- Date posted
- 1y ago
Anxiety morning after drinking?
Has anyone else had this? What can I do? I hate that my ocd is focusing on my heart rate seriously! It’s so scary!
Has anyone else had this? What can I do? I hate that my ocd is focusing on my heart rate seriously! It’s so scary!
Yep. I stopped drinking for a bit until I’m further in my recovery. It’ll pass. Maybe just focus on typical things that help with hangovers like a lot of water and gentle foods, or take a nap.
@LittleBird Thank you! ❤️
Yes absolutely, I’ve had this many times throughout my life. I found that drinking was a huge trigger for me and it caused the anxiety/depression/ocd to run rampant the next few days. Many of my current ocd themes stem from drinking. To get thru the bad stuff now (hangover stage) just focus on self care and getting thru it. For long term, consider cutting alcohol out of your diet and re-evaluating your own health, habits, friends etc. Alcohol makes ocd worse for sure. In short, just be real with yourself.
I second this. I’m a heavy drinker now experiencing negative health outcomes on account of it. Can’t say I’ve had success reducing my consumption to the degree I should, but it certainly exacerbates my anxiety. Same with nicotine, which I’ve been addicted to for 20+ years (since I was 15)
Yeah i had serious hangxiety in my early 20s!! Didn't drink too often, but im not sure if i grew out of it or if my liquor of choice contributed. I never really blacked out (thank God) and i used to drink sugar+vodka which made me super hyper and then the next day i was rly anxious about it 😭 started drinking beer instead and it helped, but i really don't drink much. And if im going through bad ocd i don't drink at all
Thank you so much! I appreciate it!
I couldn't believe that this shit is OCD......how can i treat it....my brain is gonna burst...idk guys😫😫😫...this shit is really sucking me...what can i do...pls help me
Hello everyone, I have OCD and anxiety. Last medicines side effects was horrible for me and unfortunately I am not on meds now. 3 days ago I notoce vein was pulsing in my right hand palm. I measured my BP and it was 140/80. I am 32 years old women. Yesterday morning was the same, today is the same numbers too. What can I do? I am very afraid of hert attack 😭 Is this blood pressure coused by my anxiety?
My head feels weird all the time, it feels like I have a tight headband around it squeezing , like heaviness and a really weird feeling, literally feels something is wrong inside, I also feel spaced out and this feeling of going literally crazy at certain moments of the day and the anxiety spikes. The thoughts are always there 24/7 even in the back of my mind, nothign I do makes these feelings and thoughts go away which is extremely scary. I can’t go on like this, wish I woke up tomorrow and OCD didn’t exist anymore. Do you guys also feel like this? 😫
It started when I became an adult, and started receiving my mental health diagnosis. I hyper fixated on each and every action I did and how it could be related to my diagnosis’s. It then lead to fixation to my physical health — making appointments and seeing every specialist I can to rule out every possibility. I currently have been suffering with obstructive sleep. I woke up the past few days with severe pain from the lack of sleep whilst believing I was oversleeping. Luckily my fit watch tracks my sleep cycle and it turns out I am not receiving any sleep. I had an extreme panic attack — bursting into tears on the phone with my mom wondering what this case might be. She told me it could be sleep apnea and that a simple sleep study could figure this out. However, knowing my family history I made appointments to every specialist I can to make sure it is nothing serious. The unknown of health can be scary to me. Watching my mother suffer with her physical health chronically since I was a child lead me to be very conscious and aware of how my body is functioning. This morning was one of the worst moments of physical pain. I should just take one step at a time with the sleep doctor instead of taking measures to see every specialist that could pertain with this issue. However, that is very hard to me. I don’t want to ever wake up in the pain I was this morning. Does anyone else suffer with health-related OCD? And if so, how do you find a sense of ease during moments like I expressed?
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