- Username
- ajustice28
- Date posted
- 5y ago
My shower getting filled up to the top and me drowning, it was the most illogical obsession
There being fire down the sides of my bed so I’d constantly check before sleeping and actually strain myself jamming my head down the side of my bed to be completely sure there was no fire, it was so silly but at the time to me it was just better to check cause then I could be certain that I was safe
My eyes being unsymmetrical and because of that I was ugly and everyone was lying when they’d tell me I was pretty. And my nose, I have deveated spectrum which causes it to be slightly crooked, but I came to terms with that because if I ever needed to I could have surgery because it causes very severe bloody noses. It’s the eyes that always get me. So then I’ll take pictures and put the grid on to see if they’re at least on the same level. Then after realizing they are ill take photos of each eye and compare how large the kid is compared to the other and etc. Then I will spend hours researching if other people’s eyes are the same.
I had one similar to the fire one but with rats and snakes
And on top of that I go through periods of times of obsessing over my waist and bloating. Essentially, every know and then I’ll believe I’ve gained WAY too much weight and will starve myself just so I wouldn’t bloat. The thing is, I wasn’t bloating at all. Sure my stomach was expanding, but it was not bloating. But I got it into my head that my stomach was much much larger after eating three bites of anything. After a very small meal I would turn to the side and take a photo and compare the before eating anything to after eating and would sob because my stomach was so “big” and I was eating way too much. It then got to the point that even if I wanted to eat I couldn’t get past three bites and was still stuck in the same picture cycle. There were moments while looking up how to stop bloating and what could be the cause that I had absolutely convinced myself that I had ibs and would have to live with bloating forever. There were even times where I would go to my mom and anxiously tell her there is something seriously wrong, that I had eaten close to nothing and yet I looked huge and was bloating really badly. And she would look at me extremely confused and tell me that I was the same, there was no bloating. But I wasn’t convinced, so I would physically draw and outline of my stomach before eating and after eating to compare. Looking back on the photos I clearly see now that I never was bloating at all, but this version of my ocd as well as the one mentioned above constantly comes back.
A few months back I had this obsession that the cops were following me. I live in an apartment and after a while it ended up being cops living in every one of the apartments surrounding me and they would always talk and sometimes I would hear them together in their apartment just talking. I was getting so scared that I would hurry into my apartment. I told my boyfriend and he told me to calm down, that they weren’t listening to us. Then a little after I started my ADHD medicine and ever sense I haven’t had the thoughts. Sometimes I think it’s so dumb how I just constantly worried about it and I really believed they just moved there to watch/listen to me, when I don’t really even do much. I would whisper sometimes though because I thought they were listening and there would be things I didn’t want them to hear, I would even refrain from telling my boyfriend things till we were in the shower. It was a really weird time. I think it was just from obsessing over it so much, the only other think I could think of was schizophrenia but I’ve never really had signs of that.
Currently obsessing over me being the only “real” or conscious person in the world, and that everyone I love isn’t actually real. I know deep down that this is ocd, but I feel like by not ruminating I’m just ignoring the fear (which feels so real and scary). Has anyone experienced anything similar and how did you get out of this worry? Trying not to seek reassurance as it’s one of my compulsions, but I’m very distressed.
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