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- Casee
- Date posted
- 2y ago
You are a beautiful human being. Sharing your experiences shows how valuable and brave You are. Never loose faith. You will improve. Takes time,
I wish life was easier on you, i know each got his own battle to fight but with ocd it’s like double the battles, double the struggle, double the anxiety, double everything, I honestly don’t know if my words would help you to overcome some of your struggles, but one thing I know that I could empath with you even if I don’t know you and your miles away cuz I could feel what people got to fight everyday from getting up till the most hardest thing somone could do in a day. I just wish you the best of all and most importantly the peace of mind you’re looking for and I hope you can beat these thoughts and shake them away ( even when it seems the hardest thing to do) I hope you feel better and have someone by your side who at least can help you take that luggage off your shoulders when life isn’t the best with you. By the end of this I would like to tell that YOU MATTER and YOU ARE WORTH living the life you always imagined and no train could give it back Take care of yourself for that GOD gave it to us with love and we should treat it with love cuz it’s all we got after all, be careful of these cuz if this time it was a train don’t know what next time it will be ? And I know if a person had suicidal thoughts for once he or she would get it often and imagine living each day and seeing everything around you as a way to kill yourself ( I know I probably texted a lot but I know if a person struggles and sees people who struggles like him he should help them too and wish them the best like he’d wish for himself for that I wish you the best health and life. In the end of it ,if seeking help is available to you don’t seek it don’t hesitate cuz it’s never shameful to ask for help and suicidal thoughts are ain’t a joke. All the love from a random Someone who wishes you the best!!!!🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
I’ve been feeling bad, too. Let’s hang in there and beat this crap
Oh Eve, this is heart breaking to read. Please know that you are not alone and that there is help. It will not always feel this way. I know that right now, in this moment it feels like it will not change but it can change. You can get to a place where you feel better. Are you seeing a doctor or a therapist? If you are having thoughts that you may act on these thoughts you need to call 911 or go to emergency room immediately. Here are some other resources: Crisis Text Line: Text from any device: 741 741 Website: https://www.crisistextline.org/ Suicide hotline number: Call from any device/phone: 800-273-8255 Website: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ NOCD offers support groups that can also be helpful, you truly are not alone.
The other day I was with my mom and I had these intense urge to do this horrible thought, and a knife was in the table and I grabbed it but I grabbed it knowing that I know I was not capable of doing it and I put in the sink, I had to grab it in order for me to stop the “urge” that I was having. I love this women with all my life she’s been my inspiration to keep going forward, but ocd is telling me that I grabbed the knife because I actually wanted to do it. I don’t know if what I did was ok or not, or if I’m actually dangerous.
Hey everyone. Long post, but just want some advice. I’ve had suicidal ocd, with some relationship & existential on the side lol, for about a year and a half. My suicidal ocd is pretty severe. I did a small amount of erp for a month or two, but then took a break. Last week I started an IOP program. I also take 10 mg of Prozac, and have for about 5 weeks. The first week of IOP was great. This week I have went downhill and feel like my ‘old ocd self’ again meaning heavily ruminating and seeking reassurance. My exposure today was standing near train tracks. It made me sad, and scared. I didn’t want to do it. I keep ruminating. I am absolutely terrified I will not get better. I’m scared I will get depressed and think life is not worth it. Thoughts constantly run through my head. I want to be here so bad, but I’m scared I am going to give up. I constantly worry I won’t be “happy” long term and I won’t recover. Can anyone give me some hope? I am scared I’m a lost caus. Any recovery stories? I’ve never had depression and I’m feeling a bit worried about myself from feeling tired and sad. I don’t know many people with suicidal ocd- I just want to know I can recover. Thanks for reading!
Struggling today with my thoughts and maybe some dissociation. I can’t get any clear thoughts. I felt like lately I’ve started to recover and then the past few days have felt so hard. I feel scared for the future. I am scared I don’t have enough hope for living with ocd. I am scared that I’m not gonna be happy. I’m scared I’ll chose to end my life over this. I’m scared I’ll want to end my life. I feel weird. My thoughts are jumbled today. Something feels like it’s going to happen and that’s what is giving me anxiety.
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