- Date posted
- 1y ago
Please don’t comment any other TICS if they aren’t ones that are listed. I pick them up easily.🖤 When I was younger I used to have these tics where I would shake my head HARD, like it’s almost like my head was trying to do a 360 turn. After years of bullying, distress, etc. They finally dialed down to where now, it’s just a little head shake. Still painful, obvious, and embarrassing. I also have a blinking and eyebrow raise tic. The eyebrow and hard blinking is by FAR the most embarrassing. So many people have said “Why do you blink so violently”, “Why are you always raising you eyebrows”, “Are your eyes trying to fly away?” It’s also very, very, VERY stressful. I recently got a job, and i’m so embarrassed when I tic around people. My other tics include neck popping/twisting, finger popping, gagging, arm twisting, and just other little ones. I wouldn’t wish OCD/tics on anyone.