- Date posted
- 1y ago
It has been a year
It has been over a year since I took off college to work on my OCD and I still am not really feeling ready to go back. I feel stuck
It has been over a year since I took off college to work on my OCD and I still am not really feeling ready to go back. I feel stuck
I’m in the same boat. I did school for a year, couldn’t do it anymore and dropped out. Took a year off. Tried to do school again for a year, couldn’t get myself to do anything. Didn’t have the motivation. College is not for everyone. Just reading something would make me extremely anxious and make my OCD worse. And also my OCD would make it hard for me to do schoolwork. Don’t beat yourself up for it. Take your time to get better and get busy doing stuff you enjoy. Maybe get a job doing something you like so you feel like you’re accomplishing something and also making money. Or just take some classes doing something that takes your mind off things. Whatever you feel comfortable with! Good luck and I hope you feel better. Give yourself some time and you’ll figure it out.
I don't want to disappoint you just telling my story. 5 years ago I left a PhD program for the same reason. Know I wish I had never done that.
Don't let OCD stop you from achieving your goals. I know it's hard, but you don't want to look back and see that this preventes you from living a fulfilling life. In fact, isolating yourself from these things may make OCD harder to break from since you've shown it that it can tell you how to live your life.
It's been five years since I quit high school to work on my mental health. The best thing I found to do is to find a way to start slow and do a little bit of course work to keep yourself busy/distract yourself from your OCD. It can feel good to accomplish a worksheet, or finish a chapter in a textbook. I found it also helps to look at where your education could get you. Be excited by the cool things you could learn and contribute to. But most of all, just take a deep breath, practice self-care and keep yourself busy.
Did you do ERP therapy? What’s your values?
Yes, I am currently in ERP therapy. I guess I don't fully understand the second question.
Hey today I’m feeling very tired because of my OCD I’m just so tired of it. I feel I’m doing everything to get better. I disregard the thoughts, I’m trying to do things like I don’t have ocd but it doesn’t want to go away. I was doing fine for a long period of time and now I feel like I’m back a square one. It’s been almost 2 months now I’m battling with OCD and I’m just tired. Sure I have moments where it’s better than others, I also have days where I barely have OCD but I also have really bad days like today where I just don’t want to get out of bed. Last time I had a relapse it took my 4 weeks to get out of it I don’t understand why this time it takes me more. I’m starting believing that I will never feel better again. Anyway I’m gonna try to find the strength to get out of bed and to start my day. But I just wanted to share. It’s such a horrible illness.
I’m turning 30 in a few months and all I can think about how my Parents never took the initiative to actually help me when it came to my mental illness. Now my OCD is probably the worst it’s ever been and I feel like I can’t do anything. Like I’m trapped in a tunnel and there’s no way out. I’ve gone from job to job, never fully finished my degree due to severe OCD/depression never making enough money for professional help and being gaslighted all these years about my illness. I resent my family and myself for not trying hard enough to get better. If anyone can relate feel free to share. Anyways I pray this year will be the year I find my out.
Hey everyone, been doing ok this week but having a little bit of a rough moment rn. So I’m about a year and a half out of college and I still have yet to a real job job. I worked for eight months somewhere which was great but I decided it wasn’t permanent. Now I’ve been unemployed for about four months and OCD is really having a field day with it. Trying to deal with it and just keep applying everyday, but I always feel like my family and friends are looking down on me and/or just plain disappointed in me. Just wanted to kind of vent and get this out of my head before I go to bed. I hope everyone is having a great week!
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