- Date posted
- 33w ago
Have you ever
Tried to say "ok im just gonna accept that i'm gay" and you felt calm, like It was true and then It freaked you out wven more cause It felt real???
Tried to say "ok im just gonna accept that i'm gay" and you felt calm, like It was true and then It freaked you out wven more cause It felt real???
Yup! Used to do that one a lot. That’s a testing compulsion. It’s not going to make anything clearer. It’s just going to confuse you more and send you down a compulsion spiral of rumination and mental checking and further testing.
I'm so tired mentally, I can't stop thinking about It and when I try to distract myself I feel like something Is wrong cause i'm not thinking about It and i'm not solving It... My therapist says I have GAD with some ocd tendencies cause I don't have compulsions, my compulsions are only mental and so it's not ocd completely for her. Where I live pure-o is not considered ocd😔 so It makes me think that I'm actually gay cause my therapist says it's not completely ocd
@Marharet Mental compulsions are compulsions. It’s the same as ocd with physical compulsions. Your therapist is obviously not a specialist in it. You need to be doing ERP and if your therapist doesn’t know how to do that with you, you should try finding an online course or workbook. There are many therapists who provide online courses or even teletherapy who will understand “pure o” and know how to help you. I had this happen with a therapist too before I found a specialist. As soon as I saw the specialist she assured me it’s all ocd and what I was experiencing was perfectly normal for that diagnosis.
@pureolife Unfortunately in Italy it's not common to treat ocd unless it's with physical compulsions, I Changed so many therapists😔 mental health here Is veeeeery behind compared to other countries, it's still a taboo too!
@Marharet Try “OCD and Anxiety Online” or “CBT School” — both available online and taught by ocd specialists
@Marharet Ciao, sono italiana anch'io! Anch'io ho avuto molta difficoltà a trovare degli psicologi specializzati per il doc, ti capisco :'). Al momento io ho trovato uno psicologo a Torino, Centro Galileo Ferraris se vuoi guardare (l'ho trovato grazie alla fondazione internazionale del doc, IOCDF). Puoi fare terapia online anche da altre parti d'Italia! Altrimenti dovrebbero esserci dei centri specializzati a Firenze e se non sbaglio a Roma
@g🦋 Grazie mille!! Io sono di napoli, ma cercherò di trovare qualcosa online allora❤️❤️
@Marharet Figurati!💕
Oh yeah, manyyy times and it did not lead me anywhere because guess what? It’s a compulsion! It feeds OCD like it’s your personal pet. I suggest to you to look at this from the POV of a theme you don’t have and could hardly bother you. When I was struggling with SOCD like you, I started reading about people with POCD, and thought “wow, they even feel sensations even though they are not genuine”. OCD is able to make you feel calm when you state the opposite of what you want to do, it’s your mind, it can literally do anything. And no, that is not the answer to your question. I hope this helped! Wish you all the very best and if you need any advice on SOCD, feel free to ask!
Does anyone with so ocd get scared or feel like they r just going to suddenly realise they r gay. Like all of a sudden you’ll be like omg I’m gay and then I get scared like ong it’s happening to me Can any relate to this
I just want to know the difference of someone who is gay vs someone who is just questioning bc of ocd. Like would you hear I’m gay im gay over and over and over again in your head but it didn’t feel right? But when I say this is a waste of my time im of course straight it feels like im lying but I know im not attracted to women at all I am certain of that. But picking a label is what i can’t settle on so this is my ocd or not
Anyone else will just be doing anything normal and I’m gay comes in? It’s so distressing and I try and say ok sure ocd but the anxiety over takes me and my mind won’t let me believe I’m straight when I am. I love men I’m Not attracted to women but when I ask myself the doubt is for sure there which sounds like Casebook ocd. I’m just sick of this I don’t want to have to laugh at things in my head that don’t make any sense it’s so hard and unfair
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