- Username
- kaysf
- Date posted
- 5y ago
very much agreed with ilshid. im a lesbian through and through, but i definitely have "oh damn they're pretty" moments with men, too. the ability to tell when someone is attractive isn't linked to your sexual orientation. you may find women physically attractive, but that alone doesn't make you gay. if you feel like you would be depressed and unhappy in a relationship with a woman, that's pretty much the way to tell you wouldn't want to be with one imo.
yea. it’s. it even so much as i’m attracted to them physically. i’m not attracted to women who look like women, at all. i notice when they are attractive, but i’m not attracted. it’s just the women who look verryyy much like guys that sometimes i’m attracted. but, and no offense to you i have nothing against it, it just seems weird and wrong FOR ME to do anything romantic or sexual with a woman
@kaysf and I'd guess that's in much the same way that it feels depressing and uncomfortable for me to be romantic with men? i find feminine traits attractive regardless of gender, so you probably just find masculine traits attracting regardless of gender. these thoughts you're having are completely meaningless and, at the end of the day, even if you are gay, you can choose not to be with a woman if that's uncomfortable for you. we have free will for a reason
@ocdumbass Yes, that's very reasonable but I guess it doesn't help someone who knows they are having unreasonable thoughts and doubts... Probably the best way to deal with it is the general suggestion about intrusive thoughts: Acknowledge that it crossed your mind but do not act on it, do not carry out any compulsions and don't try to reassure yourself. Just show your brain that the thought is harmless and that it does not have to react. Of course it's way easier said than done but all the advice I've read boils down to that same thing..
@? ilshid I’ve done that but problem is when you do this you still know that deep down something is wrong that’s what I struggle with Also because some things don’t make you anxious today but make you anxious the following day I would have sex today for example and feel great but feel like shit when I have it the following day because my mind is not like yesterday don’t know if I’m making sense
@Mod22 Kind of! If you're relaxed during sex one day and you're so preoccupied with it but no intrusive thoughts make their way into your mind, then it feels great. But then you have it again the next day and you are a little distracted you get the intrusive thoughts? Because that's what happens to me. And I'm actually so afraid that it will happen, that I might be triggering myself because I almost expect it to happen.
@? ilshid Yeah sometimes I feel like I’m triggering myself and sometimes I hate it when I give no thought/ feelings to Hocd almost feels like I’m accepting my fate and what’s crazy is I function well during sex Instant boner Super Hard and horny but the after effects ? and some thoughts during sex also distract me a bit I don’t know what’s wrong
@Mod22 What's really bothers me is the extreme amount of guilt that I feel if I get an intrusive thought during sex. My mind instantly starts thinking "why would I even think that, do I want that?"
@? ilshid Shit I feel that too, even when I’m not thinking about this I’m still depressed af, and I could be craving sex and in the middle of it I start to get these thoughts and also, my mind would say you are kissing like a girl or some shit like that and it would throw me off a little
@Mod22 Yeah, for me that's probably the worst. because sex used to be this really relaxing experience and now I'm more often than not really worried that my brain will find a way to ruin it and make it a and experience filled with guilt.
@? ilshid It’s been 8 months I’m honestly tired of this shit
@Mod22 Ouuuuchhhh, for me it's going to be over a month but I'm getting much better so that's encouraging but of course I'm worried every day that I might relapse and it might get to be as bad as before. I just posted a new post / threat about it... I guess that more people must have similar experiences
@? ilshid They are somewhat similar
Can I ask if you just knew you were lesbian? No thinking about it back and forth?
@advice? can't speak for anyone else, but i didn't just Know, so i think anyone who tells you that is full of shit. the way i figured it out was that i felt uncomfortable with men expressing romantic feelings to me and i felt depressed at the idea of being in a relationship with one. at the end of the day, sexuality is complicated and all you can do is what you're comfortable with. labels are just words, after all, and in the words of a zen master i met recently: "words are simply convenient delusions"
@advice? forgot to mention, did always know i liked women. took me a while to figure it out, but once i did there was no back and forth whatsoever. it was whether i was attracted to men too that caused me all that confusion
@ocdumbass Can I ask how you knew you were attracted to women? Did you develop feelings and romantic crushes on them? If you don’t mind answering.
@advice? Are you Suffering from Hocd?
@Mod22 Yes, I can’t stop seeking for reassurance
@advice? I was just about to say that what you are doing is seeking reassurance deep down you know you are not Lesbian you were living really well and comfortable with your sexuality until this brain misfiring I’m suffering from it too but the advice you are seeking might just get you way too deep into this
@Mod22 I know, I just know I can’t be lesbian but then it’s like there’s not way of knowing for sure and it’s scary. I’m already so far into this. Thoughts are deep.
