- Username
- Otellomarie
- Date posted
- 3y ago
OCD affects my schoolwork terribly. I am only doing the absolute bare minimum right now.
You can do this. Put a specific time of day just specified for school work. Don't give up on your lawschool dreams.
Hey I’m in law school too (my first year) and I totally understand how you feel. Remember to be compassionate with yourself, I know there’s a lot of pressure with the curve and all to do well but if stress that you should not be obsessing and need to study it only creates more anxiety worry and stress. So what I do to combate this is make a list of goals of what I want to get done on that day and in between I make sure I workout outside, talk a walk, clean, and listen to stand up comedy (both to give my mind a break from the hard material and to get those serotonin levels up to help with the ocd) I like working out and being outside because this is a natural way for your brain to release endorphins and you have the plus of doing something physical which makes it difficult to obsess. Lastly remember everyday is a new day and if today you cannot study don’t be hard on yourself you have tomorrow!
Yes. I’m in nursing school and this last semester has been horrible. After doing the therapy program on here I was pretty good for a while, I never got so distracted I’d miss a day’s worth of work, BUT this last semester “ethical” OCD has hit hard and a 3 hour long assignment will take me 4-5 because I keep adding time. My assignment grades are going down because I’m making everything much harder on myself but I definitely don’t loose myself to my compulsions like I use to.
Idk if this helps u but I usually study with some calm musics and watch some of my ocd comfort movies while studying.
Thank you! Like what type of movies?
@Otellomarie I usually watch cartoons since they don't even exist and bunch of nonsense but that's what comfort me 😂
@Stressed AYE HAHAH
@RobinLawv Makes sense ahah thanks!
@Otellomarie Wlcm ^^
I'm going off to college tomorrow and I'm dreading it, I'm dreading everything. Though I didn't fully realize it, what I'm now almost certain is real event/pure-o OCD has been making my life feel completely miserable. From when I wake up to when I fall asleep, especially as of recent, I'm just constantly scared, anxious, guilty, and sad. I genuinely have not felt relaxed or happy in months, and it feels like there's no escape. When I'm taking a walk, hanging with family/friends, my mind is just racing and I can't live in the moment. Physically speaking it affects me too, my heart rate is high, short breath, sweaty, all how you would feel when you're nervous, but just all the time. This exact theme happened to me before in the past and latched on for a bit before fading, so I assumed that I grew out of it, and it hadn't hit me again for over a year until March. But now that it's on again and I actually recognized that I'm dealing likely with a mental disorder it just makes it feel so hopeless and unending, like this will forever be my life. The worst part is the nature of my OCDs, even if I know what I did isn't a big deal, is that it makes me guilty around anyone. Like I'm hiding something from everyone I talk to, and it makes me feel like I've lost all my innocence and I've lost the bright, happy, ambitious person I was before this all came back. All of this makes college so scary because all I can think about is how if I keep feeling like this I'll never be happy there, It's so hard to think optimistically or positively and this is just killing me day by day. I don't want reassurance because I know that just makes it worse, but is there anyone out there who's been in this sort of situation? If so, what did you do to manage, how did recovery look, what's your life like now? Any help would be appreciated so much.
I just started high school and my OCD is horrible. It was bad the couple weeks leading up to it but now it’s even worse. All of the stress triggered my pure OCD and now my brain is believing that I am evil. And now whenever I try to pray I feel I can’t. Then when I try to use ERP, it just feels like I am going against God by saying maybe I’ll letting evil in.
Hi, I am new to this community and don’t know much about OCD or if i even have it. I am a college senior going to a university that is relatively close to my home (1.5 hr) My goal was to apply to OT school at my current school because I love it there and can’t imagine myself anywhere else. I have a high gpa, many observation hours, and was told i would be a top candidate-if I passed the GRE. This school is the only school in my state that requires the GRE for OT school. Well, with the stakes being so high I was a complete wreck before the exam. It stressed me out so much that even looking at study materials made me nauseous. I did not score high enough to get into my desired program when I took it. I am retaking it next Tuesday (which i had to beg the admissions committee to let me do due to it being past a due date) and i feel the weight of my whole future on my shoulders. If I don’t get into my desired program, I will have to go to programs that are very far from home/my boyfriend of two years who I currently live with. I feel if I don’t pass, I will have to move away to a different school and I will lose my boyfriend. He is my rock and is so important to me. My other option is to stay where I am and attend the radiography program at the local community college and stay close to home and be with my boyfriend . Note: i just decided to apply to OT school this year (changed major from nursing). Do I risk my relationship/happiness for a career that i don’t even know that I will enjoy or do i keep my relationship, stay close to home, but regret not taking a huge opportunity given to me. This situation stays in my mind all day and night which is stressing me out greatly. Sorry for such a long post, I just want an unbiased view on what I should do/how to get this thought out of my head. thx for listening <3
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