- Username
- hr247
- Date posted
- 49w ago
no boner
i was with my gf yesterday, we held hands when walking, she even sat on me at one point but i never got a boner is this normal? i always used to get boners in situations like this before
i was with my gf yesterday, we held hands when walking, she even sat on me at one point but i never got a boner is this normal? i always used to get boners in situations like this before
anxiety, fatigue, hunger, thirst, depression, and certain medications used to treat OCD (like Zoloft) can all cause things to be slower to react or need more stimulation than usual to get aroused. If you were anxious with her, then that’s definitely normal!
It’s so normal man. I love my wife and I know I’m attracted to her, but sometimes I have difficulty with certain things sexually because of my medication/anxiety etc. This is another way OCD is trying to get at you.
@Michael.1993 i’m not even on any meds man
@ocdposting Doesn’t matter, it can just be anxiety as well, or you’re just not in the mood. The meds are just my personal experience
You don't need to get a boner all the time. My bf sometime tells me, he is not in the mood or his body just is not in the mood. And that is fine. And as a female I can really understand that. I have like a few days a month were arousal is easy for me. The rest of the time it is not .
I dont know is this is sign of me being a lesbian or what but I feel like i can’t talk with my girl friends about guys. When i was young i used to, it was fun, talking about those things and talking about sex when we were pre-teens. But now I’m 20 and i feel like that im just not that boy crazy as other girls and i feel like im just left out of the conversation. When im alone and i do feel normal and my ocd is not spiraling i notice guys and i do have fantasies. I just feel a bit broken when i talk about guys with my girl friends. But i dont think im a lesbian. Sometimes i just know I’m not. But i’ve read many stories like “I realized I was a lesbian when all my girl friends were talking about guys and i couldnt relate”. 😔😔 Maybe this is all because of HOCD because i have it since 14.
i’ve been dealing with SOOCD for a while now. in the beginning i remember getting random thoughts about secretly being gay because whenever i see a woman portrayed in a sexual manner (like butt naked and/or doing something super sexual) i would get aroused. i used to brush it off because i just knew i didn’t want to be with a woman and i was and always have been only interested in men. I would only get aroused seeing those things in media and ofc porn but never in real life. I would even sit and stare at the content trying to see why i was aroused because it would only give me a groinal feeling and not the same attraction i felt when i saw sexual content about men (i had a HEALTHY libido growing up and all i thought about was men). i would watch music videos and not think anything of it but when something sexual came up or if a woman was nude or doing something sexual i would get aroused and as my anxiety got worse the intrusive thoughts started to pop up and stick around for longer. i tried to understand why it was happening and i realized i was exposed to sexual content at a pretty young age (thank you google) and i knew what sex was and how a woman “should look” during sex and anything that was even a little bit sexual made me aroused . Like me looking at myself naked would arouse me because i felt like “oh this is sexual” ykwim? and if i saw like lacy underwear i would be like “oh this is for sex.” in middle school the world history textbooks had pictures of statues with women without shirts and i automatically got aroused and i was concerned and confused but i realized oh i immediately think this means sex? like a woman only looks like that to have sex? i think my exposure to sexual content at a young age warped my idea of sex and what being sexual is? idk if what i’m saying is making sense. anyways in high school i noticed i started getting urges to watch any sexual content or anything involving sexual content whether it involved girls or guys and that triggered my intrusive thoughts even more. i still had and have no desire to be with a girl. I would rather never marry and be single all my life than even think of experimenting with a girl. basically i’m writing this all bc i was triggered by a cardi b post where she started twerking in a thong out of nowhere (i should’ve expected it) and i got the most massive groinal response and i got extremely anxious and i started thinking “you’ve always been aroused by sexual content like this your gay” “your lying to yourself” “this isn’t just ocd stop lying” “there was too much exploration in your childhood to mean ur straight” “you don’t even have a libido or attraction to men anymore but you get aroused to this?? ur gay”. and so i’m here ranting and not making sense. i miss being boy crazy so fucking much i hate living like this i used to be so BOY CRAZY that these things and experiences and thoughts never affected me but now that it’s all gone and it’s been so long since i’ve felt any of it the intrusive thoughts hit me harder. ok i’m done sorry this is all over the place.
i had a really bad an intense real event obsession for the past two days like extremely anxiety and nausea inducing it felt like unbearable like i was panicking and going to die. but i woke up and ive been fine all day, my brain wont think, it just wont produce any anxiety-evoking thoughts or compulsions, why? like everything feels normal and even when i purposefully think about the obsession its almost like its muffled i dont feel any anxiety and its like my brain wont produce any thoughts around it, it just wont. i feel like an absolute faker. is this normal? what if this means its all fake?
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