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- 5y ago
It's not about being arrogant and self-righteous. I can be patient any time of the day, believe me, I am a teacher in real life. -- It is the frustration of seeing how a tool that is supposed to help is being used to feed this horrible monster that is OCD. --- It's like a recovery clinic for drug addicts being used to sell and trade dope.
Unfortunately, my friend, that philosophy is not very welcome here - ironic ... An app that is supposed to help with OCD.
Yes sadly, and I can see that by the amount of likes I got. Unfortunately some people here do not take good advice that will actually help them in recovering. They want to recover but do not want to go through the short term uncomfortableness they have to face (lets say anxiousness while doing ERP) to recover. They just want something magical to happen to get rid of their obsession all of sudden.
Yes, I understand you. That is why I always return to this app to give the same advice even though I know it might not be taken seriously at that time. Maybe, just maybe my advice might be helpful to someone at some time when the reader will finally realize that it might be helpful to take a different approach or just try out to see if it works. I have been through this same journey, journey of constant fighting against the uncertainty until you finally break and collapse and realize you are not winning and then you not only accept the defeat, but surrender yourself and allow your fate to be your master. The moment you stop fighting is the moment you start living.
I really needed to hear this today, thank you so much.
Everyone's at different points on their unique journey. Some people learn quicker than others. That's ok too. It might take 20, 50, 100 people tell someone how it works before it finally sinks in. Sometimes we have all the information but it takes reach our personal threshold of pain where we decide we can't take anymore, and that we are done. Of course when the pain of staying in ocd becomes greater than the percieved pain of stepping into recovery and doing the work of erp, maybe that's when we truly are ready to hear good advice. Rather than get frustrated at these people, try practicing patience, humility, and compassion. These are better than becoming self righteous.
Great post btw
I applaud you. Thank you.
Yes me too brother x
Thank you, I applaud you too and all us for being there for each other. I wish I could have been part of a community like this during my dark days.
Thanks for posting this. I needed to hear this.
Well they done hand out methadone to heroine addicts where I'm from...
Its not an attack and I'm sure you're a patient teacher. Us lot with ocd are often extremely capable and talented in our fields. I'm just saying we cant control how others use the tools provided. Say the serenity prayer: Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.
Hi all!! It's been a while since I've been on here and I just want to say everybody can do this. When I was diagnosed with ocd and specifically so-ocd I thought oh lord I'm lying to myself and my sexuality. No! I've always been straight and will be!! Anyway, what I have learned is to let thought be a thought (that is harder than it seems). But if you try to not force the thought and let it leave when you want and show the thoughts that you are unbothered things will become easier. But today I have the realization that I no longer have the urge to figure it out because I do know who I am and that these thoughts are not of me. I no longer feel like I am lying to myself and I feel more and more like my old self. Anyway, if you have read all the way here just know you got this I'm proud and I feel myself beating ocd every day. You will have your down days and that's ok just get back up and keep moving forward. Love you all❤️
Lately, I have been able to manage my OCD thoughts kind of. They’re still there but I kind of push them away? I know that pushing them away doesn’t help but it’s been my only way to survive. I get scared often about things like clothes or my voice or how I present myself. I get scared that I want to dress differently or act differently and it scares me. I know for a fact I don’t want boobs or anything like that, but my mind constantly is like “What if?” and it kills me. It has ruined everything for me. Sometimes I can’t even look in the mirror because I get scared that I won’t like what I see. I’ve also been afraid because I find myself relating to many female characters, or I want to act like them. Like Pearl from Steven Universe. I want to be graceful and elegant like her, but I don’t want to be a girl you know? My mind constantly pushes these thoughts of what if and images. Because I am not like most guys. Which I know is okay. It just freaks me out. It makes me question every aspect of my being. I know who I am, but I know that the only way to move forward is to accept that maybe I don’t.. It’s just a lot.
I feel awful that I keep coming on here whenever I’m down bad but oh my gosh OCD is the most painful shit that I have EVER experienced in my life and I have a physical chronic illness…. I hate to say it but I hate living right now it’s too painful… im crying as I type to the point where my stomach is hurting, I have pretty severe ocd I do have generalized anxiety and idk if that is connected with ocd but because of that I have most of the subtypes REAL EVENT OCD,POCD,ZOCD,ROCD,SOCD HARM OCD, you name it and I got it!!! a lot of also why I have have those theme is trauma growing up and involving those things^ as of right now i’m 25 and a women with the most loving boyfriend in the entire world before my ocd hit me I NEVER questioned my love and care and attraction with the love of my life I always knew I was going to marry and be with this person the rest of my life! Now with ocd it confuses me soooo much and now I think I’m gay and didn’t realize or indenial and listen I get it “don’t look for reassurance!” “It’s not the thing ocd is attacking that is the problem ocd is the actual problem!” Here’s the thing with that if I’m in a relationship and I’m gay that would mean I would have to leave that said relationship and to say that “oh yeah that stuff happens and you’ll move on” is absolutely devastating to me this is THE LOVE OF MY LIFE and your telling me that iv been lying to myself this whole time or that I didn’t realize?!?!? And that sexuality can change (even though some say it can’t google says otherwise and some people have said it can’t idek anymore) and all this other BULLSHIT I can’t take it WHY?!?! why does this have to happen why can’t I just be with my love the rest of my life?!? and yes before anyone says anything I have been attracted to girls more so when I was younger watching lesbian porn liking the body’s and fantazing them sexually it stopped when I got older but I still don’t get disgusted with women who are pretty it just makes me uncomfortable because I’m with the love of my life and before I remember talking to my partner and discussing certain childhood things I experienced and we discussed that we both could be a little bi and for certain I’m (demi sexual so I don’t even really care about looks) and I truly didn’t care!! NOW I do care even with being bi because again I don’t like thinking about anyone else but my partner but I do also know my parents are homophobic and I do think about if I am gay they wouldn’t be okay with that and I also dont want to deal with that so now I sound like in indenial right?!???? I didn’t even care about labels before my ocd it just didn’t matter but now it’s effected my sex life and it’s hard for me to enjoy sex with being so confused I’m so confused I googled everything can you still have sexual fantasies with same gender but still be straight? Can you fantasize about same gender or imagine marrying them all of it !!! And non of that disgusts me it just makes me uncomfortable AGIAN only bc I just love the partner I’m with right now!!! I’m so fucking confused do I have to leave my partner and accept that I’m gay is that going to happen in the future if I get better with ocd and find out it’s been true all along?!???
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