- Username
- JBird88
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Never avoid anything with OCD, it means you are buying into the thoughts and validating their importance....ok for instance...let's take just one thought as an experiment....if for example you touched a door handle and wanted to immediately wash your hand because of germs.....so your anxiety would be 100%....your anxiety can never stay at that level....if I said ok you can wash your hand but only after one week until such time you must sit with your anxiety...I will guarantee it would slowly loose it's importance over time and by the end of the week you would've forgotten why you needed to wash your hands, you may have been sent other OCD thoughts in the mean time to replace this one, but if you apply the same method to these your anxiety levels will drop and your tolerance to these thoughts will grow.....
Would you like to elaborate more friend ?
What is normal.....normal to you maybe eccentric to another....just be you friend....
Nobody can be happy with OCD because it's doesn't allow you to be happy... because it needs control of you....
Yeah ocd is making me unhappy
So like I constantly try to just go about my days and enjoy the days without letting the thoughts get to me. However I’m aware I’m always thinking about existence and life in general. I’m always trying to figure out how to feel better and just feel normal. But the scary thoughts and feelings come back. It’s almost as if I’m trying to just avoid everything in general
I guess I’m just overthinking?? I have no idea. Then again I’m taking this medicine right now that might not be helping my anxiety at all
I just want to stop overthinking so much that’s all I’m trying to feel calm but in general I’m always always thinking and going deeper into my thoughts
So is it considered a compulsion if I keep trying to figure out why I’m anxious? Or like why I’m triggered?? It’s like I can’t stop thinking about it. Because if I stop I guess that means that I’ll act on it? If that makes sense
If you except them as thoughts, because that is all they are, they only become important if you act upon these thought, you then give them validation and make them more than just thoughts....if you don't act upon the thought over time it will be replaced by another....but give the new thought exactly the same attention.....we have thousands of thoughts each day for OCD suffers some get stuck in a loop and by NOT reacting they too will eventually disappear....it's about trying to regain control of yourself rather than allowing OCD to bully you.
I have no idea who I am anymore. I have completely lost my self. And idk what to do. Idk where my caring, and loving, chirst like side went. I have lost touch with who I am and everything I once new. I've had ocd for so long that I think it just became me. Or I'm dealing with cognitive Dissonance, which I feel like it probably true. Tbh. But anyways I feel like I'm genuinely gone crazy towards god and idk what to do. I wish I could just go back to myself, and I'm just not sure what to do. I think I turned away from God the only thing that once brought me joy. Just seems so dry now, like I'm empty or whatever. I personally don't think I'll ever be ok again.
I can’t tell what’s right and wrong anymore. It’s like my moral compass/rationality is completely broken. I could just shut my feelings down whenever. It might sound like a good thing but it also means I wouldn’t feel any remorse or guilt or negative emotions if I were to do something immoral (hypothetically speaking). In contrast, sometimes my feelings get so deep in the way that my rationality cannot win no matter what. My brain does that out of nowhere and I hate it because it ends up triggering my OCD theme and I have to start back up to be able to cope again. It’s like I’ve developed this intense intolerance towards any sort of stress whatsoever, even the good type of stress that helps you grow. My brain just shuts down and mentally I become a kid again and I can’t listen to logic no matter what.
They’re getting more intense.. My mind wonders if what i’m feeling is really OCD.. what if it’s not and i’m in denial? Why is my life like this, a constant loop of fears and stress holding me back. I just want to live. To be the kind boy everyone knows. To make and be a difference. There’s sometimes I wish I could stay asleep.. to rest for a while. To hibernate all these feelings away. But I know that’s not how it works. Each tear I shed is a reminder of the hell I live every day when I open my eyes. I don’t know who I am anymore. I don’t know why I am anymore. Please someone.. advice, words of positivity, something.. I feel so alone. I’m scared. I don’t know where else to go.
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