- Date posted
- 5y ago
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Thank you so much for your answer, it was very helpful. It's very hard to see things clearly when there's a veil (ocd) covering your sight. I've thought before about never trying to figure anything out when I'm in this state of mind, but it's very hard to actually *know* when your mind is getting overwhelmed by ocd, as ocd tends to morph itself to be most effective against you. It feels terrible. My heart beats faster, I start shaking and my mind goes crazy. I fear that if this fear of being a bad person goes away, I'll be left out with the realization that I like women, and I've been denying all proof of that all along. I know it's sounds very... ocd, and as I'm writing this, it feels illegitimate and childish, but this damned veil just won't let me see. And honestly, I'm quite scared of what I'll see once/if it's taken off.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
You hit a backdoor spike and now you’re relapsing. It’s okay! It happens! Please give yourself some slack. This is NOT an easy path to go down. But you can get through it. While I can’t tell you what your sexuality is, I can tell you that from this side it is clear you’re dealing with OCD with a sexual orientation theme. I always like to share this with SOOCD sufferers that worry they’re gay: https://jackieleasommers.com/tag/homosexual-vs-hocd/ Do you have the ability to see an OCD specialist in your area? I think it could be really great for you. If there isn’t one nearby, many practices offer online or telephone therapy as well. If you can’t go to therapy, I highly recommend buying some books on OCD and a CBT workbook to go through on your own. You should also take some time to learn how to practice mindfulness. It will help you let these thoughts pass through without engaging in them and letting your mind go into an OCD spiral. I can see you’re in crisis right now, so just remember: you’re not alone. You can do this. This feeling will pass. And then it will probably come back and then pass again. I’ve personally overcome SOOCD in the past, so I know it’s possible. You’ve got this!
- Date posted
- 5y ago
We have so much in comman her difference is your female and I'm Male. I worrie day in day out that I'm living a life. The anxiety that comes with it is very overwhelming and hard to get threw . I sleep and wake up ever 15 mins and little voice says your gay . It's hard to process when you are 32 and have only had sex with opposite sex . The thing with this is to just agree with it and to let it in , I find that hard aswell, but it's how you build up to it keep your head high and be strong . And as for kids and getting married I'm getting married next summer and I have two kids one 4 and one 2 . My wife to be is supportive of this whole deal . No matter how real it feels dont fight it cause it only gets worst cheers
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Dear Lavander, I am so sorry that you are going through this. It's really tough. I hope I won't be giving you reassurance, I'll try not to, it might not even click with you since you seem to be under the OCD spell. My therapist told me that once in a while, when appropriate, it is O.K to talk some sense into people. Here I go: I consider myself to be - let's say, 'not fully straight' (I really hate labels). I have met maaaany people like me who were raised super religious, homophobic and orthodox. I met at least 100 people like that, that is, people who were not 100% straight and at the same time were going through 'reparative therapy' because according to religion it was not O.K to be like that. Well, none of these people as religious as they were were as half as worried about their sexuality as you are about yours. Your worrying about it is extreme and unhealthy, which to me seems like it cannot be anything else but OCD. People like us, 'who are not 100% straight' don't panic about it initially. We might have been somewhat sad sometimes or angry but we knew since very early that we were different - Most of us don't panic at those thoughts. What surprises me a lot is that it seems pretty clear to you what you WANT - if you know what you want, then why worry?! You want a romance with a man and a family with a man and children, etc. Media has scared us a lot about all these 'closeted people'. You are not scared of being gay, you are scared of being a bad person. That's everyone's ultimate fear in this forum.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Living a lie sorry ** not living a life
- Date posted
- 5y ago
@purelife Thank you! I'll give a look at the website you linked. About therapy, it's hard to do it now, and for the next few years to come I'm afraid. I already accepted the fact that until there I'll have to deal with this on my own and with the support of people here, that I'm very grateful that are mostly very kind and helpful. I'm dependent on my parents, and my mom isn't really fond of the idea of getting an OCD specialist. She was getting worried, I was feeling bad for it, so I just let it pass. My parents think I'm fine now, and I think it's for the best. Interestingly, I started getting better once I came to the realization that I'd have to deal with this alone until I could pay for therapy. And about mindfulness, I've seen a lot of people talk about it but I myself don't really know how to do it. Actually, even though I spent a lot of time overanalyzing my own thoughts, meditation and this stuff actually makes me quite scared of what I'm going to find, specially now that my mind is quite twisted. Thank you so much for your words, you're very kind! We need to keep pushing through this, I guess. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."
- Date posted
- 5y ago
@dsp Thank you for your kind words as well! I'm sorry you're going through this too, but I'm happy that your thriving despite it all! I'm trying to not give these thoughts meaning and just letting them pass, but sometimes they can get overwhelming, and those are the moments I come here to vent, to get some advice and comfort. I wish you and your family all the best. I hope I will be as fortunate as you in the future.
