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- 12354462
- Date posted
- 1y ago
Does anyone else feel like OCD is asking you to ruin your life and make decisions/things that you don't want to do because it's "what I secretly want"? It feels hard to even know what's real anymore.
Does anyone else feel like OCD is asking you to ruin your life and make decisions/things that you don't want to do because it's "what I secretly want"? It feels hard to even know what's real anymore.
Kind of like "if you do this x thing you don't want to do, then you'll feel better"
Oh yeah definitely… My ocd was telling me "break up with your bf now because you’re gonna marry a woman even if you don’t want cause you know you’re secretly a lesbian" 🥲🥲 I almost did it, like honestly I was ready to go on a date with a random girl even if it make me unhappy (like I was depressed by the idea of it) but just so my ocd can shut and because it almost convince me I was. It’s like If I "discovered the truth" but the idea of me with a woman make me so miserable like I don’t want to but you know OCD is like "it’s because you’re in denial you gonna love it" 💀
@LolaG My OCD is telling me to break up with my girlfriend whom I love very, very much and feel like at home with for similar reasons. It sucks. Also the denial thing, YES. It's so convincing it feels unreal. I've always been proud and confident with my orientation but this condition made me doubt it and it's making me SICK. "You don't know before you try being with a man, you won't be fulfilled!" Like shut the fuck up bro.
@12354462 Yeah definitely I feel you, my brain screaming that I would be happier with a woman even if the idea of being with a woman made so unhappy like
Yep. It’s super annoying but trust me if you act on the thought it’s not gonna be nice it doesn’t make you feel better … I know from experience with my relationship ocd, in the past I got in my head about leaving someone I liked or loved cause I’m always doubting it, and ended up just regretting my action and being super mad at myself and missing the person I just left even though my ocd thoughts said this or that during the relationship. So that’s how I know it’s all just bullshit in my head .. as far the sexual orientation I know I’m not sexually attracted to the same sex but that shit is annoying when you know you don’t really like it or have any interest in it but you still think and think and think and think maybe I am maybe I’m not or what if I am or what if that ..
@Iamtheonewhooverthinks I know. In the past, I've given up to the compulsions that would momentarily offer relief. I'd be miserable without my partner. I love her so much. Also it's weird because I know I love her, so much, but the anxiety and constant non-stop ruminating makes me go "but what if...?" Like it's insane.
someone please reach out im really not doing okay and this is the closest i think ive come to making the decision that ny relationship needs to end but i cant do it. it's gotten so bad that even being around my boyfriend doesn't calm me down or make me feel better out these feelings, it just makes me feel like they're more real. im not confident that I'm just dealing with ocd at all. I'm so worried that my relationship is beyond repair and that I've fallen out of love because of resentment from problems we have. I don't know what love feels like how do I even know and yeah I know lo e isn't a feeling it's a choice but it's so hard to make choices let alone the correct ones when I'm doubting every aspect of our lives and relationship. I don't want to prolong the inevitable and make us both more miserable until we decide to finally end it but I don't want to end it if things can get better and I will feel normal again and in love. not guilty every time I say I love you because then I have the thought that I shouldn't say it because I don't know anymore. How do I talk to him about this. I bring it up but then I gloss it over with a reason that is more understandable and true but less painfu then "I don't know if im falling out of love or even what love feels like and I don't even know myself anymore so I don't know how I feel" and then we kinda comfort eachother until we get too sleepy to stay awake. I know OCD messes with your brain and can make feelings feel so real when they aren't and thoughts that aren't logical make the most sense. I know how it works but having OCD doesn't mean you can't experience the same things other people experience in relationships. So how do you know the difference.
My ocd makes me question everything. I don’t get it. what makes it want to attach to certain things? I don’t obsess over wether or not I like blue because it’s true I do like blue but other things like that, things that should be so simple for me to know is true ocd tries to take and make me second guess it. Even if I know for a logical fact that this thing is true or isn’t true. OCD will work so hard to try and convince me I’m wrongand even though I know I’m not wrong it eventually works and ends up convincing me I’m wrong and I spiral. Is this just part of the pattern how do I learn not to argue with my ocd cause that’s the problem. I try to test my ocd and argue with it but for every answer I have it has an answer to combat mine until it has me convinced I’m wrong about what I 100% know I’m not wrong about. It never stops even with things I thought I settled it like it has unlimited ways to prove to me that I’m wrong. It’s insane it makes me feel crazy. Sometimes I don’t even realize im performing a compulsion or I’m arguing with my ocd or testing it until it’s too late. It’s sneaky like that. Is this just a normal part of the cycle of OCD?
Everything feels so real. I think learning about non-offending pedophiles has really screwed with me. I feel like I’m not even doing compulsions anymore like I genuinely cannot remember if I do them or not and the groinal responses are messing with me. I keep having intrusive dreams and I’m in that half asleep state and I feel nothing after that or I feel weird like a good weird, I don’t know. It’s a really weird feeling when I get those thoughts but I don’t like them, I don’t think. All I know is, I keep seeking reassurance and I feel like I don’t have OCD because the way I feel, like the way I get worked up isn’t the same as others. Whenever I try to watch a show, like 9-1-1 or daily dose of sunshine, I feel like I’m watching something I shouldn’t be. Or if I’m just on my phone, I feel like something is going to happen. I feel red flags whenever I’m on my phone, like somehow cp will appear. I know that OCD is the doubting disorder but my god, this is just crazy. I feel like I’m going crazy. Everything is just nonstop, it’s so constant and I’m genuinely scared that I’ll do something when I get out of my room. I don’t know anymore, this whole OCD thing is just making me lose my mind.
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