- Username
- karliee
- Date posted
- 1y ago
personally taking a moment to calm down using safe space, and working with a therapist or the resources on here to not act on the compulsions. It can definitely be difficult but you are not alone in this!
@chey1421 yes that definitely does help a little. i’ve been feeling INTENSE guilt over something i did more than a year ago and i can’t seem to get it off my mind it’s there 24/7
I’m in the trenches with you guys tonight. You’re not alone. I’m not sure I have advice because I’m really struggling and just fighting my way through weeks of an OCD flare up and it’s like you said the guilt is INTENSE. Like my brain makes me question if it’s even OCD sometimes. And it’s there 24/7. Sometimes it helps me to look at art made by people with OCD, cus it can be validating and quiets my brain for a moment, but the art can be intense and might be triggering so just a heads-up. I know that might not help with your specific situation, I just don’t want to give reassurance and make your OCD louder and also I’m still figuring out what helps mine but I want you to know I’m here and I see you.
@Anonymous just helps to know im really not alone. i feel you 100%. it is so difficult and i am here for you too
@carlyp Something that helped me out finally at 9am, at the 11 hour mark of my flare-up (which was an acute flare-up within an OCD relapse I’ve been in since like October) was when a friend was able to talk and heard everything (which was some confession compulsions) and told me, “Dude, this is your OCD. And I might not be an expert, but I think the best thing you can do right now is at least act as if this is your OCD and proceed accordingly with what you learned in ERP.” And that helped a lot and got me to stop my compulsions and try to not attach to my thoughts. Maybe it was reassurance to hear it was just my OCD. But given I’m still waiting to have my second session with my ERP therapist through NOCD cus it was on pause for weeks, and we were going on hour 12 of acute freak out, sometimes I think if a reality check that it’s your OCD helps, then dang it, it helps. So maybe ask your therapist if that is a strategy that you could utilize: having a person who can just remind you it’s your OCD and guides you away from compulsions without judgement. Or if that would be too much reassurance, that’s fair. It’s hard with real event OCD too cus my brain gets stuck on the concrete thing that happened that I cannot change and what it means about who I am/my values/whether people should be around me/what decisions I will make in the future/on and on. I hope this is helpful. Again, if nothing else, still thinking about you and this thread.
@Anonymous thank you so much. no yeah just hearing that it really IS my ocd and that im not crazy definitely helps. i so appreciate you giving me this advice it really means alot. i am always here too and know how incredibly tough it can be.
Hello, I think it’s fairly obvious at the moment I am struggling with terrible harm related intrusive thoughts / harm ocd. I feel so distressed and anxious about these horrendous thoughts its to the point I’m crying out of panic or avoiding anything that may cause harm, but the thing is i have this horrible like “intrusive feeling” throughout my body that feels really strong despite my distress to the thoughts I just have this feeling of what if i snap throughout my body. I also feel whats severely effecting me is that if i did it like “What if I actually did it” “No but what if i did” “Anyone is capable of it” and then the feeling gets worse and stronger and it makes me even more anxious. I know it is Harm OCD but i feel so distressed so anxious even to the point im waking up in the middle of the night with horrid thoughts that distress me and i find it hard to sleep due to the feeling / thoughts. If anyone can relate to this I really hope you can reply, offering advice or sharing your experience because the worst part of Ocd is feeling abnormal and alone and this is what I am feeling and its hurting me so badly. I feel low , exhausted. 💕
i would like some advice please and i didn't get any responses 😭.. apologies for reposting but just need some thoughts on this 🥲 //// after frustrations with erp not working, i intentionally brought up the intrusive mental images as well as sensations during an exposure in trying to practice desensitizing myself to them. but now im scared that me purposefully bringing on the images and especially the disturbing outward sensations means that i did something bad or acted on my thought since i took the action to purposefully create and bring the disturbing intrusive images and thoughts and feelings. now it feels like not just a fear but reality. and my anxiety levels are just too much. i'm just feeling terrible and would like some thoughts or support
Hi there I talk about religion (but I'm not trying to force it down anyone's throat) So my main event (which is the one that truly bothers me) happened in 2015 when I was 14. I won't go into any details or anything. I will say that it got so bad once that I almost committed something detrimental to my health earlier this year. Not long after that I spoke to a doctor and basically confessed what's been happening to my brain and my mistakes, he mentioned things that really resonated with me, I'll paraphrase a bit: "Okay, so what you did was not good but it's not something to condemn yourself for. It falls into the grey area, you've apologized and have been forgiven (even though I apologized over text, which comes across cowardly)but it seems that you haven't forgiven yourself. There's a whole lot of difference between you at 14 and you at 23. Try to have some perspective." This really helped and it still does, but unfortunately ocd tries to find a way around this. I'll get a thought of "oh but you forgot to mention that other part of the event" and it magnifies it. Can anyone relate? I've done everything but fully move on because I sometimes feel like I don't deserve to move on. And I'm still worried over the future.
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