- Date posted
- 3y ago
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Yes...Mine also felt like I had to do it to get it out of my system
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I just want to get better get my life back cause even that feels so foreign who I was because ocd is making me feel like this isn’t ocd and that I’m not this horrible person and that no matter how many therapist I see I won’t get better .
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Just realize this is a setback ...I had a erp session today and it was so so hard. I had to read my biggest fear outloud and I wonder if I will ever get better too. It can feel like you don't know who you are anymore, so out of touch. I don't know if it helps to know that you aren't alone and we are all trying to fight this.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Thank you. I’ve also been struggling to do erp because of the fear and feeling that I like these thoughts and exposures. OCD really tries to do anything to stop me from recovering .
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I literally wanted to check myself into a psych ward because I did not feel safe with myself and I was convinced I was a danger to others.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I feel like you questioning your thoughts just proves you more than likely don’t want to do them! Idk if you are into meditating or not but that has helped me clear my mind a lot of the time. And just remembering that if those thoughts disturb me then they are not my TRUE intention ya know? It’s really hard but watching a lot of YouTube videos about it and how to reprogram the subconscious mind and staying up with good habits does help! Lmk if u do any of this🥺I wish everyone the best. Ocd sucks ass fr
- Date posted
- 3y ago
All those extra thoughts and what ifs are OCD. I read on this app once that when someone gets what ifs they say, what if I shut the fuck up. That helps me lol
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Hi there! Thank you so much for your vulnerability to share on here. I have definitely experienced this with POCD. I absolutely know how you're feeling; please know you're not alone. OCD is the doubting disorder and it makes you question anything and everything. As difficult as it may seem, try challenging your OCD. Tell it, "Just because I thought that wild thought, does not mean that is who I am!" I can promise you that with ERP, you will be able to get your life back. Do not give up. I know that OCD is strong, but you are stronger!
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Struggling with the same thing right now
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Yes!! I had that during my therapy session today too. I’m just picturing it like OCD is really fighting to stay in my brain, it’s trying to get in the way of therapy 😂 I think we need to do our best to take a step back and notice the thoughts when they come, and label it as OCD. Easier said than done, I know. Because our emotions are tied in, I think.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Yep I get it. My hardest exposure of course deals with a loved one and reading it out loud I fear that it will manifest or Im giving it attention. It sucks
- Date posted
- 3y ago
When my OCD got really bad I felt exactly the same...I felt like I had to do something and was crying to my husband that he needed to drive me to the hospital and check me in because I was so scared of myself
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- Date posted
- 25w ago
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- Date posted
- 24w ago
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- Date posted
- 21w ago
Is this ocd? I Have a thought or think something f harmful that I’ve gotten intrusive thoughts about - and get a feeling like I want/like it or it would give me relief??? Please tell me that will eventually go away and I’ll get my real feelings back??? Or have I just turned into those things? Sometimes things that make me upset it even feels like I’ll do them just so I can be upset about them.
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