- Date posted
- 5y ago
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Hang in there love
- Date posted
- 5y ago
hey! loved ones hold an incredibly close place in our hearts. when we imagine the inevitable, it can often be a mixture of deep sadness or some form of anxiety. perhaps even guilt, if you feel you are responsible in some way. as difficult as it sounds, acceptance is an important part of recovery. try to find and break down any irrational beliefs that may be fueling this cycle, and replace them with rational ones. that may help. also, maybe trying to approach it with a fresh perspective. that although the ones around us may pass one day, we would have lived such fulfilling lives together. that’s kind of what makes life so special. and, to reference a scene from The Amazing Spider-man 2, to take a part of them with you. they’re not gone as long as you take them with you, in a healthy way. best of luck.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I’ve dealt with that, fearing of losing my family. It did eventually become another topic but at the time it was very distressing. Stay strong you got this ?
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Yeah it definitely comes and goes throughout the years and something I read or saw on the news usually triggers it. But it goes back to even my childhood. I was always convinced my mom was in a car accident if she was only 5 minutes late from picking me up from school. But all I can do is live and cherish each day. Thank you everyone ❤️❤️
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Ugh same. I’m afraid of my mom or dad getting hurt and it really messes up up to the point where I’m basically safety proofing the entire house.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I know somebody with this and it sounds just awful to go through. Especially as death is a fact of life and no amount of lifestyle changes, contingency planning or avoidance of risk is going to solve it. I should be glad that my own OCD fears aren’t inevitable ones even if they sometimes feel that way. I’m about to start a book called ‘freedom from ocd’ ‘living with uncertainty’. I wonder if it could help you too. The serenity prayer often helps me when things are bad. It takes a lot of courage to accept the things you can’t change ❤️
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- 22w ago
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