- Username
- nat
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I find that after I got HOCD I can’t really like someone off of looks as much. Of course I can be sexually attracted to someone based off of looks but from someone with low sex drive even before HOCD it was always more about personality and actions. Like before HOCD I never dated a conventionally beautiful girl but I had crushes on them. The girls I dated were all determined within the first few weeks if I was happy with them. My last girlfriend I was unhappy with because of her smoking habits, this is something my HOCD targets a lot too. But I wanted to be with her because she was sexually attractive. But now I am in HOCD I get my attraction to girls back every now and then and I usually fall for personality now. Of course after I’m hooked, sexual attraction isn’t as hard but as I’m anxious all the time it’s hard to tell the difference between anxiety and attraction but I notice usually when I see a girl I like I get bubbly and can’t resist smiling and I notice a major decrease in anxiety, but when I see someone my HOCD has targeted in the past or is currently targeting I cringe or my face drops and anxiety rises pretty much to the max. As for online relationships. I get that, my first girlfriend in high school was over the internet and we met on PlayStation. I assumed how she looked based off how she sounded but expectations like that pretty much always fall through, I still dated her and because I liked her a lot she seemed like the most beautiful girl ever. Of course this was before HOCD and before my social anxiety really took off.
Lol wow this sounds exactly like what I deal with too
Personality over looks. Just try not to over analyse xxxx
I think I have always fell for the personality (not to sound snobby) but I think this is me just getting cold feet cause this is actually getting more serious now. Also I just realised that he kinda looks like this guy in my school whom I don't like that much and that might affect the way I feel :D I have never had a boyfriend before but I have always imagined myself with a certain type and now that he doesn't look like it, I'm unsure. I know looks don't matter and I should just focus on the fact that I feel happy with him and feel like I can be myself around him but I can't help these feelings rn. It helps to know others have been in similar situations as well.
It feels like my boyfriend is ‘another compulsion” because he makes me happy and that is what ocd does, but when he is gone, my mind can go everywhere. Mostly thinking im not attracted to men (im bi and for some reason i feel like i have to choose 1 gender, and that that would be women) even though i know that i dont have to choose and can just be happy with my bf. But then my mind can go “but are you happy” or “youre not aroused right now or aroused enough so your gay or you dont like bf” Thats really hard, because my one of my biggest fears is being with a man all my life (having a family etc) and then falling in love with a woman and throw it all away. I really really love my boyfriend, but it can feel like this is not my real identity and im doing the wrong thing. Like when im not thinking about it, if thats maybe my ocd and not the overthinking. Does anyone understand?
I just started dating this guy not too many months ago. he is everything i ever wanted and he treats me right. but now my OCD intrusive thoughts are creeping back in. ones like “do i love him/like him” and like “i have to tell him im having these horrible OCD thoughts or we will never know how i truly feel.” but i know i love/like him. And sometimes I’ll be having a good day and then BAM, the thoughts smack me in the face and i get stuck in an anxious loop and it ruins my mood. how can i break this compulsion without feeling so anxious and do i tell him i’m having these thoughts to relieve the anxiety?
This past week has been very challenging; I have been seeing this guy now for a couple of months, and every now and then I will experience a loss of interest in him. Sometimes this is brought upon by the OCD itself, which makes me not want to be around him because he is the trigger. Other times, it’s hard to tell if I’m genuinely not interested, and this drives me absolutely crazy. I feel like I am leading him on and forcing myself to like him just because I want to be in a relationship. To make things clear, he is the sweetest guy and hasn’t done anything wrong; he knows that I struggle with R-OCD and has been very understanding, but isn’t aware of my periods of disinterest and doesn’t know just how distressed I get. This morning, he texted me and said he can’t wait to see me. While reading his text, I never got excited or felt butterflies, I just felt sick to my stomach because all I can think about is how I’m gonna have to tell him I’m not into him right now. I feel like at this point with the back and forth feelings, I just need to end things. The more I think about it, the more I start to believe and feel that’s the right answer. I get sad because I am starting to catch feelings and don’t want to put a stop to a potentially good relationship. I’m really trying to understand why my feelings for him are constantly up and down.
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