@advice? Mine too but asking gay and lesbian people how they knew isn’t the answer you looking for either
I don't have Sexual Orientation OCD. I've also seen videos of people I initially thought were pretty men but later realized were women. The thing is it didn't bother me, I still thought they are pretty. I think (and I'm not a psychologist) that OCD makes you doubt parts of yourself that are important to you. So if it's important to you to be straight, then you wonder "what if I'm gay?" That's not important to me so I don't wonder because I don't mind if I'm not straight. Think about it this way: if you are gay, you will know. You won't wonder if you're attracted to someone, you'll think "holy shit, this person is hella attractive, I'd love to ask them out". So if that's not how you feel, I'm guessing you're not gay/bi. Then again, I am not a professional, other opinions are much appreciated
I suffer from HOcd and what kaysf said is relatable we weren’t like this before the whole Hocd and also we felt the same way you felt on your comment we just have Hocd thoughts and they are unwanted we didn’t choose for them to be there the same things she is doing I’ve done them it’s just that our mind is really trying to trick us the same way as all the other Ocds I’ve been Confident with my sexuality for all my life I’m 21 right now and only got Hocd This March I’ve had so many encounters with women and never doubted it And now this that’s what makes it frustrating Deep down we know we straight but the voices in our heads sometimes tell us otherwise
@Mod22 I understand, I tried to offer potentially helpful information through my comment. I know the thoughts are not wanted because I get them too, albeit about other things
I’m so fucked up I forgot what being normal feels like, used to like looking at women talking to them etc but now it’s not the same it’s a constant struggle
i’ve been dealing with SOOCD for a while now. in the beginning i remember getting random thoughts about secretly being gay because whenever i see a woman portrayed in a sexual manner (like butt naked and/or doing something super sexual) i would get aroused. i used to brush it off because i just knew i didn’t want to be with a woman and i was and always have been only interested in men. I would only get aroused seeing those things in media and ofc porn but never in real life. I would even sit and stare at the content trying to see why i was aroused because it would only give me a groinal feeling and not the same attraction i felt when i saw sexual content about men (i had a HEALTHY libido growing up and all i thought about was men). i would watch music videos and not think anything of it but when something sexual came up or if a woman was nude or doing something sexual i would get aroused and as my anxiety got worse the intrusive thoughts started to pop up and stick around for longer. i tried to understand why it was happening and i realized i was exposed to sexual content at a pretty young age (thank you google) and i knew what sex was and how a woman “should look” during sex and anything that was even a little bit sexual made me aroused . Like me looking at myself naked would arouse me because i felt like “oh this is sexual” ykwim? and if i saw like lacy underwear i would be like “oh this is for sex.” in middle school the world history textbooks had pictures of statues with women without shirts and i automatically got aroused and i was concerned and confused but i realized oh i immediately think this means sex? like a woman only looks like that to have sex? i think my exposure to sexual content at a young age warped my idea of sex and what being sexual is? idk if what i’m saying is making sense. anyways in high school i noticed i started getting urges to watch any sexual content or anything involving sexual content whether it involved girls or guys and that triggered my intrusive thoughts even more. i still had and have no desire to be with a girl. I would rather never marry and be single all my life than even think of experimenting with a girl. basically i’m writing this all bc i was triggered by a cardi b post where she started twerking in a thong out of nowhere (i should’ve expected it) and i got the most massive groinal response and i got extremely anxious and i started thinking “you’ve always been aroused by sexual content like this your gay” “your lying to yourself” “this isn’t just ocd stop lying” “there was too much exploration in your childhood to mean ur straight” “you don’t even have a libido or attraction to men anymore but you get aroused to this?? ur gay”. and so i’m here ranting and not making sense. i miss being boy crazy so fucking much i hate living like this i used to be so BOY CRAZY that these things and experiences and thoughts never affected me but now that it’s all gone and it’s been so long since i’ve felt any of it the intrusive thoughts hit me harder. ok i’m done sorry this is all over the place.
It feels like my boyfriend is ‘another compulsion” because he makes me happy and that is what ocd does, but when he is gone, my mind can go everywhere. Mostly thinking im not attracted to men (im bi and for some reason i feel like i have to choose 1 gender, and that that would be women) even though i know that i dont have to choose and can just be happy with my bf. But then my mind can go “but are you happy” or “youre not aroused right now or aroused enough so your gay or you dont like bf” Thats really hard, because my one of my biggest fears is being with a man all my life (having a family etc) and then falling in love with a woman and throw it all away. I really really love my boyfriend, but it can feel like this is not my real identity and im doing the wrong thing. Like when im not thinking about it, if thats maybe my ocd and not the overthinking. Does anyone understand?
I think I did something I shouldnt have... I reasearched comphet on tiktok and saw a video of a girl explaining how she realised that first she wasnt bi and then she was a lesbian. She was talking all about how when she was with men she was craving "male validation" and wasnt actually attracted to men and that she confused platonnic and romantic love. and that whe she really thought about she realised that she loved being loved and desired by men but that she didnt specifically like men or wasnt attracted to men. She just found them attractive and was not attracted. And that when she broke up with her bf and stop dating man she realised how much more she could feel and how thinking about men gave her the ic. And I real all the comments and everyone was like omg omg omg. Anyways im sooo triggered because I feel like I could relate on some level. Im not sure if I like my bf for who he is or that i love how he loves me. And at first I used to calm my OCD by saying noo noo I love how he loves me but if I imagine breaking up with him it feels like it will be my last time with a men... what is happenning!!!
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