- Date posted
- 6y ago
- Date posted
- 6y ago
I agree it can be hard to talk to a therapist and they’re also human and have emotions and they leak into therapy. One other suggestion could be to talk to your therapist about how you can’t talk to her ? I’ve had moments where I thought my therapist was uber fed up with my shit and I asked her point blank - she said “I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at the ocd”. It sounded like a lame cop out at the time but I at least put it on the table and that made me feel better (and I’m in therapy to get myself feeling better, after all..)! It’s also possible she’s not the right therapist for you...you could try someone new, too...?
- Date posted
- 6y ago
@Mm I completely understand you. How long have you been seeing your therapist for? Maybe it is a comfort thing and you will be able to open up more once you get a little more comfortable around her. Also I can relate with you, I haven’t talked about my OCD openly with many people so when I do I honestly feel like I’m on the verge of starting to cry because I’ve struggled with it for so long and kept it to myself. Also know that it’s okay to open up even if you do start crying. If there’s one person in this world who shouldn’t judge you it should be your therapist.
- Date posted
- 6y ago
@pineapple thanks for your advice. I’ve been seeing her for 3 years now and like @dickyJ9 says I always feel that there so much more that I want to say to her that I can’t when I am there. I feel that she is frustrated with me right now. There is no progress in my therapy (the thoughts can’t seem to go away. I have somatic obsessions, pure-O kind of)
- Date posted
- 6y ago
Oh okay so you’ve been seeing her for a while. I don’t know what would work best for you personally so all I can do is make suggestions. One thing I do suggest that may or may not be helpful to you is maybe you could write her a note expressing these things you haven’t been able to say while you were in the therapy session? If you were to do that, at least it would be out there. For me, sometimes I can have trouble expressing my feelings through words and it’s easier for me to express them written down, like a text for example. Your therapist is probably frustrated because if you don’t tell her all of your symptoms, she won’t be able to help you if she doesn’t know what the problem actually is. Just know in order to get better you need to be able to tell your therapist about all of your symptoms. I’m sure you realize this though. Anyways, I really do wish you the best of luck. -Pineapple
- Date posted
- 6y ago
It can be hard to talk about ocd to people who don’t have it
- Date posted
- 6y ago
Any tips?
- Date posted
- 6y ago
Can you describe more about this? Why are you unable to talk to your therapist?
- Date posted
- 6y ago
I go through the same thing.. I lock up whenever I meet with my Therapist
- Date posted
- 6y ago
I am finding it very difficult to talk about myself. Sometimes it’s like my mind goes blank. Can it be a ‘defence mechanism’ ? (i.e I feel like if I tell her how desperate I am with my life I’m going to start crying. So maybe that’s why my mind doesn’t ‘allow’ me to talk to her)
- Date posted
- 6y ago
@dickyJ9 does he know about any of your difficulties? How is he aplroaching this? I don’t know what to do
- Date posted
- 6y ago
He knows me pretty well... I have been seeing him for 3-4 years. I always feel like after I leave there is so much more I could have told him
- Date posted
- 6y ago
Thanks a lot for your help @pineapple!
- Date posted
- 6y ago
Thanks @p! I might try telling her that I feel that she is mad at me and see what she says??♀️
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