- Username
- Anonymous12
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Your not a bad mom. I deal with the same thing. I suffer from POCD. Im a father of 3 boys. Im just getting started with using this app. What makes you a good mom is you care enough about your mental health to be on here. We are here for you
Just curious are you seeing a therapist? I’m currently looking for one
@Anonymous12 Yes I found a great therapist through this app. My insurance doesn’t cover it but you can break it into payments. Im here for you if I can help also
@IowaOCD Awesome! I’m looking for a therapist but I’m scared that because I have POCD my child can be taken from me
@Anonymous12 I had the same fear. Face the fear and find a therapist on here. Its one of the scariest things you will do but one of the most rewarding. You are bot a bad person and especially not a bad parent. Your ocd attacks what u love most.
@Ilovefinnickodair Let me ask if Im able to shsre who it is. I dont know the rules on that
@IowaOCD Thank you so much I am going to look for one I’m tired of feeling this way when I know I’m a good mom
@IowaOCD Do you also suffer from false memory OCD?
@Anonymous12 I have but its not consistently. I had one major episode but I got past that. If there’s one thing I’ve learned through all my therapy over the years it is the more that you acknowledge the thoughts and the more it tells your brain they’re important. Lately when I have intrusive thoughts I try not to put any importance on them. That’s help me out greatly
@IowaOCD Thank you so much I will keep that in mind!
That sucks. Maybe think of it like an abusive & manipulative partner that you just broke up with. Know it will say and do anything to beat you down and keep you/ get you back, but tell it, “we are done. I am not listening to you anymore and I am not letting your lies control how I feel about myself.” It will keep on chatting , and keep trying for a while, but eventually it will get less and less until it gives up. Like a bad X, sometimes throughout life it will show up again, and try to wiggle its way back, especially if it sees you are going through a hard time, but every time you need to tell it, “ Nope! We are through! You have no power here! Move along!”
I know exactly what you mean. It’s happens to me too about my niece. I would never in my entire life hurt anyone ever and I mean that with all my heart. I just want the thoughts to go away so badly but they get worse and worse. I know deep down with all my heart this isn’t me at all. I hope it gets better for you. You are definitely not a bad mom. Just keep being there for your daughter and never give up. You are not alone. Stay strong
My Ocd turns everything innocent and normal into something horrible. Sometimes when my daughter and I are watching tv she will want to play with and brush my hair. It feels so nice and relaxing or she will cuddle up and rub her feet on mine which is relaxing and makes me feel sleepy but ocd ruins it by telling me it’s inappropriate and that i’m enjoying something inappropriate. One day I saw a snapchat video my young grandson made of himself just out of the shower looking at himself shirtless in the mirror and I was thinking that he thinks he’s so cool and is probably going to flex like all boys do and laughed to myself but then the ocd kicked in and said that I was attracted to him and it made me so upset because I never have and don’t think of any child in that way. I don’t feel that way so how can ocd try to make me believe that I do?? How can ocd be more powerful than my own actual thoughts and feelings? This disorder is so debilitating and upsetting. I can’t live like this.
My OCD wants to keep switching “themes” on me, but once again it always concerns my mom or family. This time it’s sexual-related. The one I experience the most is the harm-related thoughts towards her, thinking I want to hurt her or thinking she abused me in the past (she did not) so that’s why I have these thoughts. My mind is always trying to see if there are deeper meanings to these thoughts and how I really feel. Yesterday my thoughts started going towards - “what if I’m attracted to my mom?” I was reading a book and it was a romantic scene and an image of my mom popped into my head. I tried to just dismiss it since I know we can’t control what comes into our heads, but I of course ruminated about it more and it has become a full-blown obsession. I have started wondering if I really am attracted to her or not, do I want to be in a relationship with her, am I just denying my feelings, etc. It sounds so disgusting and disturbing to share these things, but it’s difficult to disengage with this kind of thinking. Like it’s too disturbing to just let it go. Which leads to other worries like what if I can never be in a real relationship because I will just keep having these thoughts, what if this is true and how will I live with myself, what if my mom sexually abused me as a kid and that’s why I’m having these thoughts, etc. I know I’m going down the rabbit hole, but I just keep coming up with more and more “reasons.” Trying to go about my day and not pay them any attention, but it has been difficult to focus on anything else. Which then makes me wonder if I’m actually just fantasizing now and not actually obsessing.
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