- Date posted
- 1y ago
You guys I’m having an episode .. but I don’t need reassurance I just need advice
You guys I’m having an episode .. but I don’t need reassurance I just need advice
I don’t think that’s weird at all, it’s just an intrusive thought you’ve come up with. She’s your friend and you expect her to be there for you when you need. You dissociating from your partner is a temporary feeling that your mind has convinced you of because you didn’t get the reassurance you needed in that moment. You will eventually work through it and feel love for your partner again. You have every right to feel like you want a friends attention because they’d probably feel the same if in the situation. Don’t let the anxiety get to you, you’re just trying to figure things out. Our mind is our greatest enemy and sometimes we just have to let the thoughts pass, without hurting us.
@mtkenumb It sucks because now I’m asking myself if I even love my partner because for those 2 days I was kind of ignoring him because I was anxious waiting and focusing on her answering me
@1234ocdisabitch I went through a phase of questioning if I loved my partner as well. I had to seek reassurance from them every day and “convince” myself. Your feelings are stronger than thoughts, if you don’t want to be with them you’d definitely be gone by now. Be patient with yourself, and don’t be so harsh. We are all humans, life is about learning and growing.
@mtkenumb Exactly I don’t even want to tel him anything anymore because deep down I know I do love him . Love is a choice not a feeling
That’s what eveyone tells me , if I didn’t love him I wouldn’t feel bad for breaking up.
@1234ocdisabitch yes, you’re not going to always feel the “love” with your partner. the whole point of being with someone is learning more about them each day, that could take a life time. You can’t expect to always feel the same way about them, but as long as you know you want to be with them and grow mentally, and emotionally that’s all that matters! Don’t even tell them you’ve been feeling that way because it’s just your thoughts distracting you
@mtkenumb YESS ! Also this is tmi but I haven’t been feeling like having sex is that normal ?
@1234ocdisabitch Yes, when you worry about something sex is probably the last thing on your mind. Heck some relationships aren’t as sexual as others. Me and my partner haven’t had sex and we’ve been together for almost a year. I know i love them and they for sure love me because they tell me/show me it every day. You’ll eventually get back into the feeling of being sexual once your mind has calmed down. Don’t give yourself a certain period of when you’re hoping to feel better. These things take time, patience is the key!
@mtkenumb I feel like shit tho because sometimes I’m like fuck it I do want to have sex , but I just be overthinking and it’s not peaceful ! At all :( I wish I was normal lol
@1234ocdisabitch 1. You are extremely normal, some of us just have crazy thoughts and that’s okay. As long as we don’t act on them!! This is just a temporary stage in our life, and honestly you should see it as a way of the universe challenging you. Once you’ve completed it you will be so so happy and enjoy life a lot more. The challenge won’t last long if you’re patient and take time for yourself. 2. Sex is nice but i’m sure your partner enjoys having you around as much as they would sex. Appreciate them and just wait until you’re ready to be intimate again!
Well this post helped me Lolol.. just the advice comments ! When we get in our heads you are right ! It’s all just temporary.. we eventually get back to our normal selves when it subsides .. something we need to keep reminding ourselves ..
@Anonymous Yess !! I’m glad this helped
what advice do you need?
Okay so 2 days ago my friend was taking forever to answer , and I hate when people take long to answer a message her phone was on dnd but she just needed free time for herself which is absolutely good !! But the thing is I kept having anxiety because I wanted her to answer me because I needed advice and reassurance about my realtionship . So I didn’t even focus on my relationship for those 2 days and I dissociated and now I feel disconnected from my partner ? And now I’m thinking oh what if I’m lesbian because I was obssesing over the fact that she wasn’t answering just the same way I do with my boyfriend when he takes long to answer back
And now all I can think of is my friend .. which is fuken weird to me
It’s like I’m more focused on her which I don’t want that it’s weird
something that really bugs me and gets in my head with my rocd is that for most of my relationship i’ve had this nagging anxiety and ocd about it. i can accept my thoughts for the most part, but have this underlying fear that this one could really mean something and that makes me feel guilty! i don’t want to loose her but my mind tells me i do because ive had these thoughts. it’s even coming up in my dreams now! i had a dream last night that i cheated and it made me panic all today and feel so bad and this thought came up again! any advice?
