- Username
- Private Augustus Cole
- Date posted
- 1y ago
I want to know how I can sit with OCD.
How can I sit with OCD?
How can I sit with OCD?
Just let it be don't pay attention or "talk" back to it . Do something that makes you happy even tho at the moment you might feel like crap eventually it will be easier. I been doing that and it has helped me a lot . Fighting is silence.
You sit with OCD by accepting the thought. For example you do not want to distract yourself. If I have a thought that makes me want to perform an action, or interact with it. I simply say out loud (to myself whispering in public sometimes) “maybe, but I’m not going to figure it out,” “ok, yeah, sure,” “how about I just wait and see. I may feel this way right now, but I’ll check back in with myself later.” “I feel XYZ, but I’m not going to figure it out.” “I may or may not be XYZ,” there is a book called overcoming unwanted intrusive thoughts that’s had a lot of helpful information it it. What people with OCD are advised to not do once entering into ERP is interacting with their thoughts in a way that will cause them to do the compulsion so if something is bothering me and I want to Google it for example, I will say something in order for me to not Google it. Or if I have a thought that is really bothersome to me, and it gets stuck in my brain because our thoughts are very sticky when we have OCD I don’t want to spend my time ruminating on all the possible outcomes in my brain. It is easier said than done but I’ve been in therapy since February and have had a lot of help with it.
Try to find something really interesting and distracting
trying to figure that out rn and i’m already so anxious
Yes to all of this! We don't have to accept what the thoughts say (it's probably all lies anyway, because OCD)... We just accept the thoughts are there. And then do something that is values based. Walk the dog(s) or yourself, go outside, clean up one area of your place (unless cleaning is a compulsion for you, then don't do that), see a friend, play a game... whatever you like to do or want to do. Move on with your day. Anxiety & OCD can come along if they want. But you're going to do your thing anyway.
I have never dated anyone bc of the fear that ocd would flare up too much and cause problems but this time i have taken a leap of faith and thought to myself that whatever ocd is gonna throw my way I will deal with it cause that's what I should be doing cause I can't not do anything in my life. What are your tips to when my ocd flares up due to me dating
I dont know if I have ocd really but I think I do because I have the intrusive thoughts and I always try and do things to soothe the anxiety. I've been dealing with this for a few months and this is a debilitating cycle and I wish I wad normal. when I first spoke to my therapist about it, she said that people with ocd like to clean and count a certain amount of tiles and stuff like that. I really want to get tested because I want help but im scared that if they say I don't have ocd then that means my intrusive thoughts are true and that I'm the person that my mind makes me think I am and it scares me. I mostly deal with symptoms of pocd so I try my best to avoid kids and sometimes I won't even want to go in public because of it and I count in my head a lot and try and see if my body is reacting any kind of way. I also try and just push the thoughts a way and do research and sometimes it makes me feel better but in reality it's just a cycle and it's terrifying so can someone please comfort me or give me advice and tips to help me feel better because I really need it. I just want to get help and stop this cycle because it's slowly killing me. I don't want to be the person my head thinks I am but in my head it's just constant fear anxiety and uncertainty.
I have constantly been feeling like if I hit one arm, I have to hit the other and if I set something down and it just didn’t look right or feel right I had to do it again or I had to move it to a different spot in my room I’ve had never been a clean freak, which is mainly what I get told is OCD And I don’t know if I should even have this app. I don’t know if I actually have it. I’m constantly worried that I did something in my past that harmed others and that’s why people don’t like me or I’m constantly worried People are constantly watching me and I don’t know if that’s OCD or if I have it so please tell me I will delete this app and never think of it again if I don’t I just really wanna know
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