- Username
- Chellie
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I'm on a waiting list for a therapist but that takes at least 3-4 more months so... that's not really an option for quite a while
I don't hate my parents but I hate how they deal with my OCD and threaten to kick me out and all that
How are your panic attacks disturbing them? Can you excuse yourself when you’re having one and go deal with it alone? Is it the fact that they have to reassure you every time that they don’t like? If you can find a local support group for families dealing with mental illness, it could be really helpful for them to join you for it. They could get advise on how to cope and hopefully learn a little more about what you’re going through.
Oh they're not open to such things whatsoever. A therapist of mine suggested family therapy once and they were really mad about the suggestion even being made because in their mind it's just me who is the problem. My disorder definitely is a problem, don't get me wrong, but these kind of threats really don't help... It's mostly when I cry/hyperventilate which wakes them up. I really can't control it though even though it sounds pathetic. Even meds don't work at times (benzos)
I think not talking to your parents isn’t a solution. I have similar issues- my parents do not and are not willing to understand what it’s like to live with OCD. They get upset, blame, and avoid me. I am 32 and have no choice but to live with them. Homelessness is my last resort. They have been mostly supportive up until a few years ago, so it’s difficult to accept. I have a therapist and a psychiatrist, but I need a support system and do not really have that in my home. I bought a book on understanding family members living with OCD and am hoping one of parents will read it. Do you have friends you can talk to? Extended family members? I live with contamination OCD and have major trust issues, so I have no friends. My parents are my only support system and it’s been falling apart for some time. I encourage you reach out to your therapist’s office again and see if you can get in sooner due to an emergency. If that isn’t going to work, ask about a cancellation list. OCD is cyclical, you get stressed, you ritualize, you get stressed. I have found ways to get through moments of anxiety and stress by leaving the house, going into my room and locking the door, listening to music, depending on apps like this one, watching a show, and meditating. I am not a therapist, but I welcome your conversation. We are a group sharing similar struggles and we are here for you. <3
Hey, I'm not a fan of not talking either, I think communication is important. I also have contamination OCD so surely you get why I'm terrified of living elsewhere. I honestly mostly do compulsions to avoid panic attacks to avoid upsetting my parents and having them kick me out. I have friends but lost contact with most because of OCD. Some I still speak through texting though and they are supportive. Online friends are nice too. Thanks.
Wow- we have a lot in common. Yes, not living at my own apartment has been hard for me. It’s weird how we both do our compulsions to avoid panic to avoid upsetting our parents. I used to have friends but have also lost contact because of the OCD. Hang on to the ones you text with! Do you think there is any way your parents would read a book about living with loved ones that suffer from OCD? Let me know and I will get you the title and author.
Unfortunately I doubt it. :( I'm gonna go to bed rn but thanks for the talk.
My parents wanna kick me out if I dont take my benzos. I dont know what to do. Due to OCD fears taking them is hard. Help.
My parents threaten to kick me out all the time because of my severe OCD. Each time they do I come back worse with new compulsions. They say I'm crazy for my OCD thoughts which is like, duh, does not make them feel any less real. Sigh. So tired of this life. My dad said he wished I was never born (just now), that I'm killing them physically with my panic attacks (I can't help it) and he said I'm the reason they smoke. I feel guilty and just want to die at this point. He also said he'd hit me if I'd not stop crying. They almost seem to think I like doing my washing compulsions and I can't stand it anymore. I feel alone in the world, even when so many of you struggle too, the fact that my once loving family is falling apart and that I feel so lonely in their company... it is tearing me down. OCD on its own is enough. This is too much.
I don’t know who to turn to. I am majorly depressed. I just had a panic attack/breakdown, and my parents are blaming me, saying I can control it. I have lived with untreated OCD all 17 years of my life. I’m so overwhelmed. My parents say I’m being ridiculous, and am letting my anxiety define me, and using it as a crutch. I’m really not, it’s just gotten so out of hand because it’s been untreated my whole life. I don’t know what to do anymore. I can’t see a way out of the darkness. I have no friends, and am homeschooled because I have Lyme disease, so I basically don’t leave the house. I feel like a crazy person. Any advice? I’ll probably delete this.
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