- Date posted
- 1y ago
Chest pain and health concern ocd
To start, I’ve had off and on chest pains on my left side for months now, I’ve had literally 6-8 EKG’s, 6-8 Triponin blood tests (checks your heart enzymes) and a chest X-ray and everything has been perfect. I’ve been very very anxious the last 3 days and this morning I woke up and was immediately anxious, then my chest started the aching again. I’ve been to the ER for this literally 7 times since march. They keep telling me I’m fine. They keep telling me it’s anxiety. I know anxiety can cause chest pain. The logical side of me knows this isn’t a heart attack, it’s been happening for so long, if it was imminent, I would be dead by now. But the ocd side keeps saying “what if this time is actually your heart?” It’s been on and off aching for 6 hours and my anxiety has been really high all morning, I’ve already had 2-3 anxiety attacks since I woke up. My pulse and blood pressure have been normal all day, I check them constantly. I keep telling myself “maybe it is, maybe it isn’t.” I’ll feel calm for a few minutes until the ache comes back and it starts the cycle all over again. I’m so tired of somatic symptoms. I’m so tired of living like this and constantly thinking today is the day it all ends for me. I’m so exhausted and sad and want to give up