- Username
- Catcat2254
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 51w ago
How long have u guys been in erp
I'm going to my fifth session tomorrow just curious how long u guys have been it n if want to tell ur journey with erp
I'm going to my fifth session tomorrow just curious how long u guys have been it n if want to tell ur journey with erp
March will be 2 years of ERP therapy for me, with NOCD. I went into it blind, not knowing what ERP was or what therapy for OCD would look like (I was in talk therapy for a year before I was diagnosed). I had suspected I had OCD for a long time, and got diagnosed at 31, and started treatment a few weeks after my diagnosis. It’s hard work, but I’m seeing the payoff, and it motivates me. If you have any questions, I’m happy to share more. And, congratulations on starting therapy!
If you dont mind me asking whats some of the postive biggest changes or small changes that erp brought about in your life?
@Mr.ocd Small changes, my moods are better. I don’t feel anxious before therapy-I look forward to my sessions more. I used to feel really anxious the day before, knowing I would talk about hard things. It’s easier to do now. Big changes-handling uncertainty and distress when I never thought I could before. I can talk myself out of spirals, I can prevent myself from going down a rabbit hole of uncertainty much more easily than before I started ERP. One of my struggles is emotional contamination from a family member (fearing their energy would transfer to me, I might become like them personality wise, bad vibes etc). I used to freak out when this person rode in my car. I couldn’t even put my purse on their seat. This past weekend, they visited, and I didn’t think twice about them sitting in my car. If you had told me this before I started ERP, I wouldn’t have believed you. I notice compulsions more. I can recognize the tricks my OCD tries to pull. I’ve opened up more to my support system, which was a huge struggle for me. I sleep better. The tough days are still tough, but are also easier. I don’t feel like I’m white knuckling every day. I had the courage to start medicine for my OCD (my fear of losing control prevented me from starting medicine, up until this year). I switched from Zoloft to Lexapro, and handling the change and the uncertainty with it was not as hard as I thought it would be, because I had my tools. Overall, ERP is giving me my life back. I’m not spending hours ruminating, trying to clean bad energy out of my house or car. I’m discovering who I am. ERP has really changed my life. I still have hard days, I still struggle some days. But I have so many tools to help me. This morning was hard for me-I was overwhelmed at work, I was ruminating about someone I know dying. Part of me wanted to keep ruminating, to find some kind of certainty. But the part of me that knows rumination solves nothing, won out. And my day got better. I hope this helps.
@Anonymous So happy for you that is something to be very proud of 😁
@Anonymous This is super encouraging! 😁👏🏽Thanks for sharing part of your journey. Cool to see someone who’s been thru it and has experienced the benefits but also be realistic. I’ve just started in this journey and while nerve racking, i can notice small but good improvements—reading experiences like yours reminds me to trust the process, so thank you! Rooting for us all 😂👏🏽
@ShaBerg Thank you so much for your kind words ❤️ I hope you continue to recognize your improvements! The journey is scary but so worth it.
ERP saved my life! Going on almost 3 months. It gets better
I'm so nervous for my next appointment we just started exposures
@Catcat2254 You got this
@Catcat2254 me too, it’s pretty intimidating &nerve wracking for me. i know it’s something my brain is afraid of experiencing in a form of protection. It’s hard to want to change but feeling so dependent on the safety of my comfort zone
@Anonymous The work will get easier, I promise.
Since August 2023 With NOCD since December 2023 Lots of quick improvement, my life is largely back on track but now it’s about ‘living’ erp and keeping sharp. Aka staying open to uncertainty :) Glad you are here.
If you dont mind me asking whats some of the postive biggest changes or small changes that erp brought about in your life?
@Mr.ocd Being able to stand any thought/feeling, with practice
It’s been about 6 months-ish now! For reference I walked in kinda unsure if I had ocd with basically no knowledge about any of it (I 100% did). So like I can definitely feel and see the change so vividly in my life.
How do you go about your life when ERP therapy is so stressful. I have harm ocd and by making me watch horror movies etc . is just making it worse. I'm really worried I'm being brainwashed into being what I dont want to be . Does this mean ERP is not for me? I also have no compulsions just pure O .
To peoples who are struggling with ocd and wants to know if ERP will actually work or not read this: It's been a year I'm struggling with OCD, in 2023 I didn't realize that I was being a victim of OCD, I thought it was normal to worry about the thoughts I was having, actually the thoughts are not even about me, I'm having thoughts about singer's sexuality since years I know it may sound silly but I have been since a year these thoughts are real to worry about, in January my ocd became stronger, I strat having episodes of ocd every week, in may I got to know that I have ocd and from the moment I got to know that I have ocd I didn't have a single day struggling without ocd, in April I started doing ERP it's been 5 months I doing ERP but I'm not still recovered fully but yeah I don't have episodes anymore, I don't worry about the single thoughts for days but still my every thought is controlled by ocd , I still have anxiety which is out of control, I still feel like these thoughts will never go away but I choose to live the way I want without caring about these thoughts.....I know no one's free to care about my mental health but if anyone's reading this please encourage me😔🙏
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