- Date posted
- 4y ago
- Date posted
- 4y ago
I completely understand that. I do similar and sometimes things that my partner may have done pop into my head and I end up over analysing it until I’ve convinced myself he’s done something wrong. Once I snap out of the thought I can see it’s crazy that I spent so long on it and built it up in my head but it can really bring my mood down. OCD sucks
- Date posted
- 4y ago
My partner is fantastic, I’m lucky I can talk to him about anything. Sometimes he can sense I’m different to him or have something on my mind and when I tell him why he’s often surprised how much headspace I have given it when really it wasn’t important at the time and just happened to pop into my head. Your not a terrible person at all. You know you would never follow up on them. Don’t punish yourself. Sometimes I wonder if these thoughts are me trying to punish myself or sabotage what I have because I’m actually happy.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
I had this too and i sabotaged it entirely recently. I hope if I find a partner like this again I will be in a healthier place individually to accept it and enjoy the safe place to grow.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Yeah I totally relate to that. I do get spin offs, I can build up whole scenarios in my mind and get myself really worked up and upset. The worst time for my mind is when I’m washing up, cleaning or doing something mindless and then click I’m overthinking and playing out these scenarios. I have to keep reminding myself that it’s me torturing myself, I just wish I knew why I was doing it
- Date posted
- 4y ago
I saw a meme and it said “quit imagining scenarios in your head and hurting your own feelings”.... I started bawling crying. I wish I could. I’m trying.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Yes I struggle with this greatly. It’s good to know I’m not alone
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Yeah you’re not thanks for letting us know we’re not alone too!
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Hey, yeah I have a lot of different relationship type themes that come and go at different times but the last few days that one has been strong. It makes me feel like a terrible person and makes me think I shouldn’t be with such a nice girl if thoughts like that are in my head. Even though I know they’re intrusive and I would never act on them or even put myself in a position to act on them it feels just as bad even thinking that way and not being able to be totally sure it’s your ocd. Ahhh so you kind of get it both ways? Good to remind yourself that partners aren’t likely to analyse everything like us and will just know when they’ve acted in the right way.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Mines is too, but I can tell it does still upset her too when I give into the compulsions and say what it is I’ve been thinking. She handles it so well and as best she can but I know it still can’t be nice to hear those sorts of things a lot. Do you ever get like spin offs from worries? As in something will pop into your head and then something ten times worse will come from that just randomly and it will snowball into something much more uncomfortable? Like it gets worse because you acknowledge the original thought and your mind just does what it can to make it much worse? Yeah I totally get that whenever I’m happy or maybe even just not worrying or obesssing I feel really on edge like something is wrong and that results in me finding something to worry about anyway it’s like my brain doesn’t like not having something to feed on so picks something horrible
- Date posted
- 4y ago
always here on this post for support too
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- Date posted
- 25w ago
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- Date posted
- 24w ago
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- Date posted
- 18w ago
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