- Date posted
- 6w ago
Fear of going to hell
This is a realistic fear for me. Had it for decades.
This is a realistic fear for me. Had it for decades.
What do you think can help you with this fear?
We’re in the same boat. I feel like I’m walking on a ridge and with every step I run the risk of committing something that can condemn me. I find relief in the thought that in O C D these intrusive thoughts represent the opposie of who you are in your heart so that’s our evidence that we are as far from actually running the risk of being punished as humanly possible. You’re in my thoughts and prayers
Hi there, I am a Christian too. I have felt this for many decades too. The best advice I can give you is that ERP will take this fear and shrink it down to where it doesn't really bother you anymore.....yes it takes a bit of work but a few weeks or months work on this is so well worth it .
Hi there! 😊 I want you to know that you're definitely not alone in what you're going through. Many people experience similar worries and thoughts, and it's perfectly normal to feel this way and is often linked to OCD. I have attached a link that I think you'll find really helpful. Please take a look when you have time: https://www.treatmyocd.com/blog/scrupulosity-ocd and if you relate at all to what you read in that article, consider calling the care team at NOCD.
Complete acceptance is what finally broke me out of it. I had to accept that going to hell was a possibility. It felt like hell accepting that, but I finally after a couple years removed from that, no longer fear it. Nor do I think Im going.
Sucks. But maybe. Theres nothing u or i can do about it now. Other than follow the Bible. I used to lose sleep about this but any more the only thing you can do is read your bible and do what it says right? The weird thing is worrying really doesn't do anything to help the situation. Believe God will do what he says and if not theres nothing you can do about it. Your control is limited to that. Sounds more like a faith question. Do u believe what God said? Or what the Bible says? Are u Born again? The ocd will always cast doubts thats what it does. I say as long as your born again theres nothing that will separate you from him. Others say you can lose salvation no knows for sure. I mean hell we are spinning on a rock in nothingness also called the universe. What makes sense nothing really. Think about why is grass green cuz thats what someone decided. Do u question if its green or do u just believe it is. Nothing really makes any sense if u really think about it. So the best thing you can do in my opinion is to tell the ocd to talk to God cuz hes got this not you. Also the fact your worrying about tells me your probably fine or you wouldn't worry about this. Instead of worrying talk with him, fast and read his word he will answer you. But it might not be the answer you expect or in the time frame u want.
Does anyone question that they'll go to hell because of your intrusive thoughts. I feel so scared about that because I grew up Catholic
Hey I feel like I just have this evil like whirring feeling of anxiety and like “something bad is gonna happen” and feeling you’re going to do things against God or like you already have I guess?
I can’t. I’m so scared. I don’t want to deny the HOLY SPIRIT. I keep having intrusives that make me question my real intentions.
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