- Date posted
- 3y ago
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Hi i winder how are you doing I have the same issues The schizophrenia ocd fear which made me litterelly read all about prodrome stage and ultra high risk people and how it would be turning delusional Yesterday i started the existing ocd sh** I started to obsses if i believe those thoughts about no one is real and none of their reassuring would benefit me because i obsses about even thier reality which make feel im going delusional I wonder what is going with you and if we can chat a little bit
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Hey there, i also struggle with wondering if anyone else is real along with a lot of other existential themes. let me know if u ever wanna talk
- Date posted
- 2y ago
@tarek kammar I struggle with this too, you arr not alone
- Date posted
- 3y ago
This is exactly what I'm fighting with. Honestly, I've been having to embrace the idea that I'm crazy so to speak and to keep saying "maybe, maybe not". I've also been on Zoloft for about a month.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I’m been on Zoloft for a little bit as well. Do you find that you have any compulsions? Mine seem to just be avoiding the thoughts or trying to convince myself the world is real by reasoning it out
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I am currently struggling with this exact thing actually. I've been having a hard time recently with adjusting back to normal life altogether and have been diagnosed with PTSD. I was recently triggered by the coming out of the Tesla bot and reading theories about AI. The goal I'm told is to be okay with uncertainty. This is super scary for me, but I've been through similar before. I don't have any tips other than talk to your therapist about this and you're not alone ❤
- Date posted
- 3y ago
René Descartes "I think there for I am"
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Reading this has been an exposure for you?
- Date posted
- 2y ago
This! I know it's an old thread, but I'm right there in it at the moment. It's hell.
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 2y ago
It’s so illogical, but your mind makes it real (no pun intended). Just need to keep going with “maybe, maybe not, accept uncertainty”.
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- Date posted
- 21w ago
Hi all, my ocd has been flaring up lately and I’m not sure why. I think it may be due to stress and anxiety involving school and the hurricanes (I live in Florida) anyways I keep having random intrusive thoughts involving my real event and a lot of false memories are popping up, they feel so real it’s like I can feel everything in them even though I haven’t actually felt them. It’s so weird, like sometimes I will watch a movie and be able to feel the texture of snow or a piece of clothing even though I’ve never felt it before. I have noticed when I get those “phantom” ? touch feelings that they cause a lot of false memory intrusive thoughts. I’ve also been having intrusive thoughts that because no one interacts with my posts on here that everyone hates me and knows about me and thinks I’m horrible and disgusting or that someone is talking about me behind my back and telling people to stay away from me and then I’m a horrible person. I hate OCD so much, I hate that I ruminate constantly on little things and mistakes I’ve made and things I can’t let go. I just hate it so much. Does anyone else struggle with these thoughts or even the “phantom feelings/touches” I’m not sure what to call them sometimes I also get them with certain foods or smells even if I hadn’t had them before or smelt them before. It’s so weird
- Date posted
- 12w ago
I have a lot of thoughts about the universe, and they’re overwhelming—like being caught in a rip current, except it’s all inside my head. Most of the time, they’re about how small we are, how there really isn’t a “we” because our bodies aren’t truly ours—we’re just bacteria, cells, and microbes. The thoughts spiral, deeper and deeper, smaller and smaller, coiling until suddenly, I’m pulled under, drowning in a whirlpool. I’ve never felt like this before, and I’m convinced I’ve been faking it somehow. For the past few weeks, my OCD has been worse than it’s ever been in my 20 years of life. Or maybe I’m just more aware of it now. Has anyone else had their OCD suddenly get really bad? Does it ever end—if it even can? I’ve convinced myself that my intrusive thoughts aren’t actually intrusive, that my OCD is a choice, and that everything I do is intentional. As for compulsions, I don’t have the typical “If I don’t do ____ then ____ will happen” kind of thoughts. Instead, my brain simply commands, “Do ____,” and I always give in. It’s so loud in my head, and I can’t shake the feeling that I’m an imposter. Like I don’t belong here—like my presence on this app is an intrusion, invalidating everyone else’s struggles just by downloading it and daring to post. If anyone feels that way, if you think I’m intruding, I’m sorry. I only came here because I have no one to share my diagnosis with. Pouring my thoughts out, hoping someone might understand, feels less suffocating than journaling. Journaling is like letting a wound fester—each word burying the thoughts deeper, leaving them to decay in silence, for nobody to ever read but myself.
- Date posted
- 9w ago
Really bad theme right now is death, I keep thinking about how one day or at any moment my heart will stop my brain will stop & my memories & everything I know will all fade away. It is giving me so much anxiety I’m only 18, but I realize it all happens to us it is bound, we are born to die. I know it’s a silly thing to be scared because it’s not helping the quality of my life worrying about it and even when I do die, I won’t care , if you don’t have a working brain then how can you care 🤷♀️. It is tainting my everyday life currently & honestly making me terribly depressed & it is giving me derealization & making me feel nihilistic, I’ll remind myself it’s okay but then with my ocd i don’t stop thinking and thinking about it and it’s seriously so hard to stay present in the moment because this thought just feels like I can’t scrub it away it’s miserable I struggle with religion, but I do pray to anything that’s out there possibly listening, because it is comforting, it just feels like this whole experience Is pointless & I am afraid of the unknown and what is to possibly happen but I’m subjected to it anyways so why should it matter
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