1y ago
Blank mind
Does anyone else experience mind blankness? It’s like I’m a robot. I’m talking but I don’t feel in control. Fuzzy brain/feel disconnected from reality and myself.
Does anyone else experience mind blankness? It’s like I’m a robot. I’m talking but I don’t feel in control. Fuzzy brain/feel disconnected from reality and myself.
Yes I feel this when I’m in between an OCD flare up and clarity. When the distress decreases, I feel so fuzzy and far away from reality, like I’m physically here but mentally I’m gone.
@Yourmindislyingtoyou Is there anything that helped with the fog? Even temporarily?
@mtvick Exercise and water, but it’s hard to have the motivation for the exercise.
@Yourmindislyingtoyou Agreed. Thanks so much I’ve been looking for anything to help!
Yes. Which is completely understandable during the ongoing struggle of OCD. Mentally and probably also physically you’re tired and exhausted from the compulsions or trying to resist the compulsions you’re doing. Experiencing Derealisation/depersonalisation and brain fog with ocd is normal and expected. I know it’s hard and feels spooky, hopeless and horrible. I’m right there with you. But don’t give up <3
yes! It gets better when you stop trying to fight it. Welcome to fog and the emptiness, don’t fear it because understand that it IS temporary
@Anonymous Is there anything you do to help the dog?
Thank you for this <3 I’ve been having these symptoms for nine months and at this point I’ve accepted it won’t go away for a while
Yep, and then you feel like you want your intrusive thoughts and still feel this way. It's the worst but it does get better.
Yes this is where I am now like the intrusive thought is in the background and there’s no point in ruminating anymore because I know there’s nothing there it’s just blank but with anxiety attached it feels so scary I feel like I don’t know what to do with myself
Why is this illness so cruel, I consider myself a good and moral person, OCD makes me feel like I’m some kind of a monster capable of awful things
Yes what’s helped me is redirecting to the present - if you keep practicing that your body and mind will connect again (slowly, but you will feel like you have a clearer mind). Also; when you think you aren’t ruminating you most likely still are. So again going back to redirecting to the present.. I know it’s harder said than done but you got this keep going and don’t fight it just let it be
@Anonymous Thank you so much. I’ve been looking for tips for this for so long I really appreciate you
@mtvick I’m so happy to help- it’s really been helping for me. To redirect my thoughts and no matter how easy it is to start ruminating reminding myself “don’t go there” come back here in the now and then slowly your brain will start to get used to being in the present
Yeah you are right I think I’m constantly ruminating even sub consciously it’s been so long now it’s habitual. I know I should just trust who I am and not listen to the negative voices. The problem I have is the intrusive thought is tied into a real event! The thoughts not real but it’s tied into an event where I felt anxious after so of course my OCD had a field day with that throwing up scenarios as to why I was anxious
@sazMar Yes me too - I have real event ocd, I think how untried to snap out of my sub conscious rumination was by closing my eyes and thinking of a really happy memory or event that happened and kept replaying different memories in my life that made me so happy and something really positive, I told myself 3 things i was super grateful for, then I noticed the loud thoughts started to get lower, then once I noticed my brain started to slowly go back to the real event or the rumination I would tell myself “redirect” consistently which caused me to continue to stay in the present and to stop letting me go back to the rumination. You will still go back to ruminating but once you catch yourself and stick to the present by redirecting, you will get better at redirecting and your ocd will get quieter.. I hope this helps but so far this has helped me tremendously
@sazMar Mines like that too! Mine was triggered by an event and it convinced me that my ruminations are real
@mtvick So hard to get rid of when tied in with a real event, you know its a thought it was just something to explain the anxiety it’s not real but you end up in a battle with yourself
Yeah I do keep trying to think of other things I’m hopeful at some point something will click and I can start living again
I've been in a constant state of panic since last night. My brain...oh my brain I'm so sick of you. I have intrusive thoughts that tell me "I don't exist" "I'm already dead" The panic and hyper focusing has caused so much DPDR that I feel disconnected to where it truly feels like I ceased to exist. No matter what I tell myself, I can't calm down. Nothing is a distraction, not even video games. I don't feel real. It feels like my own voice in my head is numb. I can't concentrate, my memory is awful, and I'm just all around scared. I can't believe it's gotten to this point. I don't know what to do...I'm terrified.
I can’t tell what’s right and wrong anymore. It’s like my moral compass/rationality is completely broken. I could just shut my feelings down whenever. It might sound like a good thing but it also means I wouldn’t feel any remorse or guilt or negative emotions if I were to do something immoral (hypothetically speaking). In contrast, sometimes my feelings get so deep in the way that my rationality cannot win no matter what. My brain does that out of nowhere and I hate it because it ends up triggering my OCD theme and I have to start back up to be able to cope again. It’s like I’ve developed this intense intolerance towards any sort of stress whatsoever, even the good type of stress that helps you grow. My brain just shuts down and mentally I become a kid again and I can’t listen to logic no matter what.
Anyone else have the fear of blacking out/having a psychotic break and harming others or myself/having no control of your body? Any tips on how to deal with this or anyone who’s recovered from this? It’s probably been my worst yet - the fear of having no control over my body or my actions.
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