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- Cat28
- Date posted
- 6y ago
I keep thinking about stabbing my family and I hate it
You’re not a serial killer. I keep saying this to everyone...the best advice I ever got was if you’re worried about harming others than you know right from wrong... you have a conscience.... bad things bother you as they should.... because you’re not a psychopath. Serial killers and psychopaths enjoy thinking bad thoughts. They want to hurt people. They don’t know right from wrong like we do. They can’t tell the difference. You do because you’re a good person. You won’t harm anyone not matter how real it seems. I dont think I’ve ever heard of anyone with ocd harm anyone.
It feels so real I hate it ? it feels like I’m actually a serial killer
You’re not. You never hurt anyone, and remember, people who actually want to kill don’t feel uncomfortable by it. Our brains like to entertain the topic because positivity is what we’ve always been about and we ruminate because our brain is telling us that this is something we need to pay attention to. The best thing I could say is, don’t actually compare yourself to any real killer or violent person. That will drive you over the edge and have you really questioning yourself. Just be positive and remember consequences as well as the fact that you actually love people ❤️??
I have thoughts about hurting my kids :/ it’s so horrible to sit and try and figure out if I actually want to do it and then I get so freaked out. I’m better these days but I still remember how horrible it is.
^ I researched for hours in the beginning of my ocd stuff and compared myself too. It’s such a awful thing :(
You do. Because you realize the thoughts you’re having are disturbing. Do you enjoy the thoughts or are you completely disturbed? You hate the thought of stabbing you’re family right? So then you know it would be wrong. That’s a good thing. A bad person would want to do it because they’re evil and hate their family or hate people in general or maybe someone in their family abused them. It seems like you love your family and that’s why it bothers you. It seems like everyone who has this form of ocd thinks about harming those they hold most dear. Because you don’t want anything bad to happen to them.
It’s so hard. In the beginning i would have urges that would send me into super panic mode. i sometimes go around and around in my head wanting to know if it’s really ocd or something else... i seriously understand you 100%! You are a good person who loves their family, ocd clings to the things we love most!
Why does it feel so real it’s no fun ?
Hugs. I know exactly what you are feeling
The thought of stabbing my family and the thought I want to do it but it’s all false
@Benica312 Yeah I went through stuff like that for awhile, but I suffered comparing myself to terrible people who actually did that. I’m recovering though thanks to CBT and a great supportive environment.
Ugh it’s been acting up again for me recently. Really is the worst
I love my family despite OCD convincing me otherwise
Thank you so much Benica!! I get urges and they freak me out. I want to move the kitchen knives out of the house but I’m trying to deal with the anxiety like a champ
I wanted to move my out too! I wanted to throw them away! I didn’t want to give my kids baths anymore or be alone with them but as a mom, you really don’t get that option haha I still had to cut up fruit for my kids, I still had to give them a bath, I am alone with them because I’m the stay at home Mama, it was like built in ERP!
It’s nice to know you all relate!! I’m glad u guys got through them!!
Hi everyone! I’m glad to see that I’m not alone in this.. I’ve had these thoughts with harming my daughter when she was about 4yrs old. It went away, but I don’t remember how. She’s now 18yrs old and most recently the thought came back with my now 5yr old. It scared me to my core so much that I started to seek therapy. I sometimes feel like the worst mother in the world for having these thoughts. At times I feel like I’m going crazy! I say to myself who thinks like this?? Then my mind starts to play tricks on me. Something that has some what helped me is a book called The Unthered Soul. I highly recommend this book! I do want to get better and I know I will ❤️
Thanks guys ❤️❤️
what triggers you?
This helped a lot @crazylady but I worry I don’t have a conscience
There you go! Also I’m pretty sure evil people find it hard to feel love. I’m no expert but I think that’s true. Ocd will convince you of many things. Trust me. I obsess about the past and even have convinced myself that something happened when I know it didn’t. I’ve even invented memories. My doctor told me some people with ocd think this is psychosis. It’s not. The mind is very powerful.
But I know I can’t convince you. Because that’s how OCD is. Yesterday I told my doctor about a disturbing thought and made her tell me 20 million times that I was not going to get in trouble. Yet I went home and I was still convinced the police were coming for me. I talked to someone I love and trust and they said yep your thought is silly and would never get you in trouble. It wasn’t even bad. This person’s opinion matters most to me. Can you talk to anyone about this? I know it’s not easy but I’ve been in your place and I know how bad it is. You’re not alone.
I can’t really talk about it to must people. I have avoidance behaviors which suck ?
My OCD has manifested into fear of harm myself and in turn harming my children emotionally. It’s the worst.
You will too ❤️
Hello, I think it’s fairly obvious at the moment I am struggling with terrible harm related intrusive thoughts / harm ocd. I feel so distressed and anxious about these horrendous thoughts its to the point I’m crying out of panic or avoiding anything that may cause harm, but the thing is i have this horrible like “intrusive feeling” throughout my body that feels really strong despite my distress to the thoughts I just have this feeling of what if i snap throughout my body. I also feel whats severely effecting me is that if i did it like “What if I actually did it” “No but what if i did” “Anyone is capable of it” and then the feeling gets worse and stronger and it makes me even more anxious. I know it is Harm OCD but i feel so distressed so anxious even to the point im waking up in the middle of the night with horrid thoughts that distress me and i find it hard to sleep due to the feeling / thoughts. If anyone can relate to this I really hope you can reply, offering advice or sharing your experience because the worst part of Ocd is feeling abnormal and alone and this is what I am feeling and its hurting me so badly. I feel low , exhausted. 💕
Hello, I have been having Harm OCD episodes where I hit a bump in the road or drive past someone, or even zone out when driving and worry I hit someone by accident. Has anyone else dealt with this or has any suggestions to deal with this? Thank you!
I am really struggling. I feel like I have a constant harm related intrusive thought in my head, causing a horrible intrusive feeling in my head. Even if I’m just simply scrolling and see someone sometimes this feeling of an intrusive thought becomes present, leading it to become horrid intrusive thoughts and feelings. I would never want to hurt anyone. Let alone do it and I’m struggling so much. I feel like I have a constant harm related intrusive thought in my head and feeling. Which is reinforced when I look at people. It goes when im distracted and then i remember the horrid feeling. I feel like bursting into tears, ive had enough. Can anyone relate? I feel like a constant intrusive thought and feeling IN my head im so sad :( I feel horrid. Scared ill go crazy.
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