- Date posted
- 5y ago
- Date posted
- 5y ago
You can do this ♥️ I'm talking a lot ? But there's this one saying that really helped me and I'm paraphrasing here but it was something along the lines of you are the sky and OCD is the clouds. You came first and it can't survive without you. Maybe use that if you feel like you really have to do your compulsions.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Me too. But then I question if I do and the cycle goes back
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I’m going to delete this app because I’m definitely coming on here for reassurance. I need to get better
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Or you could just do the exercises and not talk to anyone if you think that would be better
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I hope you get better! ♥️ There's sooo many options out there and even ones for if your sexuality doesn't fit any of the others! I know it's kind of an empty saying but try not to worry about it so much. Even though your hocd might make you do it
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Well just go to the therapist. If she says something different you need to mention ocd. If she doesn’t specialize in it you need to get another therapist. They can really mess with ocd if they don’t know. Also if the thoughts are real who cares?? You’ll still be you! But I know that you don’t want those thoughts so I really think it’s ocd
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I come on her to feel better and that fuels my ocd I know it does. I deleted the app yesterday for only a little bit and I kept getting urges to get it again “just to check it” but I know this app makes me feel better and I just want to let the thoughts be there and to not avoid it
- Date posted
- 5y ago
It's obviously up to you but are you sure it's your OCD? Maybe it's a coping mechanism instead. But I'm new to this and not an expert so do what you think is best. If you stay on this app I'd love to help you though ♥️
- Date posted
- 5y ago
What do you mean? Getting on the app is a coping mechanism?
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Yeah. It could be distracting you but again I could be totally wrong.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Yeah idk. I can’t tell what I’m doing for reassurance or just trying to feel better. This is all confusing
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I know it is lol
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I’m literally sitting outside of my work not wanting to go in. I’m so tired. I’m confused. I can’t get a therapist because none of them specialize in ocd around me. Ugh this is annoying?
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Yeah I know but reassurance is a compulsion, so I think I might be doing that to feel better
- Date posted
- 5y ago
You can go into work and come back to the app whenever you need to. Just try to wane yourself off of it and not just stop cold turkey. ♥️
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Also you can use the SOS feature instead of asking for reassurance if you feel better about that
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Thank you I think I’ll be ok it’s just all confusing right now. I think I have a lot of mental compulsions and looking things up for reassurance is also one. I’m confused because I really can’t tell anymore. I used to be so sure of my sexuality and I still know I’m straight but these thoughts confuse me. I’m just not sure anymore, like what if I’m actually gay and I’m just denying it? That right there is a hocd thought, so why can’t I get it through my head?? Ugh so annoying
- Date posted
- 5y ago
There's also a thing called heteroflexible. (Which is what I am) It means you're straight, but you like the same gender as well, but you'll probably never act on it. It has a really cool flag too lol look it up. When I found this I felt so much better about myself. I don't know if I had hocd before I found it but if I did it stopped it. I would cry because I didn't know what I was and when I found that term I cried tears of joy lol. Don't know if this is what you are or not but though I might be able to help. ♥️ Btw happy pride month! ?️?
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Me too. Instead that I actually did know if I’m straight. I am feeling so anxious. 99% of my attraction is gone. I think I like this guy but I am even doubting that. I am even worried about my first therapist appointment today. I keep searching my past if I have found certain people attractive or something when I’m the moment I didn’t feel anything
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I honestly think a lot more people are heteroflexible than they think lol
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I don’t want to be that either. I just don’t want to be with women. I mean Idk anymore. I doubt everything. I just don’t know how I feel towards women, like I think every girl is pretty now, and then I get anxiety and constant thoughts that bother me. I don’t even know if I like guys or if I ever did and that’s scary!
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Well thank you for that! But it really doesn’t feel right that’s just not me. Idk it’s all so confusing because I never worried about this before. I’ve always liked boys I can remember having crushes on boys thinking their cute. I had hocd when I was younger as well just because I kid called me a lesbian what a dumb ass. He really made me so upset. Maybe it’s a traumatic experience that’s bothering me. Idk it’s weird. I wouldn’t even care if I was that way it just doesn’t feel right. I don’t have any problems with people that are that way, my brothers that way! I always ask him questions and he says I’m obviously not that way so whyyyyy ugh I can’t
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Heteroflexible means you won't date the same gender but you still think they're pretty or cute or whatever.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Also there's abro which means your sexuality's always changing
- Date posted
- 5y ago
And there's even a flag for questioning so you can feel at ease either way ?♥️
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Yeah I don’t think girls are cute, I think girls are pretty and most of the time I want to look like them. I’m definitely not that way, but thank you so much for giving me options! That easily could have been me and I would be better. Sadly I’m still in hocd confused asf but I’m not that upset anymore so that’s good
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I just feel so weird. It’s like do I enjoy the thoughts or not? I want to be like before. But I don’t know how I used to be. It’s all so confusing, like I’ll never be myself again. I don’t feel anything towards women and that’s it! I just questions and have these horrible images all the time and they feel so real
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Have you seen a therapist?? You might need one I don’t think my ocd is as bad as yours. It might have been before but now I’m a little bit better.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I have my first session today. I am worried tho. What if she won’t understand, and tell me I don’t have ocd? I am a little embarrassed by even telling her this. Now I got the thought “why don’t you wanna be gay. You are and that’s it. Stop lying” and it feels so real. I hate this. It’s like I am stuck in my head all day.
Related posts
- Date posted
- 23w ago
I just want to know the difference of someone who is gay vs someone who is just questioning bc of ocd. Like would you hear I’m gay im gay over and over and over again in your head but it didn’t feel right? But when I say this is a waste of my time im of course straight it feels like im lying but I know im not attracted to women at all I am certain of that. But picking a label is what i can’t settle on so this is my ocd or not
- Date posted
- 22w ago
Anyone else will just be doing anything normal and I’m gay comes in? It’s so distressing and I try and say ok sure ocd but the anxiety over takes me and my mind won’t let me believe I’m straight when I am. I love men I’m Not attracted to women but when I ask myself the doubt is for sure there which sounds like Casebook ocd. I’m just sick of this I don’t want to have to laugh at things in my head that don’t make any sense it’s so hard and unfair
- Date posted
- 22w ago
Ok so I’m a 17 year old female, and I’ve always thought I was straight. But I just really want to know how you would know the difference between so-ocd and actually questioning your sexuality. I have nothing against the LGBTQ community (in fact I am very much a token straight friend, lol) but I saw a video about comp-het recently and it sort of felt like what I was experiencing. I don’t want to be gay, I want to be with men, I want to like men, I’ve always liked men, but now I’m questioning whether or not that’s real? Because people can be gay but not want to be right? I’m single and I always have been. I think women are gorgeous, but when I try to imagine actually having any sort of romantic or sexual relationship with a woman it feels wrong, at least most of the time it does? Sometimes I’m less sure, and I’ve never been particularly boy crazy. I’ve liked maybe 2 or 3 people in my life, (not to say I’ve never found other guys attractive, but it doesn’t seem to be as often as most people) I have no particular reason to be afraid of being gay, very supportive family, safe area ect, but I don’t want to be, does that mean this is ocd, I don’t know what’s going on every time I say I’m straight I feel like I’m lying, but that might just be because I think about it so much. The idea of being with a woman doesn’t feel like something I would want, but is that just because I don’t want to want it? People online say things with so much sureness, if you feel like this it means this. Ect.
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