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- 4y ago
I’m not sure they’re pre-requisites and can only speak from my own experience, but there definitely seems to be a common thread of “should” or “this isn’t enough” statements. If I start feeling adequate in one area that’s bothered me, I usually find something else “wrong” with myself pretty quickly without even realizing it at the time.
These perfectionist symptoms can lead to ocd but it usually depends. If the thoughts are giving you a lot of anxiety and is making you have to rewrite words over and over again and you find it hard to stop then it is definitely ocd. Some who is organised might say that they have ocd when they don’t as they don’t know what the actual condition is and what ocd suffers go through on a constant basis.
I think intense is more accurate
I think that there is an element of perfectionism in that many of us can’t handle uncertainty. We want to be able to get the perfect outcome to things so we do our compulsions. If there is even a possibility of things not working out in our favor we will obsess and get terrible anxiety. So I think there’s an element of it but I feel like it doesn’t always work the same way. I’m pretty sure there’s also a perfectionism OCD subtype?
hey everyone. i’m not sure if this app will help me or not, but i feel the need to try anything because i can’t keep living like this. i struggle with obsessing over everything in my life. it feels like everyday my brain picks a new thing in my life to obsess over. for the past couple days ive been obsessing over my interpersonal relationships. for example; “do i like the people im with” “do i like my friends as more than just friends” “do i actually love these people or am i lying to everyone”. it’s been really messing with me and making me question my support system. i can’t stop stressing. i’m even afraid to talk about it with my therapist because i have those thoughts about her too. i’m new to my OCD diagnosis (got diagnosed last month) i was hospitalized for a week because i couldn’t function. i also obsess over my sexuality and nothing i pick for me ever feels quite right. i recently started a relationship with someone who’s trans, so maybe that’s why? does anyone else go through this? my brain tries to convince me that i do this to myself and that im making it all up. but who would want to feel this way? uggghhh
Does anyone else have multiple different types of OCD? Everyone I know keeps saying how i can't be ocd because I dont clean all the time.
Hi there, I’ve recently been diagnosed with OCD after seeking help because of worsening performance at work. I’m a nurse practitioner and work in a busy clinic. Throughout the past few years I’ve become slower and slower as a clinician because I’m so scared of making a mistake. I constantly recheck things that I know I know, recheck my charting and make it as perfect as possible, re-review medical history, obsessively follow patient’s charts, consult the on-calls even though I know the answer, and call patients outside of working hours to check in on them. I’m wondering if there any other healthcare providers who have OCD on this platform? I feel like my OCD symptoms have in someway made me a great provider but it’s getting to a point now where I’m afraid I’ll lose my job because I’m not meeting my patient numbers. Since I can’t see as many patients my coworkers have to pick up the slack and I feel horrible about that. Curious if anyone has similar experiences. Thanks so much for reading :)
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