- Date posted
- 3y ago
- Date posted
- 3y ago
OCD affects my schoolwork terribly. I am only doing the absolute bare minimum right now.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
You can do this. Put a specific time of day just specified for school work. Don't give up on your lawschool dreams.
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Hey I’m in law school too (my first year) and I totally understand how you feel. Remember to be compassionate with yourself, I know there’s a lot of pressure with the curve and all to do well but if stress that you should not be obsessing and need to study it only creates more anxiety worry and stress. So what I do to combate this is make a list of goals of what I want to get done on that day and in between I make sure I workout outside, talk a walk, clean, and listen to stand up comedy (both to give my mind a break from the hard material and to get those serotonin levels up to help with the ocd) I like working out and being outside because this is a natural way for your brain to release endorphins and you have the plus of doing something physical which makes it difficult to obsess. Lastly remember everyday is a new day and if today you cannot study don’t be hard on yourself you have tomorrow!
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Yes. I’m in nursing school and this last semester has been horrible. After doing the therapy program on here I was pretty good for a while, I never got so distracted I’d miss a day’s worth of work, BUT this last semester “ethical” OCD has hit hard and a 3 hour long assignment will take me 4-5 because I keep adding time. My assignment grades are going down because I’m making everything much harder on myself but I definitely don’t loose myself to my compulsions like I use to.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Idk if this helps u but I usually study with some calm musics and watch some of my ocd comfort movies while studying.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Thank you! Like what type of movies?
- Date posted
- 3y ago
@Otellomarie I usually watch cartoons since they don't even exist and bunch of nonsense but that's what comfort me 😂
- Date posted
- 3y ago
@Stressed AYE HAHAH
- Date posted
- 3y ago
@RobinLawv Makes sense ahah thanks!
- Date posted
- 3y ago
@Otellomarie Wlcm ^^
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- Date posted
- 23w ago
Hi, I am new to this community and don’t know much about OCD or if i even have it. I am a college senior going to a university that is relatively close to my home (1.5 hr) My goal was to apply to OT school at my current school because I love it there and can’t imagine myself anywhere else. I have a high gpa, many observation hours, and was told i would be a top candidate-if I passed the GRE. This school is the only school in my state that requires the GRE for OT school. Well, with the stakes being so high I was a complete wreck before the exam. It stressed me out so much that even looking at study materials made me nauseous. I did not score high enough to get into my desired program when I took it. I am retaking it next Tuesday (which i had to beg the admissions committee to let me do due to it being past a due date) and i feel the weight of my whole future on my shoulders. If I don’t get into my desired program, I will have to go to programs that are very far from home/my boyfriend of two years who I currently live with. I feel if I don’t pass, I will have to move away to a different school and I will lose my boyfriend. He is my rock and is so important to me. My other option is to stay where I am and attend the radiography program at the local community college and stay close to home and be with my boyfriend . Note: i just decided to apply to OT school this year (changed major from nursing). Do I risk my relationship/happiness for a career that i don’t even know that I will enjoy or do i keep my relationship, stay close to home, but regret not taking a huge opportunity given to me. This situation stays in my mind all day and night which is stressing me out greatly. Sorry for such a long post, I just want an unbiased view on what I should do/how to get this thought out of my head. thx for listening <3
- Date posted
- 14w ago
Hi, this is my first post. I am very nervous reaching out as I haven’t ever done so before publicly. I found out a year ago I had ocd and since then it’s been very clear that I have had it for a long time. I currently struggle with health ocd, death ocd, and I’m sure others as well, I always am scared I have or will develop an illness or schizophrenia. One thing I’m struggling with is depersonalization/derealization. I am under a lot of stress being in nursing school right now so maybe when I’m don’t with school I will feel better. Also I recently switched my medication to sertraline. I have been on it about a month and 1/2 but just increased my dose. It is worse when I first wake up. I am going to go see a therapist again once my PCP gets back to me with one that specializes in ocd. If anyone has had similar situations or recommendations to help me get back to feeling better that would be so greatly appreciated. I am also embarrassed to say I’m scared of getting schizophrenia. The obsessed with that began a year ago when I was taking psychology class. I became so afraid of getting it that I am constantly looking for signs or symptoms. It drives me bonkers. I would like to overcome that fear all together. Please give me advice. Thanks.
- Date posted
- 13w ago
So I've had OCD since I was a child. Like really young. The first intrusive thought I can remember was when I was 5. It just keeps getting worse and lately they've been making me physically ill or throwing me into extreme panic attacks again ( ones where I can't move my body ) the other night I thought God was trying to kill me because I was thinking about ending myself from OCD+ life issues but in reality I was just having a panic attack😭😭it affects me daily. It gets a little better with therapy but I don't see therapy coming into my life any time soon and I'm not even sure if I would want to go (for multiple reasons). To wrap this up if you have severe ocd can you tell me what it's like?? I don't want to label anything without proper research and hearing others perspectives. Thank you!! <3 (My profile says all of my subtypes if that helps any)
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