- Date posted
- 48w ago
Harm OCD
I pick my face as a coping mechanism for anxiety. I worry constantly. What r some things I can do to work through this?
I pick my face as a coping mechanism for anxiety. I worry constantly. What r some things I can do to work through this?
Ok take everything i say with a pinch of salt i’m not a therapist and have only just started my therapy on here. You could try wearing gloves to prevent picking. Also, maybe try picking something harmless instead like picking some dried wax, clay, playdoh, or tearing some paper, or just doing something to keep your hands busy. Have you tried journalling your worries to get them out of your head onto paper? I find that helps me. Everytime you feel like picking do something else to distract yourself. I pick the skin around my thumb when i’m anxious or upset too, its not as bad as it used to be though. Good luck hope this can help in some way
Try CBT to address your worries. Most of what we worry about never comes true. Try shifting to thinking more positive. There is a chance that something negative can come true but theres also a chance it can go well, try to focus on that instead if just the worst case scenarios. That helps me too.
I’m not sure if this would help there are lava rocks on Etsy that have some kind of wax on them and they seem satisfying to pick at. There are are also fidget toys that are clear fidget toys with little beads that you can like pick out but I’m not sure what it’s called.
@libbylooblue The rock on Amazon is called picking stone and it has like a whole little kit with it
This theme always hits me the worst. It causes the most anxiety and panic. And when i’m finally doing good again it all spirals back. my panic attacks are unreal again. sometimes i get so bad my Xanax won’t even stop the anxiety. These thoughts scare the living shit out of me and cause me to have terrible depression. Recently they have been back. What if this what if that, and sometimes they aren’t even what ifs, it’s more like a demand and they terrifies me. I’ve once again gave into my compulsions and put anything and everything that cause me anxiety into my kitchen so i can feel safe. This theme scares me because it makes me feel like i want to do it or i am going to do it when i don’t. These thoughts consume me. They even say “well do you wanna live like this what if it is the easier way out”. I don’t want to hurt myself and i’m truly a happy person i’m just not understanding these thoughts and why they cause me this much pain. I’m tired if the constant panic attacks and freaking out because of it. My mind goes “what if you have ideation and not OCD”when i clearly have been diagnosed with it. I just need tips and advice i don’t want to live like this forever i’m only 17.
I was having a really good day at work and then all of a sudden, I realize that my harm OCD wasn’t there and then that reminded my brain to think about all these horrible things. I’ve been having really bad intrusive thoughts about wanting to hurt people or the fear of doing these things and I caught myself ruminating on things like oh well did this movie make me feel uncomfortable so I can reassure myself that I don’t wanna do these things and it’s just that fear like that I’m gonna wanna do it and it’s not even people that I’m close to. It’s literally anyone it could be like a random stranger thing about these things cause I know that’s a compulsion. So I thought I would put a message out to see if anyone could relate or has any advice.
So my harm ocd is really bad. I have a mix between hit and run ocd and being hyperaware of everything so I don’t hurt anyone or so they don’t accuse me of something. I can’t even enjoy vacation anymore. As of recently, my harm ocd is related to using the public bathroom. Everytime I leave an area or pass someone, I usually look behind me to make sure all is ok. Same with driving. Well lately when I use the public bathroom, I get anxious if another person doesn’t come out after me (they’re in another stall) and I can’t check that they are ok. I know this sounds really irrational but I wonder if it’s because with everything else, I can check but with this situation it doesn’t feel complete because I can’t really check unless I wait til they’re done and come out. Also if I don’t check, my thoughts have been running wild, like what if they were hurt in there and I just walked out? Etc. I also get scared like what if I hurt someone and didn’t realize it? I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel so tired and upset over this, can anyone relate or offer any advice?
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