- Date posted
- 3y ago
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I disagree with your sister. I’m going to school to become a therapist and I have OCD. I have through the ups and downs of it and currently going back to the struggling but I digress. I think by having experience with mental illness you can understand and empathize with people more. Crazy is such bad term for those who are still trying to get control of their mental illnesses. You are not alone, we are in the same group as you. Don’t let what your sister says stop you from achieving your goals.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
💛 thank you so much. This made me so happy.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I strongly disagree. Having ocd will be an advantage to you because you can accept and understand your future psychiatry patients who struggle with it <3
- Date posted
- 3y ago
That was my thought process. I really just want to help people like me get better and live a happy, normal life.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I like to think of it as we’re unique :)
- Date posted
- 3y ago
That’s a really nice way of putting it :)
- Date posted
- 3y ago
That sounds so hurtful and painful to hear. I'm so sorry your feelings were hurt or if that generated another spiral of self-conscious thoughts or worries. OCD wants you to think that you are out of control or crazy; a big part of OCD's tricks I know is that it wants to convince you that you WILL lose control no matter what your better, grounded judgement knows. OCD is a separate current attached to your brain but not a usual function of your brain; it's an anxiety disorder because it is NOT natural. You HAVE OCD with you, but you are NOT your OCD thoughts. It's really cool that you are getting some the help that you need. And I think it's super awesome you want to be a psychiatrist. Oh my gosh!! You will improve so many people's lives and give them hope when they feel desperate or scared. I guess a past therapist told me to "get mad at my OCD" for the LIES that it tells me about everything that I care about!!!! I know you know that if something is really valuable to you, then OCD is going to sabotage your thoughts about this thing. If you want to be a psychiatrist but are triggered by what your sister said and are now enduring a wave of scared thoughts and feelings, I do not know for certain of course, but maybe your OCD is attacking there. I hope you know how powerful and capable your mind is. You can do so much wonder. I hope you're doing okay.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Thank you so much. This was so sweet 💛💛💛
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- Date posted
- 22w ago
TW. Also long post ahead . I’ve been dealing with OCD for the past 10 years. I’m 32 years old . I didn’t get diagnosed with OCD until this year. I was always diagnosed with GAD, panic disorder, and depression. I don’t have your typical compulsions. Mine are mostly all mental. Reassurance seeking, avoidance , repeating a prayer , etc . I have three main themes . Schizophrenia OCD, sexual orientation OCD, and HIV. Sometimes i deal with harm OCD and POCD but my main big three are the ones I listed first . I feel like the schizophrenic OCD is the most debilitating for me. For the last ten years I’ve been thinking I’m losing my mind . I thought once I got to a certain age the fear would go away but it hasn’t and is in full force . I’m constantly checking my surroundings, what I’m hearing, how I’m acting , questioning if things are real and so on . Now I do have times where this theme doesn’t bother me . It’s put on the back burner . I go through cycles . But when I’m focusing on this theme I feel like I’m hearing stuff . Most of the time I can’t make it out but recently I feel like I’ve been hearing a whisper saying “hey” . It mainly happens at night . It sends me into a complete panic and I feel like “this is it “ I’m seeing an OCD therapist and she recommended me to go to this psychiatric place in town to get meds to help my anxiety from the OCD. My last psychiatrist always pushed the newest medicine and was constantly changing up my regimen. I thought I would give it a try. WORST IDEA EVER . Keep in mind my therapist gave me a letter to give to her explaining I have been diagnosed with OCD and explaining it . She doesn't think I have OCD at all. She wanted to put me on an antipsychotic so me with my OCD brain . I asked her if she thought I was psychotic . She said I was nearing psychosis . She called me interesting . She feels like I have major depressive disorder . I'm just at a loss for words. It was honestly the strangest meeting I have had with a psychiatrist. It was very unprofessional. She has no idea the damage she has done nor do I think she cares. I just don't know what to Believe in anymore ... We met for approximately 45 minutes . First time ever meeting. I just want to cry and I’m freaking out 😢
- Date posted
- 16w ago
Having a really rough night tonight. Currently I'm having a lot of contamination obsessions and compulsions with using the bathroom and when I use it I usually end up spending at least an hour and a half including all the cleaning rituals and showering afterwards and I just started seeing a new therapist to help with this. Tonight it unfortunately hit me in the middle of the night at like starting at 1 am and finishing close to 3 am. This ended up making both my mom and dad really angry with me and this is not a new situation. For context, my dad doesn't believe in mental illnesses at all and my mother is better and much more understanding, but still doesn't believe it's real to an extent. With my mom being more supportive than my dad, it leads to arguments between them a lot especially ever since they brought me home (I recently graduated college and my OCD got to the point where I was unable to have a job or function normally in taking care of myself by living alone). My mom tends to lash out at me when she gets stressed about these arguments with my dad over me because she can't talk back to him and that in turn usually causes me to spiral and get worse and so the cycle continues. This recent time my dad started yelling at me from downstairs because I was flushing the toilet too much for his liking and my mom said some hurtful things to me. I understand that it's not easy living with me especially right now and I can see why they're upset but I really am trying to get better but I can't just get better overnight and automatically be able to control all my compulsions, especially with the severity they're at right now. I'm not really sure how to navigate my family situation like this with a lack of a support network or someone in my family who believes that what I'm going through with OCD is real and it's not just me choosing to do these things. Has anyone else experienced a similar home situation and have any tips on getting through it?
- Date posted
- 13w ago
I recently started medication as I have struggled with harm ocd. The thing is is that it’s not actually stopping the thoughts which I know is a given and it’s scaring me more without the anxiety (ruminating) and making me belive it’s possible. And I told this to my friend and she suggested anti psychotics This made me spiral because it made me think that I’m schizophrenia and no hate or judgment to people with schizophrenia it just scared me. I started worrying that I shouldn’t be around people and a horrible person ect I know reassurance is bad but I just need some advice bc I really don’t know what to do and I’m panicking
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