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- 23w ago
Handwashing OCD
Has anyone else struggled with handwashing in their OCD? I’m interested in hearing other stories about different experiences with it
Has anyone else struggled with handwashing in their OCD? I’m interested in hearing other stories about different experiences with it
Yes, it’s one of my main struggles. I have went through different phases. At one point I washed so much my hands were always cracked and bleeding. Im now down to washing 2 times in a row instead of however many times I did in the past, no more cracked & bleeding hands for the most part but I still spend way too long on those 2 times.
@Anonymousoverthinker1 Thank you for sharing ❤️
Yeah, I still cannot interact w must surfaces. I honestly wanted to tackle my contamination fears as soon as possible but I developed really bad hand eczema and rashes and didn’t want to risk damaging the skin further by exposing myself too much. I’m quite embarrassed by the state of my room and the dirty places I’ve left untouched bc of my hand washing/contamination problem. 😭😅Maybe this is my calling to start! I can say, one positive outcome is my hands have FINALLY healed after two years. So if your hands are suffering from your OCD, I can tell you it does heal!!!! Just lots of hand creams and invest in a good, sensitive soap. ☺️
@Chibee Thank you for sharing ❤️
my hands are always so dry and I find it hard when washing them because I don’t want to touch the taps when they are clean too so after I’ve touched the taps I use hand sanitiser to “be sure” they are clean, I wish I didn’t wash them as much but always feel like I need to they just don’t feel clean after touching any objects. It’s something I need to work on for sure , I do it a lot with exposure
@ambermayx Thank you for sharing❤️
Yes, I have. Though it never became severe.
@Nica how to define severe?
@bingbongsingh My hands *weren’t* bleeding and blistered from washing so much.
Yes, I still struggle but not as bad as before
Hey all, I was recently diagnosed with OCD and MDD a few months ago. I’ve been experiencing symptoms for the past 11 months though. I used to be a person who would downplay depression, reasoning that if someone is depressed, they should be able to snap out of it. This year has taught me the truth behind how debilitating mental health conditions can be. My OCD has been absolutely tearing my life apart. For the past year, I’ve been coping with excessive guilt over past and recurring mistakes, my anxiety of which has recently been causing me panic attacks and throbbing headaches. I’ve also been coping with feeling unnatural sexual attractions, to those of the same sex and to children, which contradict the values I hold at heart. At one point, even simply shaking someone’s hand would cause sexual arousal, due to my hyper-vigilance surrounding physical contact. My OCD and depression nearly led me to take my life a few months ago. There are no words to describe the amount of pain I’ve had to endure. My thoughts and feelings have been absolutely tearing my life down, bit by bit. I feel like I lost who I was, and like it’s impossible for me to know who I am. This isn’t me. Over the past couple weeks, I’ve been feeling constant sexual arousal, it’s so easily triggered now. I don’t know if it’s because of the OCD, if it’s a result of the SSRI I’m on, or if it’s just a product of me being a young adult—Or maybe a combination of all of the above, but it’s debilitating. How easily I get aroused causes me so much guilt. There is a girl in my life that I love, but it doesn’t help that I get aroused around her because of the simplest of things. It’s not what I want for us. I want to be able to hone in on my self-control. I can’t help but constantly compare who I am now to who I was just over a year ago. My happiness has suffered, and my endurance is draining. I know there is a long road of insight and recovery ahead of me, this is just the beginning. If there’s anyone who can relate to me in any way, feel free to let me know. Comfort begins with feeling understood.
Hi there, I’ve recently been diagnosed with OCD after seeking help because of worsening performance at work. I’m a nurse practitioner and work in a busy clinic. Throughout the past few years I’ve become slower and slower as a clinician because I’m so scared of making a mistake. I constantly recheck things that I know I know, recheck my charting and make it as perfect as possible, re-review medical history, obsessively follow patient’s charts, consult the on-calls even though I know the answer, and call patients outside of working hours to check in on them. I’m wondering if there any other healthcare providers who have OCD on this platform? I feel like my OCD symptoms have in someway made me a great provider but it’s getting to a point now where I’m afraid I’ll lose my job because I’m not meeting my patient numbers. Since I can’t see as many patients my coworkers have to pick up the slack and I feel horrible about that. Curious if anyone has similar experiences. Thanks so much for reading :)
I’m looking for some help with this, of course OCD themes switch and lately it really is about harming others through contamination. Every time I touch something almost I have constant thoughts “if I don’t do this this means I want to hurt my family or loves one” but the thought feels so real like I want to do it, but obviously I don’t and gives me so much anxiety. Last couple months I was really spending a lot of time washing my hand from counting but now it’s got to the point that I can’t do anything without having thoughts that if I don’t clean or wash myself it means I want to get someone sick. It’s scary and I’m trying to not engage into the thoughts but they keep popping up. Any tips with harm contamination OCD and reducing these crazy thoughts? It almost feels like I want to have these thoughts but really they scare me if that’s makes sense? Any help would be awesome, thanks!!
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