Having a really bad day with my ocd. Just had a massive meltdown. I’ve had 3 sessions with an ocd therapist and I feel worse. This is very confusing to me. I’ve read online that it’s normal to feel worse at the start of therapy, but i don’t know. I’m asking for a lot of reassurance from people, way more than I have ever done. My doubts and thoughts seem to be getting worse. My mum said if the relationship is making you so unhappy why are you doing it? This was sooo triggering for me but maybe she’s right? She said if I didn’t have the relationship in my life, I wouldn’t be having meltdowns or have an ocd spike, so she thinks I should consider whether to be in the relationship or not! Omg it’s so awful to hear those words. But maybe she is kind of right? If somethings making you anxious or unhappy, you stop don’t you? So why haven’t I broken up with him? That would be the logical step. Im so worried to make myself even more ill so im very scared to carry on with the relationship, because right now, my mind is telling me its the cause of my unhappiness and i would be better without it. But is that my ocd speaking? How do I know?! My life without him would be so bleak, or is it my life without the idea of someone in it? I have so many questions, it’s overwhelming. What if I’m not listening to my gut? Maybe I’m not. That makes me feel sick if I’m ignoring myself again. This is torture. What can I do to stop all these doubts and feel better about things!!! I would love some advice 🙏🏻🙏🏻 (this is my ocd talking, but comments that agree with my ocd are very triggering like ‘yes if you feel like that that is a major red flag’. Just comments that maybe give some hope, thank you 🙏🏻)
hi. so one big factor of my OCD is rumination. i met a guy who i have a crush on the idea of (idea bc there are red flags). my biggest fear is not finding true love, my ex told me no one else would deal with what i have (my ocd, specifically reassurance seeking and getting overstimulated after intimacy). a few weeks ago, my friends and family all gathered and tried to give me advice that sounded like “you’re shy and you’ll never find someone.” after that, i’ve felt off. i’ve been using an unhealthy coping skill, daydreaming, and i’ve just felt unbalanced. my ocd makes everything feel different sometimes, i can’t explain it. life, myself, almost like being in a dissociated state. has anyone else experienced that? i don’t know how to remain balanced during my off times and i know pms exasperates it all. i take ashwaghanda and omega 3s in a multi vitamin daily. i take them all together in the evening but i’ve missed three days recently and also messed with my rocky sleep schedule because of fun times with friends. i hope these supplements work, because i don’t know if i’d be brave enough for medication. i had a bad reaction on prozac and often am forgetful. i just have been battling my OCD consciously for almost ten years now and unconsciously for longer. i am so tired, as my mental health extends beyond my OCD. i’m in talk therapy with some cbt aspects but i only see her twice a month. i’ve broken down so many times and promised myself id get on track or that certain things would work, but it’s like i am stuck in a circle that gets smaller when i’m able to help myself. i just want to be normal. i want to be able to mess up my sleep schedule to enjoy good times and not suffer horrible consequences or fear that i will be entirely thrown off balance. i don’t want to worry or doubt or feel so dissociative that i squint my eyes for a moment and wonder why i feel so unreal. i will never understand why god has allowed me to go through this. i cannot let it be for nothing but i don’t know how much more to bend and contort my body and brain to get somewhere stable but how lovely it would be if i could. i don’t have much of a schedule right now, i get apathetic and give in with things from time to time. one thing can trigger me and i am back to square one wether in a week or month. any advice, any and all is so helpful. your stories, your thoughts. maybe feeling less alone and knowing what has helped you is exactly what i need right now. thank you 💗
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