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- Ocd_hater
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- 2y ago
I’ve had false memories ocd before I still have it it’s moved on to a whole new thing. I got over it by my self a long time ago for a certain false memory, it just kind of went away on its own and I realized I didn’t do it. It just kind of hit me one day. When me anxiety was down really low, all the thoughts about false memories made me realized it wasn’t true and it felt so real at the time but now I realize it isn’t . And everyone around me knew as well that it wasn’t . I feel like you just have to get you anxiety down and then you will think more rationally about things
You're Welcome. I did learn that you have access to the groups I mentioned if you complete at least 1 session of therapy with nocd. But you can still access all the YouTube lives.
First of all, I'm sorry you're suffering. I've been there—as so many of us in this group have—and it just sucks. Secondly, if you are unable to access therapy, I highly recommend the groups. They are free. https://www.treatmyocd.com/support-groups Here is one happening today that might help: https://www.treatmyocd.com/support-groups/1068 Additionally, there are livestreams every day with therapists and advocates so you can watch replays or hop onto a live and ask questions. You'll find those here: https://www.treatmyocd.com/support-groups/1068 And if you are not already following NOCD on Instagram, I recommend that as well. They just posted a book list you might be interested in. :)
Thanks u so much
Hi there! Yes ERP is the gold treatment for OCD, in my opinion a person with OCD does need to do ERP therapy. Have you reached out to nocd? They offered me a payment plan which I was able to do and learn how to do ERP on my own. If that is not an option for you right now I would suggest coming to groups which you can sign up for on the NOCD app for no charge or I would suggest to watch the Weekly live streams on Youtube. Some of my favorite youtube streams would be Dr. McGrath, Jena Overbaugh or NOCD advocate Carl Cornett. Lots of great things out there that you can personally access. Good luck to you!
Thanks u so much for giving me options I will try my best with what I have so yeah not giving up 👆
A Quick Guide For Real Event OCD: Remember that it’s not the memory that is the problem, it’s the OCD that’s the issue Remember that OCD often distorts your past memories and can very often add details to make a memory seem worse than it actually was and can even create false memories. This is a challenging one but, let go of the need for certainly about your past memory or memories. Let go as best you can and be comfortable with uncertainty (this takes time, be self compassionate) Remember that this type of OCD is not special or unique just because it’s based on a (likely distort and over exaggerated) past event, OCD attacks what is most important to us, our biggest fears and issues, it whatever way it can Real event OCD is fundamentally no different than any other type of OCD (and many people suffer from many different types of OCD all at once) The only differences in any type of OCD is what the obsession is over, thankfully, The treatment is the same, this is a moment in life what is a good thing to remember that you (and your condition) are not special Stop reassurance seeking and confessing. It may provide a little relief and lessen your fears but it will not fully take them away, again it’s not the memory that’s the issue it’s OCD’s grip on the memory Ban rumination! No matter how many times you ruminate about every detail and possible outcome of the past event will only make the thoughts more “sticky” in your brain. It’s hard, but stop giving the thoughts credence and let them go as best you can, try to catch yourself in the act of rumination Be mindful and allow the uncomfortable thoughts and feelings to just come and go, observe but don’t engage, this helps teach the brain not to attach to these thoughts and feelings and stops the brain for continuously sending the panic alarm. Meditation works very nicely for practicing mindfulness Ask yourself if you should waste your life trying to figure out the past, when you can focus on bringing what you want into your present and future. I know you don’t feel you deserve it. The main tenets of behavior therapy are: We cannot control our thoughts and feelings but we can control our behavior. If you change your behavior, your thoughts and feelings will follow. During this pandemic it can be hard, so try finding hobbies and other positive things to do to fill your day Be here now, this can be challenging but, do your best to live in the now and do what you can to make today great! The past is long over and the future is fantasy. Each day we are born anew and have an opportunity to improve. Most of not all Real Event OCD obsessions are over actions that we would never think of repeating and that we would have never done if we knew then what we know now. Be kind to yourself and remember who you are. Accept that there will be ups and downs, harder days and easier days, on your recovery journey Finally… self compassion not self forgiveness! Forgiveness implies that you have done some unforgivable act and need to work towards reparation for it. This process usually requires time spent discussing and processing the event. You may believe if you find a way to forgive yourself then you can stop obsessing about it. People in your life may have even encouraged you to work on it. With OCD, discussing and analyzing the event is not the approach we want to take. In fact, I’m sure you have already spent excessive amounts of time evaluating the situation and all its many angles, yet getting nowhere. Now, I’m not saying this is an event you are proud of. What I am saying is that it’s not the event that is the problem; it is the OCD that is the problem. There is a chance you would have moved on from the event if the OCD hadn’t grabbed onto it. And we don’t treat OCD with self-forgiveness because OCD exaggerates and distorts life events. Imagine that being stuck on this may not be due to lack of self-forgiveness but the way OCD traps you. OCD has taken over the life event, twisted it and has convinced you into believing it is a critical problem that requires forgiveness or punishment. Resources: Article: http://www.ocdspecialists.com/real-event-ocd/ Video on Real Event OCD: https://youtu.be/ojsA2z_Nf_0 Video on Letting Go: https://youtu.be/ZK6FVw4xfbg Video on “Going Through Hell”: https://youtu.be/toQMJeqdW48 Video “Drunk on Life” accepting the good, the bad and the s Gray area: https://youtu.be/WCsPCrZ4aq0 Jesus Prayer Mindfulness Meditation Guide (NOTE: if you struggle with religious OCD this may not be the best for you) https://youtu.be/6TTDjJ8Cv3Y Za Zen Mindfulness Meditation Guide (NOTE: if you have an issue with number obsession this might not be best for you) https://youtu.be/dDJ_wbjBL6c Book Recommendations: The Mindfulness Workbook for OCD by John Hershfield Christ The Eternal Tao by Hieromonk Damascene Anxious For Nothing by Max Lucando The Jesus Prayer by Frederica Matthews Green The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Edmund Bourne Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives by Elder Thaddeus F*ck Coping Start Healing by Dennis Simsek Anxiety, Trust and Gratitude by Nun Kathrine Weston NOTE: While all this information is very helpful it is always best to seek treatment and help from a therapist or psychologist. Use the information above is a part of your healing journey, get in touch with a therapist/psychologist to help you better work through these issues
So I need help. Plain and simple. I’ve never had ERP but my contamination OCD is getting worse. I’ve tried many meds. But I’ve been off my latest meds (citalopram 20mg) since December 2. But I can’t seem to beat this. I thought after cancer I could beat this no problem. But I feel utterly defeated. I haven’t. I feel like a nut job. Anyway. My insurance doesn’t cover therapy session. So does anyone know where I can get ERP online for free? I MUST SUCCEED! Any help appreciated
Hi guys, Lately I have been having an increasingly difficult time dealing with OCD. I eat quite healthily and live a healthy lifestyle but I keep getting sick. I think it’s because of how stressed I have been constantly over the last few months. I can’t really afford therapy at the moment and I am feeling a little lost. I know exposure and response prevention is the best way to conquer OCD but I find it hard to have the willpower to stick to this. Does anyone have any tips on how they implemented this into their life? I’m feeling quite helpless and I know I need to start looking after myself better but I just don’t know how. Thanks
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