- Date posted
- 3y ago
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Hi! I have been dealing with OCD my whole life and I have used both therapy and medications. I also was planning on going into psychiatry for many years, so I have done a ton of research on OCD and medication. Zoloft is actually what I first started on, but in order for me to see any benefit, I needed 100 mg. I noticed that with this dose, it helped my anxiety and ocd, but I still was having many intrusive thoughts. 150 mg is where I noticed a reduction in these thoughts. For OCD (and especially mental based obsessions like the ones that you are experiencing) the optimal dose of Zoloft is 150-200 mg, so if you are already seeing improvement at such a low dose, Zoloft is probably a great medication for you and I would move to 100 mg. I would suggest aiming for the 150 mg dose over the next couple of months. If you need anything else, feel free to reach out to me!
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Matthew what’s the best way to reach out to you with quesrions
- Date posted
- 3y ago
@Anonymous You can email me at blackbeltowl@gmail.com
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I'm on 200 mg past 3 weeks. Too soon to tell.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
*PERSONALLY* i felt better on 50mg zoloft then when my doctor tried to up it. At 50mg in highschool, i felt good. I eventually got off it. But during the pandemic, i needed medicine again and my new doctor was like “people with ocd need it to be at 200mg” and would up it every 3 days and I literally felt insane and now am scared of medicine. Its honestly up to you and take it at a pace that you give it a chance to work. Remember these arent magic pills that take away our ocd, they assist the work we put in so we get there(:
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I’m at 200 mg on Zoloft. I see minor changes in my day to day life, but I definitely still have bad days with ocd and it feels like I’m starting from the beginning again. I think it definitely depends on the person! If you’re having a flare up, I suggest maybe talking to your doctor about also taking buspirone. It helps me calm down if I’m having a flare up. I’m prescribed Zoloft, buspirone and hydroxyzine.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
It worked wonders for me. I got off back in June and I’m having the worst ocd relapse ever. So horrible. I have an appt to get back on Zoloft on the 20th. I wish I would’ve never got off of it 🥺
- Date posted
- 3y ago
It didn’t work for me, but everyone is different.
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