- Username
- A23
- Date posted
- 50w ago
This isn't OCD related per se...
But anyone else have a bit if misophonia? Frustration with noises, I know it can depend on different things and possibly different conditions. If you have any tips, feel free to share
But anyone else have a bit if misophonia? Frustration with noises, I know it can depend on different things and possibly different conditions. If you have any tips, feel free to share
I do- I don’t really have much advice but it’s gotten intense with my ocd. I didn’t know there was a name for it, I question if it’s a form of autism for myself but I’m sitting with the maybe it is maybe it isn’t… but as far as the noises go I usually try to avoid as much as I can or leave situations but I live at home with my kids so that’s not always an option lol Im going to try to challenge myself and turn it into an exposure. to sit with the discomfort instead of trying to avoid it and just allow my feelings to be there.
Yeah misophonia and sleep is likely my main issue, but also sometimes when I need to focus. I believe it to be ADHD related to some degree and am trying maybe maybe not with autism as I only got ASD diagnosis as a middle schooler and am not sure how the Dr. came to the conclusion
@A23 But I have an idea lol
@Elliss That’s very true lol have you started practicing exposures to try to broaden your tolerance?
I have sometimes debilitating misophonia. It's honestly the reason I downloaded this app. It's hard. There is no clear cut advice. My biggest advice is finding something that helps mine is my earbuds. Even without music it helps. And try not ro let it control your life. It sucks but you can't let it have power over you or it will just get worse. So sometimes at least I have yo borderline gaslight myself to make it better.
*bit of
I've been getting really poor sleep quality due to my OCD. Anyone have any tips or tricks for a good night sleep?
I don’t really wanna go into detail about what it’s about cause I feel like it’s super embarrassing, but there’s this one specific type of intrusive thought I get that I struggle extremely with ignoring/sitting in discomfort with. Does anyone have tips for managing something like this?
Just a quick question for anyone on here today. Does anyone else's OCD get more prominent when they're mad?? Not necessarily "mad" but just frustrated. For example, I'll be having an argument with my girl and the intrusive thoughts just seem to arise way more frequent and severe i guess is a word i can use for it. They just pester me a lot more when I'm frustrated rather than just sitting around playing a video game or something. Appreciate y'all wit the feedback. Have a good one.
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