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- Date posted
- 25w ago
Hi everyone, Lately, I’ve been feeling confused and anxious about my sexuality, which has been challenging to navigate. I’ve always identified as straight and am currently in a happy relationship with my boyfriend. However, I’ve recently started questioning if I might have some attraction to women, which has caused me a lot of anxiety. To be clear, I’ve never experienced romantic or physical attraction toward women in real life, but I have watched lesbian porn in the past. Now, I can’t help but worry that this might mean I’m attracted to women after all. On top of this, I’ve noticed a decrease in my sexual desire for my boyfriend, which only intensifies my concerns about both my sexual orientation and my relationship. This confusion is something I’ve never dealt with before, and it’s starting to take an emotional toll. If anyone has experienced something similar, I would really appreciate any advice or insights on how you worked through it. What helped you find clarity? Someone mentioned that my anxiety might be OCD-related, though I’m not familiar with OCD in this context. I’d love to hear from anyone with experience in navigating these kinds of thoughts or anxiety. I’m open to any personal stories, resources, or guidance on how to approach this situation, both for myself and in communication with my partner. I want to better understand what I’m feeling without being overwhelmed by fear. Thank you in advance for your support!
- Date posted
- 22w ago
Ok so I’m a 17 year old female, and I’ve always thought I was straight. But I just really want to know how you would know the difference between so-ocd and actually questioning your sexuality. I have nothing against the LGBTQ community (in fact I am very much a token straight friend, lol) but I saw a video about comp-het recently and it sort of felt like what I was experiencing. I don’t want to be gay, I want to be with men, I want to like men, I’ve always liked men, but now I’m questioning whether or not that’s real? Because people can be gay but not want to be right? I’m single and I always have been. I think women are gorgeous, but when I try to imagine actually having any sort of romantic or sexual relationship with a woman it feels wrong, at least most of the time it does? Sometimes I’m less sure, and I’ve never been particularly boy crazy. I’ve liked maybe 2 or 3 people in my life, (not to say I’ve never found other guys attractive, but it doesn’t seem to be as often as most people) I have no particular reason to be afraid of being gay, very supportive family, safe area ect, but I don’t want to be, does that mean this is ocd, I don’t know what’s going on every time I say I’m straight I feel like I’m lying, but that might just be because I think about it so much. The idea of being with a woman doesn’t feel like something I would want, but is that just because I don’t want to want it? People online say things with so much sureness, if you feel like this it means this. Ect.
- Date posted
- 19w ago
I’m so tired of my OCD changing “themes.” And no matter what it changes to, it’s always directed towards a specific person - my mom. My mom and I are very close. I consider her my best friend and we live together. I can share anything with her and she’s very supportive. I’m 32 now, but harm ocd started when I was 15 and she was the main target back then as well. I had a bad flare up this year and the harm thoughts came back, but about a week ago they turned into sexual thoughts. Graphic thoughts and images about incest. These thoughts typically make me feel panic and dread, and just an overall depressed feeling. It has made me uncomfortable to be around my mom, since I can’t even look at her without a sexual thought or image popping up. Even watching a romantic scene in a show, listening a romantic song, etc. My brain wants to put an image of her in my head. Even me fantasizing about a man that I’m attracted to will replace the man with my mom. They just keep popping up. So this of course makes me think I actually want these things, and are actually fantasies. I have started to wonder if I’m in actual denial or that these are my true feelings. I have never been a relationship before due to not having much interest in it plus my mental health issues started as a teen, but someday I would like to get married. But now I’m thinking maybe I’ve never pursued a relationship with someone else because I’m actually in love with my mom and want to be with her, but I can’t so I’m just suppressing my feelings. And I do love my mom, but I question myself is this just platonic or familial love? Also questioning our relationship in general now - is it unhealthy or too dependent? It makes me feel doubt, since I have never really been in love before with someone else so I have nothing to compare it to. Always just crushes or finding a man attractive, and I identify as straight. But I also have not thought of my mom in a sexual way before, so I’m hoping this is just my OCD acting up. Even thinking about a future relationship with a man is making me feel nervous, since I think if I have feelings for my mom, will I ever be able to be in a serious relationship someday? If I’m with someone will I actually just picture her? It makes me feel hopeless, like I can’t help how I feel and what if these things are true? Would I act on them? My brain even made me think, “you want to ask your mom to be in a sexual relationship with you and/or want her to ask you.” I feel like such a pervert for writing that, like a truly disgusting person. I know I don’t want these things to be true, but what if they are and I can’t help how I feel? Again just feel doubt and uncertainty, that I’m in denial, and not to mention just feeling like a very sick individual.
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