- Date posted
- 5y ago
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Well first when I started going threw it I was scared. my self and my best buddy were on a fishing trip and he had to go pee in the woods and my mind visioned him doing that and my head was like "that's gay YOUR GAY" we were suppose stay in a tent that night and I faked sick and went home. I was afraid to talk about it for the first 3 months I kept it in . Then I went to mom . We talked and went over things . I got the nerve to go see a doctor and he said to see a therapist. I did few appointments and was told I do have ocd . And that this is not uncommon . As for copping... I dont think I cope well when in what I call a "episode " but it comes and goes. I'm getting married in a years time . And when I start thinking about that I get into a slump and start questioning my relationship but from what I understand hocd and rocd can come hand and hand they mingle with each other. Some days my attraction to my wife to be is excellent the bedroom activity can be amazing and perform perfect . You would think that would be enought proff to put it all behind you but it dont work that way . Needs to learn to not care about it just think who cares it doesnt matter who or what I am . I'm human and alive. Live life . And be strong . We can always talk here so keep messaging and we can work threw it togetter
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Happythots ! I'm male going threw same thing I'm engaged with two beautiful girls . I know they are all my life and love them . But the idea came in my head 5 years ago and its crippling . My self, I talk about it to my closes friends fiance and parents . I know I dont fit in as gay but that god damn brain wants to make me think I am and bring us down . It knows you care about the though that's why it keeps coming up . I dont vision my self with the same sex all that comes up in my head is "your gay" " yourlieing " I'm 32 started this at 27 even had 2kids in the middle its rough but we need to have a "dont matter attitude " when it dont maternity looses its power .
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Sometimes I'd rather be in hell . Fells like I'm letting the family down because it's in my head. My aunts gay and juat got married iv talk about this to her she told me she knew she was gay when she was 7 or 8 it's our brains and its a powerful thing if we let it do what it's doing
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I always find my OCD is at its worst in the mornings to.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
DSP123! I’m going threw the same thing but with three kids I’m 33 and got these intrusive thoughts! up until 8 weeks ago I was confident, happy and very sure of my identity. How have you coped for 5 years jeez?
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Nice one mate I’ve been with my partner for 11 years I love her to death and have 3 sons and I know what your going through it is like living in hell ??
- Date posted
- 5y ago
same? i’m 16 and i’m scared because that considered young i guess. but i’ve liked girls ever since i can remember and i don’t want that to change. this is such a nightmare
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Dsp123 I think I'm on a similar level to you, I've had hocd for a year now, loved girls for as long as I can remember, never questioned it until a gay guy hit on me while on holiday, telling me I was gay to everyone, I was drunk and at the time I just found the man irritating, of course the next morning I woke up in distress! The next 8 months were hell! I've been with my gf 6 years! Now I hardly have any anxiety over the thoughts, I've had some therapy sessions, I think I've habbitated to the thoughts, the only thing I get is a voice in my head telling me I am gay, I just shrug it off and move on now. I agree with what you said about rocd and hocd, sometimes I feel great with my girlfriend, and at other times It feels a struggle, which is sad to right! The thing that worries me, my attraction hasn't totally come back, it's there, but not like it used to be? Is this similar to you?
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Rile20 . Just like me 100% . Even when I know that theres a chance that myself and the woman are gonna get intimate I get scared because I worrie that these thoughts will interfere and be like "proof" sometimes try to advoid it but shouldn't. My head even tells me I'm loosing an erection while doing it but woman says not at all. Guess it's the anxiety doing that. The brain is too powerful .
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I know, I get the same, I could be half way through oral or sex, and my mind will ask me if I'm enjoying it? I don't know it's weird! I'm 28, so started the same age as it did you, is your attraction to the opposite gender any different? Or does it come in waves? I mean I feel hardly any anxiety now, I guess I get moments of anxiety, I tell my self that if I don't have anxiety, surely I should be back to normal?
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- Date posted
- 25w ago
I feel like I'm constantly thinking about the same sex. Feeling in my backside is driving me nuts 😒. And I've met this girl I like and I feel guilty as hell because I feel like I'm hiding something. I really like her but how can carry this on if I'm having these thoughts. I had these thoughts before a met her. Please help someone 😢
- Date posted
- 24w ago
I really feel like SOOCD is such a tricky theme. They tell you to sit with it and not overthink it and accept the possibilty, but we're talking about our future and someone else's future! I also feel like societal pressure doesnt help this theme at all. And its always gonna come up, because as a women, when I hang out with my friends, all they talk about is 1) their relationshios 2) their crush so my brain automatically compares or stresses when it does not relate. I try looking for comphet video on tiktok (i vividely dont recommend doing that) and some videos kind of made sens so I was like, am I a lesbian? So for instance, there is one girl who came ut at 26 and she was like "all my life I felt like I needed to date guys and chose my crushes and when I was making out with my bf it always felt like something was missing and then when I went out with the girl I realised that it wasnt supposed to feel hard and whats natural to your body will come to you naturally". She said that even tho she's a lesbian now she still imagines a life where she has a husband and kids but she knows that she cant have that because she likes imagining that she's straight when indeed she's not. (that was a very big spike for me). and she knew that if she went down that road she would never date men again ( and I feel like I relate to that?!). So to calm myself I said, idc if im gay or bi, at least my bf will be my "one" exception. And right after there was a video of a girl who said " if you're a girl going out with your bf and thinking you're 99 percent into women but that your bf is the exception leave him, you're a lesbian" ughhhhhhhh. My biggest worry right now after being in a 6 year relationship is that I feel if I imagine it that I would feel way more for a women then for a man? but my therapist told me it was normal because with two women its always more intense but im like but what does it mean? that I dont know true love? That I dont love my current partner or at least not enough? I also feel like sometimes, if I ever break up with my bf I'll never date guys after? like even if they were perfect? I know that for anyone reading that shows that Im in denial... I've talked to my therapist about it and she always is like "live in the moment". Ugh
- Date posted
- 23w ago
Does anyone with so ocd get scared or feel like they r just going to suddenly realise they r gay. Like all of a sudden you’ll be like omg I’m gay and then I get scared like ong it’s happening to me Can any relate to this
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