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- hocdgirlsummer
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I got freaking depressed due to this and look at me? Im a mess. Im out here cursing and shit while i neved used to do that. Nothing is left of my old personality, of my innocense and purity. I know this sounds so extrembe but it hit me, there really is no way back huh? Everyone who doesn tgo trough this is SO SO SO Damn lukcy.
I understand what u feel right now but just be strong and let it pass you will get yourself back because i feel like im getting normal when i choose to ignore these hocd thought and i know it is really hard to ignore because it feels so real and sometimes even indistinguishable but i am telling you from my and others who are facing the same hocd like us you will get yourself back
Have really bad hocd too along with every other theme. Its fucking frustrating and exhausting.not gonna say shit like it'll get better and just keep fighting cuz I hate hearing that cliche bullshit.but just know I'm sorry you suffer from this and I understand how much it destroys your life.i wish you and me could be like most people and just be
@HOCDiagnosed wow thank you for telling a hocd diagnoses person that! At least a trigger warning would help. Im sorry if u were just trying to help but maybe youve noticed im freaking out and calling me anyrhing other than straigjt right now is not helping. Like what even is heteroromanric bisexual??? I want you to know that all i knew before hocd was that k liked guys. Period. Im sorry for going off but all these terms for sexuality seem so bullshit to me. I jusr want back how i used to be.
@jujuandocd thanks for helping me out! Girls like you made me feel not so alone, i know what u mean and ive seen so many woman saying the same and i do understand that im feeaking out for no reason. Bur hocd is here and i cant ger rid of it now. Its litteraly turning everything sexual and poisening everything i used to love. I wish i knew this before hocd. I probably wouldnt be here. Anyway it really helps hearing from girls like you :)
@HOCDaignosed its okay, i have my moments where i freak out. I get that ur only trying to help so please dont feel bad because of my response. I just want you to know that as a person with hocd its really really hard to hear that theyre anything other than straight. Im not seeking reassurance right now but im at a point where im really stressing and when im at a point like that jts hard to hear what u said. I wish you wouldve noticed that i wasnt feeling good and i was panicking but i also cant expect you to read my emotions so im sorry if i offended u. Thanks for trying to help me :)
Exactly, the logic behind it is absolutely zilch.
@ergot25 i truly wish all of us wouldnt have to analzy every single thought and emotion we have. I wish we could just live in the moment like normal people.
Juppp and i did got turned on. But i never liked girls in a romanric way. So basically i liked guys but knew i got turned om buy girls jn porn. So that didnt frighten me and i jusr lived with that. Till one day i started thinking like hold tf up. Im gay. Thats where my hocd came to life. I never was attracted to a girl in real life but still my hocd told me i liked girls in a romantic way and thats whats killing me. I later learned that there are litteraly sooooo many girls out there who are straight and turned on by girls in porn. If only j knew that earlier i truly think all of this didnt happend. It turns out to be a compeltely normal thing to get turned om by boobs in porn for a girl. In real life ive never felt attracted to a woman, i did felt atteacted to men but that stopped ever since hocd. Now my hocd is trying to convince me i like woman in real life
Sexual orientation and romantic orientation should be put together. I think that saying their separate is fictional babble said by people to give more labels.
@TheReptileCyka couldnr agree more. U see ur self marrying a woman or a man like its not ur gonna have a sexual Relatilnship with only woman and and then go on cute dates with only guys? It really doesnt make sense.
