- Username
- Dess
- Date posted
- 4y ago
I also feel the same way sometimes. I feel like my OCD is ‘different’ or ‘worse’ and it won’t ever get better
Well, I think that most of us get thoughts like this sometimes. If you have POCD it feels like the worst because it's the biggest stigma imaginable and causes so much shame. If it's HOCD, it feels so bad because it seems to threaten to take away your future, which is akin to murdering you. If you have real event/guilt/false memory OCDs, the other OCDs seem totally trivial because you've got stuff in real life which you can point to as a basis for how much more threatening and solid the thing you fear is. It always feels like if your fear was true, your life would be over. I've found it actually helps me to go over all the ways that things could still be good if my fear came true/was true. Maybe rock bottom would even allow me to build a life from the ashes.
Actually it sounds like listening to those podcasts *could* also be a compulsion, as you may also listen to them in hopes that they give you reassurance that you can get better. Especially if you tend to listen to them at times when you're having anxious thoughts about how bad your OCD is. Perhaps there are better ways to trigger those fears of never getting better so that you can do ERP with them.
HOCD is the end of me
How do you go about your life when ERP therapy is so stressful. I have harm ocd and by making me watch horror movies etc . is just making it worse. I'm really worried I'm being brainwashed into being what I dont want to be . Does this mean ERP is not for me? I also have no compulsions just pure O .
To peoples who are struggling with ocd and wants to know if ERP will actually work or not read this: It's been a year I'm struggling with OCD, in 2023 I didn't realize that I was being a victim of OCD, I thought it was normal to worry about the thoughts I was having, actually the thoughts are not even about me, I'm having thoughts about singer's sexuality since years I know it may sound silly but I have been since a year these thoughts are real to worry about, in January my ocd became stronger, I strat having episodes of ocd every week, in may I got to know that I have ocd and from the moment I got to know that I have ocd I didn't have a single day struggling without ocd, in April I started doing ERP it's been 5 months I doing ERP but I'm not still recovered fully but yeah I don't have episodes anymore, I don't worry about the single thoughts for days but still my every thought is controlled by ocd , I still have anxiety which is out of control, I still feel like these thoughts will never go away but I choose to live the way I want without caring about these thoughts.....I know no one's free to care about my mental health but if anyone's reading this please encourage me😔🙏
I dont know if I have ocd really but I think I do because I have the intrusive thoughts and I always try and do things to soothe the anxiety. I've been dealing with this for a few months and this is a debilitating cycle and I wish I wad normal. when I first spoke to my therapist about it, she said that people with ocd like to clean and count a certain amount of tiles and stuff like that. I really want to get tested because I want help but im scared that if they say I don't have ocd then that means my intrusive thoughts are true and that I'm the person that my mind makes me think I am and it scares me. I mostly deal with symptoms of pocd so I try my best to avoid kids and sometimes I won't even want to go in public because of it and I count in my head a lot and try and see if my body is reacting any kind of way. I also try and just push the thoughts a way and do research and sometimes it makes me feel better but in reality it's just a cycle and it's terrifying so can someone please comfort me or give me advice and tips to help me feel better because I really need it. I just want to get help and stop this cycle because it's slowly killing me. I don't want to be the person my head thinks I am but in my head it's just constant fear anxiety and uncertainty.
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