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- 4y ago
If you can’t find an OCD specialist near you on iocdf.org, I would recommend googling ocd therapists near you & calling everyone who pops up & asking how they treat ocd, if they say ERP, that’s a good sign. You can ask them what they know about it to see how well versed they are. A lot of them might do a sliding scale fee. It’s a shame that so many mental health professionals don’t know much about ocd ?
thank you so much i will try this :)
i’ve had experiences with therapists like that too. there’s a big difference between therapists that “treat” ocd along with a lot of other things, and those that actually specialize in it. i’m sorry she’s not helping :(
The therapy sessions on here are $50 for the first five sessions and then $25 for any follow up sessions. That's without insurance. Curious to if you're paying more or less right now. I've found NOCD therapy to be the cheapest therapy out there as I don't have insurance.
for the first 90 min session it’s 123$ i thought, and my therapist accepts my insurance so i don’t pay
@hope I also only paid $50 for my long sessions and $25 for my short ones, without insurance
@lilywhitelilith that’s how it is for me too since my insurance doesn’t cover it
@lilywhitelilith I was told $123.... and 30 minute sessions are half that price. Maybe we can ask for a discounted quote since we’re poor lol
@BrainH20 This is so odd. I wonder if they've changed their prices for new patients. If so that's total s***.
I had a therapist like this!! At that point I had been struggling with suicidal OCD for about 4 months until I connected with my first therapist. Ever since the beginning I kept saying how I was dealing with INTRUSIVE UNWANTED thoughts (obsessions) and that I constantly was self reassuring myself etc. (compulsions). You would think that it would click I had OCD but nope. I didn’t even know I had OCD myself at the time but you would think a professional would pick that up. Anyways we talked a lot about self care and how every has negative thoughts as well and it’ll just go away in its own. At some point she mentioned how I have OCD tendencies and it made me really think like hey maybe this is what I really have? Because it didn’t make sense how I kept having constant intrusive thoughts. I asked her one session to talk about OCD and all she literally did was pull out the DSM-5, read word-for-word what OCD was, asked me if I thought that’s what I could have, then said she wouldn’t diagnose me because she didn’t want to “label” me??? Then the subject changed and she kept pushing how I needed to do yoga. Like huh?
some of them just make no sense. i don’t tell her anything because she’s going to make me feel dumb and i don’t want to open up about it to someone who won’t understand and most likely will make me feel worse
@lilywhitelilith Right?? And omg I’m so sorry you had a therapist like that! That is so incredibly damaging. I hope you were able to find someone who actually knows about OCD and is amazing for you.
@hope I would definitely seek elsewhere then. Your therapist is supposed to be someone you can feel comfortable enough telling anything to
Is her name Bethany ?
Any idea how to find an OCD Therapist that is any good? I live in MA and it seems impossible. Everyone I try seems to be a jack of all psychiatric disorders and it ends up just being a waste of time. The whole system is set up to milk the insurance company because they are being paid by the hour so it’s in their best interest if you don’t get better *quickly*. At least that’s what it seems like. Tried the NOCD directory and they don’t service MA.
I'm currently visiting my third therapist in the last three years and none of them have helped me so far. None of them have given me any type of diagnosis so I'm not even sure if I actually have OCD, and it's driving me mad. The last session I had, I even felt like it made things worse rather that it helped. I wanna feel that trust to my therapist that you should feel to be able to share your emotions but I don't. I feel like its not going anywhere, like it's useless. Lately I've been thinking about finding a therapist here at NOCD, I've even looked up some specific people and they all seem really nice and sweet.
So I saw my NOCD therapist for 9 months and we made SO much progress. Just loved her to pieces. She really helped me out and taught me so much, I miss her terribly. I started with my new therapist and we’ve met twice. My OCD is focused on my insecurity of being married and not wanting to have kids. I told my new therapist today that if I got divorced, I don’t think my OCD would be so latched onto it (since I wouldn’t be married or engaging in sex etc.) Anyway, after I said that she said she wasn’t sure it was OCD because OCD isn’t usually dependent on a circumstance. Does anyone get where I’m coming from? Just kinda confused now.
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