i’ve been dealing with SOOCD for a while now. in the beginning i remember getting random thoughts about secretly being gay because whenever i see a woman portrayed in a sexual manner (like butt naked and/or doing something super sexual) i would get aroused. i used to brush it off because i just knew i didn’t want to be with a woman and i was and always have been only interested in men. I would only get aroused seeing those things in media and ofc porn but never in real life. I would even sit and stare at the content trying to see why i was aroused because it would only give me a groinal feeling and not the same attraction i felt when i saw sexual content about men (i had a HEALTHY libido growing up and all i thought about was men). i would watch music videos and not think anything of it but when something sexual came up or if a woman was nude or doing something sexual i would get aroused and as my anxiety got worse the intrusive thoughts started to pop up and stick around for longer. i tried to understand why it was happening and i realized i was exposed to sexual content at a pretty young age (thank you google) and i knew what sex was and how a woman “should look” during sex and anything that was even a little bit sexual made me aroused . Like me looking at myself naked would arouse me because i felt like “oh this is sexual” ykwim? and if i saw like lacy underwear i would be like “oh this is for sex.” in middle school the world history textbooks had pictures of statues with women without shirts and i automatically got aroused and i was concerned and confused but i realized oh i immediately think this means sex? like a woman only looks like that to have sex? i think my exposure to sexual content at a young age warped my idea of sex and what being sexual is? idk if what i’m saying is making sense. anyways in high school i noticed i started getting urges to watch any sexual content or anything involving sexual content whether it involved girls or guys and that triggered my intrusive thoughts even more. i still had and have no desire to be with a girl. I would rather never marry and be single all my life than even think of experimenting with a girl. basically i’m writing this all bc i was triggered by a cardi b post where she started twerking in a thong out of nowhere (i should’ve expected it) and i got the most massive groinal response and i got extremely anxious and i started thinking “you’ve always been aroused by sexual content like this your gay” “your lying to yourself” “this isn’t just ocd stop lying” “there was too much exploration in your childhood to mean ur straight” “you don’t even have a libido or attraction to men anymore but you get aroused to this?? ur gay”. and so i’m here ranting and not making sense. i miss being boy crazy so fucking much i hate living like this i used to be so BOY CRAZY that these things and experiences and thoughts never affected me but now that it’s all gone and it’s been so long since i’ve felt any of it the intrusive thoughts hit me harder. ok i’m done sorry this is all over the place.
Anybody else use their lack of sexual history as a way for OCD to use as evidence? I just start remembering all the times I could have had sex but didn’t. I also had a HUGE porn addiction that made it so difficult to function. I remember that I was always afraid of having sex with anyone other than my ex because I was emotionally abused and I felt like if she found out, she would get mad and at the time, that would break me. I’d always overthink about sex and what could happen if It happened at that moment. My mind would fill with questions and I just would end up saying I rather not have any sex. My therapist believed I could have shown signs of OCD early on. I believe that’s what’s happened then and now. I don’t like guys romantically and I love getting excited for a woman. I love that feeling of seeing a pretty girl and getting the chance to know her. It makes my heart so happy. But I would do everything I can to avoid speaking with a guy, even if he was not conventionally attractive. Porn makes me feel like I could turn gay since I watched it so much. I’ve lost interest in watching porn which is a good thing but now ocd is like “oh you don’t get turned on by porn anymore, and those videos had girls in it so that must mean you don’t like girls anymore.” Like how stupid is that. I also saw on Reddit and Quora that people were saying porn can change your attraction/make you lose interest in girls. I know Quora and Reddit are OCD’s best ways at scaring you and these forums are never to be taken seriously, but man does it trigger you. Anyways if you made it this far, thank you. I’m just overthinking a lot today
I really feel like SOOCD is such a tricky theme. They tell you to sit with it and not overthink it and accept the possibilty, but we're talking about our future and someone else's future! I also feel like societal pressure doesnt help this theme at all. And its always gonna come up, because as a women, when I hang out with my friends, all they talk about is 1) their relationshios 2) their crush so my brain automatically compares or stresses when it does not relate. I try looking for comphet video on tiktok (i vividely dont recommend doing that) and some videos kind of made sens so I was like, am I a lesbian? So for instance, there is one girl who came ut at 26 and she was like "all my life I felt like I needed to date guys and chose my crushes and when I was making out with my bf it always felt like something was missing and then when I went out with the girl I realised that it wasnt supposed to feel hard and whats natural to your body will come to you naturally". She said that even tho she's a lesbian now she still imagines a life where she has a husband and kids but she knows that she cant have that because she likes imagining that she's straight when indeed she's not. (that was a very big spike for me). and she knew that if she went down that road she would never date men again ( and I feel like I relate to that?!). So to calm myself I said, idc if im gay or bi, at least my bf will be my "one" exception. And right after there was a video of a girl who said " if you're a girl going out with your bf and thinking you're 99 percent into women but that your bf is the exception leave him, you're a lesbian" ughhhhhhhh. My biggest worry right now after being in a 6 year relationship is that I feel if I imagine it that I would feel way more for a women then for a man? but my therapist told me it was normal because with two women its always more intense but im like but what does it mean? that I dont know true love? That I dont love my current partner or at least not enough? I also feel like sometimes, if I ever break up with my bf I'll never date guys after? like even if they were perfect? I know that for anyone reading that shows that Im in denial... I've talked to my therapist about it and she always is like "live in the moment". Ugh
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